Title: Educational%20Technology%20and%20Special%20Populations
1Educational Technology and Special Populations
- Disadvantaged students
- Gifted and Talented students
- Twice Exceptional students
2What are Special Populations?
- According to the Carl D. Perkins Technical
Education Act of 1998, Special Populations are
defined by - - individuals with disabilities
- - individuals from economically disadvantaged
families, including foster children - - individuals preparing for nontraditional
training and employment - - single parents, including single pregnant women
- - displaced homemakers
- - individuals with other barriers to educational
achievement, including individuals with limited
English proficiency
3Disadvantaged Students
- Provisions under NCLB Act Title I
- Equity may not be the answer
4Gifted and Talented Students
- What does it mean to be gifted?
- Giftedness is characterized by the following
traits - Idealism and perfectionism
- Sensitivity to self expectation, and the
expectations of others - Abstract thinking and problem solving
- Unusually advanced degree of intellectual ability
for the childs age group - Gifted kids speak
5Types of Testing that Determine Giftedness
- IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test
- Testing Cognitive Ability
- SB-5(Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, 5th
Edition) ages 2and up - WISC-IV
- Testing Non-verbal Intelligence
- CTONI(Comprehensive Test of Non-Verbal
Intelligence) ages 6 and up - KBIT-2
- Testing Reasoning and Perception
- SPM(Raven Standard Progressive Matrices) 6 and
up, also used for ELL
6Fields of giftedness follow Howard Gardners M I
- Spatial
- Linguistic
- Logical-mathematical
- Bodily kinesthetic
- Musical
- Interpersonal/Intrapersonal
- Naturalistic
7How does Technology Effect Gifted Students?
- Due to the unique needs of gifted students,
technology provides the opportunity for these
students to attain their full potential - -integration of social networking into the
classroom - -video-conferencing, wikis and blogs allow gifted
students to work collaboratively with other
students globally - - online education K-12 Inc, the largest online
provider of online learning for grades K-12
8Using Technology as a Tool Instructional
- Technology that is purposefully and strategically
incorporated into lesson designs will
successfully meet the intellectual needs of the
gifted student. - Instructional options include
- -Simulations
- -WebQuests
- -Virtual Field Trips
- -Telementoring
- -Videoconferencing Skype
9- IT also aids to differentiate instruction, which
allows students to learn at their appropriate
level - ADDIE, a popular planning model reflects the
strategic planning needed to effectively
incorporate technology into instruction - -Analysis
- -Design
- -Development
- -Implementation
- -Evaluation
- This model allows instructors to contemplate
desired outcomes before brining in IT to use as a
tool for instruction.
10Underachievement of Gifted Students
- Static, directed instruction that doesnt
incorporate IT - Teaching styles that dont serve the intellectual
strengths of the gifted child - Lack of pedagogical nurturing and direction
11Special Populations of Gifted StudentsTwice-
- Twice-Exceptional (2e) students can be identified
as gifted, yet be diagnosed with various
psychological conditions - - ADD/ADHD
- Autistic/Aspergers syndrome
- ODD (oppositional defiant disorder)
- PDD (pervasive developmental disorder)
- OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)
- Dyslexia
12Identification of 2e Students and Meeting their
- NCLB provides limited provision to gifted
students. - The Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students
Education Act provides funds for researching the
needs of 2e students, and works to reverse the
trend of inequity. - 2e students have diverse and unique needs that
require complex solutions - Traditional testing does not identify abilities
of 2e students - 2e students require non-authentic strategies of
- To meet the specific needs of gifted, talented
and 2e students there are advocacy groups and
online resources - www.uniquelygifted.org
- www.hoagiesgifted.org/
- http//webquest.org/search/index.php
- Concepts to keep in mind
- Using technology as a tool to differentiate
instruction - Teach them the way that they learn
National Association of Gifted Children. (2008).
Background Information The No Child Left
Behind Act. Retrieved on October 1, 2010 from
http//www.nagc.org/index.aspx?id999 Hoagies
Gifted. (2010)An Inventory on Tests. Retrieved on
September 29, 2010 from http//www.hoagiesgif
ted.org/tests.htm PAVTEC Education Consortium.
(2010) Consolidated Funds. Retrieved on
September 29, 2010 from
pulations.htm Siegle, Del, Ph.D. (2003). Mentors
on the net extending learning through
telementoring. Gifted Child Today, 26(4). 51-55.
Retrieved on October 2, 2010 from
TMentorsOnTheNet.pdf Seigle, Del, Ph.D.
