The Terrestrial Planets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Terrestrial Planets


The Terrestrial Planets Chapter 4 Section 3 ISN p. 47 The Terrestrial Planets The terrestrial planets are the inner four planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Terrestrial Planets

The Terrestrial Planets
  • Chapter 4
  • Section 3
  • ISN p. 47

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The Terrestrial Planets
  • The terrestrial planets are the inner four
    planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars that
    are close to the size of Earth and have solid,
    rocky surfaces.
  • My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos OR
  • The gas giant planets are the outer planets of
    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune which are
    much larger, more gaseous, and lack solid
  • Pluto, the ninth planet from the Sun, has a solid
    surface, but it does not fit into either

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  • Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and has
    no moons.
  • Mercury is about 1/3 the size of Earth and has a
    smaller mass and radius.
  • Mercury has a slow spin of 1407.6 hours in 2 of
    Mercurys yrs., 3 of Mercurys days have passed.

Mercurys Atmosphere
  • Mercury has essentially no atmosphere, and what
    little does exist is composed primarily of oxygen
    and sodium.
  • The daytime surface temperature on Mercury is
    700 K (427ºC), while temperatures at night fall
    to 100 K (173ºC).
  • So what do you think the surface is like?

Mercurys Surface
  • Most of what we know about Mercury is based on
    radio observations and images from a United
    States space probe mission, called Mariner 10.
  • Mercurys surface is covered with craters and
    plains. The plains of Mercurys surface are
    smooth and relatively crater free.
  • Mercury has a planet wide system of cliffs,
    called scarps, that may have developed as
    Mercurys crust shrank and fractured early in the
    planets geological history.

Mercurys Interior
  • The high density of Mercury suggests that it has
    an extensive nickel-iron core, filling about 42
    of Mercurys volume.
  • The detectable magnetic field suggests that
    Mercury has a molten zone in its interior.
  • Mercurys small size, high density, and probable
    molten interior zone resemble what Earth might be
    like if its crust and mantle were removed.

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  • Venus, the 2nd planet from the Sun, has no moons.
  • Venuss high albedo and its proximity to Earth
    make it the brightest planet in Earths nighttime
  • The surface of Venus is very hot, and it rotates
    slowly clockwise with one day equaling 243 Earth
  • Venus has been explored by radar and spacecraft.

Venuss Atmosphere
  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system
    with an average surface temperature of about 737
    K (464C).
  • The atmospheric pressure on Venus is equivalent
    to 92 Earth atmospheres.
  • An efficient greenhouse effect is achieved with
    an atmosphere that is primarily carbon dioxide
    and nitrogen with clouds of sulfuric acid.

Venuss Surface
  • The 1989 Magellan missions of the U.S. used radar
    reflection measurements to map the surface of
    Venus in detail.
  • The surface has been smoothed by volcanic lava
    flows, and it has only a few impact craters.
  • The most recent global episode of volcanic
    activity took place about 500 million years ago.
  • There is little evidence of current tectonic
    activity on Venus, and there is no well-defined
    system of crustal plates.

Why do you think that it appears to be blue in
some photographs?
Venuss Interior
  • The size and density of Venus are similar to
    Earth, so the internal structure is most likely
  • It is theorized that Venus has a liquid metal
    core that extends halfway to the surface.
  • There is no measurable magnetic field despite
    this liquid core, which is probably due to
    Venuss slow rotation rate.

  • Earth, the 3rd planet from the Sun, has many
    unique properties.
  • Its distance from the Sun and its nearly circular
    orbit allow liquid water to exist on its surface
    in all 3 states solid, liquid, and gas.
  • Liquid water is required for life.
  • Earths moderately dense atmosphere (78 percent
    nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen) and a mild
    greenhouse effect support conditions suitable for

Earths Wobble
  • Earths axis is tilted and has a wobble.
  • Precession is the wobble in Earths rotational
  • It takes Earths rotational axis about 26 000
    years to go through one cycle of precession.
  • The sideways pull that causes precession comes
    from the Moons gravitational
  • force on Earth, as well
  • as to a lesser extent,
  • the Suns gravitational
  • force.

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  • Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun and the
    outermost of the terrestrial planets.
  • Mars is smaller and less dense than Earth and has
    two irregularly-shaped moons, Phobos and Deimos.
  • Mars has been
  • explored by
  • telescopes on Earth
  • and with probes
  • beginning in the
  • 1960s that have
  • flown by, orbited, or
  • landed.

Mars Atmosphere
  • The composition of Marss atmosphere is similar
    to Venuss atmosphere, but with much lower
    density and pressure.
  • The thin atmosphere creates a constant wind on
  • Martian dust storms may last for weeks at a time.

Mars Surface
  • The southern hemisphere of Mars is a heavily
    cratered, highland region, while the northern
    hemisphere is dominated by plains that are
    sparsely cratered.
  • Four gigantic shield volcanoes including Olympus
    Mons, the largest mountain in the solar system.
  • An enormous canyon, Valles Marineris lies on the
    Martian equator.
  • The Martian surface contains erosional features
    that suggest that liquid water once existed on
    the surface of Mars.
  • Mars has polar ice caps of frozen carbon dioxide
    covering both poles that grow and shrink with the
    seasons on Mars.
  • Water ice lies beneath the carbon dioxide ice in
    the northern cap.

Mars Interior
  • Astronomers are unsure about the internal
    structure of Mars.
  • It is thought to have a core of iron and nickel,
    and possibly sulfur which is covered by a mantle.
  • Because Mars has no magnetic field, the core is
    probably solid.
  • There is no evidence of current tectonic activity
    or tectonic plates on the surface of the crust.
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