Title: Body Organization
1Body Organization
Cells Tissues Organs
Organ systems
Basic unit of structure and function
Group of organs that work together to perform a
major function
Structure composed of different tissues
Group of similar cells that perform the same
2What the Skeletal System Does
- The Skeletal System
- Your skeleton has five major functions. It
provides shape and support, enables you to move,
protects your organs, produces blood cells, and
stores minerals and other materials until your
body needs them.
3(No Transcript)
4Joints of the Skeleton
- The Skeletal System
- A joint is a place in the body where two bones
come together. Joints allow bones to move in
different ways.
5BonesStrong and Living
- The Skeletal System
- Bones are complex living structures that undergo
growth and development.
6Asking Questions
- The Skeletal System
- Before you read, preview the red headings. In a
graphic organizer like the one below, ask a what
or how question for each heading. As you read,
write answers to your questions.
What does the skeleton do?
The skeleton provides shape and support, helps
you to move, protects organs, produces blood
cells, and stores minerals and other materials.
Joints can move forward or backward, in a circle,
in a rotating motion, and in a gliding motion.
How do joints move?
How strong are bones?
Bones can absorb more force without breaking than
granite or concrete.
What can I do to care for my bones?
Eat a well balanced diet and get plenty of
7Comparing and Contrasting
- Diagnosing Bone and Joint Injuries
- When you compare and contrast things, you explain
how they are alike and different. As you read,
compare and contrast X-rays and MRIs by
completing a table like the one below.
Effect on body cells
Can cause damage
Causes no damage
Types of injuries identified
Bone (fracture and dislocation)
Bone and soft tissue
Magnetic energy causes atoms to vibrate, which
forms a pattern that is converted into an image
Pass through soft tissue and are absorbed by
bone bone shows on film
How they work
Low cost
High cost
8Homeostasis the process that causes the bodys
internal environment to stay the same regardless
of changes on the outside.
Its hot outside
Its cold outside
9 The Skeletal System
- Provides shape and support
- Enables you to move
- Protects your organs
- Produces blood cells
- Stores certain materials
10Joint a place in the body where two bones come
types Immovable allows little or no movement
Movable allows a lot of movement
11Ligaments strong connective tissues that hold
bones together in movable joints.
12Vertebrae the 26 small bones that make up your
13Cartilage tissue that is more flexible than
bone. (feel the tip of your nose)
An infant has a lot of cartilage (in blue) that
will later turn in to hard bone tissue.
14Marrow the soft tissue found in spaces in the
Two types
Red marrow produces red blood cells
Yellow marrow stores fat which is used for an
energy reserve.
15The Muscular System
- Enables the body to move (with the skeletal
system) - Moves food through the digestive system
- Keeps the heart beating
16Muscle cells are able to contract by shortening
their overall length.
17Involuntary muscles muscles that are impossible
to control completely.
Ex heart and stomach muscles
Voluntary muscles muscles that are under your
Kicking a ball is voluntary
Smiling is voluntary!
18There are 3 types of muscle tissue.
191. Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones of
the body. They are voluntary and provide the
force that moves your bones. Tendons are what
attaches muscles to bones
202. Smooth muscle the inside of many internal
organs of the body such as the wall of the
stomach , and blood vessels. They are
involuntary muscles.
213. Cardiac Muscle involuntary muscles found
only in the heart. These muscles do not get
22The Nervous System
This system receives information or a stimulus,
and responds.
Ex you feel a mosquito on your arm (stimulus)
so you swat it (response).
23Nerves or neurons cells that carry information
through your body.
24There are different types of neurons that have
different functions
25Sensory neurons collect information from your
senses and tells your brain what you are seeing,
hearing, feeling etc.
Interneurons connect the sensory and motor
neurons together.
Motor neurons send messages to your muscles to
26Nerve Cells
Cell body contains the nucleus and other
organelles. Dendrites receives and carries the
message to the cell body. Axon Carries message
away from the cell body to the axon tips.
Axon tips
27When you hear the phone ring you pick up the
phone. Many neurons are involved in this simple
28Messages travel from neuron to neuron without
touching each other!
Synapses tiny spaces between a dendrite and an
axon. Into this space chemicals are released
that transmit the message between the two
29The Central Nervous System (CNS) is your brain
and spinal cord.
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) is all the
other nerves of the body.