(2008)Free options for internet
videoconferencing moving beyond e-mail and
chat. Gifted Child Today, 31(4). 14-18. Retrieved
on October 2, 2010 from
15U.S. Department of Education. (2004). Title I-
Improving the Academic Achievement of the
Disadvantaged. Retrieved on September 18, 2010,
from http//www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/l
eg/esea02/pg1.html Natcharian, L. (2010, August
4). Rain man explains twice-exceptional children.
Message posted to http//www.masslive.com.
Retrieved on October 3, 2010 from http//blog.ma
_twice_exceptional_children.html Obamehinti,
Feyi. (2010, July 5). Technology and the gifted
child. Fort Worth Education Examiner.
Retrieved on September 30, 2010 from
orth/technology-and- the-gifted-child
16Special EducationTechnology
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504 508
- American Disability Act (ADA) of 1990
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) of 2004 FAPE
18Thought to Ponder How do we define Disability?
- Is the term disability a mere reflection of our
19Learning Disabilities
- Reading Dyslexia
- Writing Dysgraphia
- Math Dyscalculia
- Ada home page. (2010). Retrieved from
http//www.ada.gov/ - A parent's guide to section 504 in public
schools. (2010). Retrieved from
l- rights/section-504.gs?content868 - Building the legacy idea 2004. (2010). Retrieved
from http//idea.ed.gov/explore/view - Learning disabilities association of america.
(2006). Retrieved from http//www.ldanatl.org/ - Learning disabilities association of connecticut.
(2010). Retrieved from http//www.ldact.org/ - Protecting students with disabilities. (2009).
Retrieved from http//www2.ed.gov/about/offices/l
ist/ocr/504faq.html - Neodirect. (2010). Retrieved from
http//www.neo-direct.com/ - Readwrite gold online demos. (2010). Retrieved
from http//www.texthelp.com/page.asp?pg_id10298
21- Section 508. (n.d.). Retrieved from
http//www.section508.gov/ - The rehabilitation act. (2004). Retrieved from
ml - Wizcom text solutions. (2010). Retrieved from
22The use of Technology in Special Populations
23ELL (English Language Learners)
- Many students come to the United States from
another country and face the challenge of
learning the English language and multiple
subjects at their school. - Administrators are given the task to equip
students with the literacy skills, academic
vocabulary and English language structures
24How can teachers, specialists or
para-professionals utilize technology in their
classroom to benefit their students?
- Smartboard
- Interactive Lessons
- Computer Programs
- AceReader Pro Windows
- Tell Me More Kids English (ESL) For ages 412
- Interactive Games
- Pass out controllers to allow students to answer
questions (multiple choice or T/F). The games can
serve as an assessment for each student.
- For Teachers
- They are not equipped with the proper resources
to provide their ELL students with the same
education as non-ESL students - Even with the proper tools, teachers are not
given enough instruction to allow the technology
to helpful for their ESL students - Not all teachers have a degree in ESL or
Bilingual Education - What else?
- For Students
- Students in certain situations have to miss out
on key subjects such as social studies and
science. They are required to take reading,
writing and mathematics, but as for the other
subjects they are not as important until they
begin improve in their English - Students also miss out on special subjects
- What else?
26Past Experience
- Two Rivers Magnet Middle School East Hartford,
CT - Substituted in MIT and LIT courses
- Students are required to attend this courses
because they are having trouble or in more - Many students have to miss out on Encore Courses
(Tech Ed, Music, Gym, Art)
- Observed as students worked on individual
computer software. - Read short stories on the computer and took
tests. - After the student felt they finished the story,
they would read the book to one of the teachers.
Academic Superstore Digital River Education
Services http//www.academicsuperstore.com/categor
y/Software/LanguageArts/Reading/277755 Beare,
K., (2010) Computer Use in the ESL Classroom,
About.com http//esl.about.com/od/esleflteachingt
echnique/a/t_compclass.htm Ensuring Academic
Literacy for ELL Students - Article Holmes, M.,
Perez, Della (2010). Ensuring Academic Literacy
for ELL Students. American Secondary Education,
38(2), 32-43 Academic Search Premier
(50282754) Lee, R., Effective Learning Outcomes
of ESL Elementary and Secondary School Students
Utilizing Educational Technology Infused with
Constructivist Pedagogy (English as a Second
Language). International Journal of Instructional
Media, 33(1), 87. Academic Search Premier
(EJ749767) Masterson, M., Use of Technology with
ESL Students http//www2.gsu.edu/mstmbs/IT8420/F
Boarding Schools in the USA Wappel, C., (2010)
Technology in the ESL Classroom. Boarding schools
in the USA. http//boardingschoolsusa.com/issue/b
he-esl-classroom ESL Students with Assertive
Technology Images Two Rivers Magnet Middle
School Picture http//www.orlcommercial.com/Image
20for20Web.jpg Front Page Picture http//www.e