Safe Materials Handling and Machine Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Safe Materials Handling and Machine Safety


Safe Materials Handling and Machine Safety Joe Nail * Industrial Safety Lecture Four * – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Safe Materials Handling and Machine Safety

Safe Materials Handling and Machine Safety
  • Joe Nail

  • Handling Materials Safely
  • 50 tons per one ton shipped.
  • Some is moved by machine and some by hand.
  • When handling material, technique is everything.

Causes of Injuries
  • 25 of all injuries are related to material
  • 80 are to the lower back.
  • Incorrect lifting causes most injuries.
  • Incorrect use of equipment.

  • Be aware of your environment.

Hey Charlie! Did you see that game last night?
Avoiding Workplace Injuries
  • Stay in shape.
  • Consider where you will walk.
  • Dont use your body if you dont have to.

Rules for Lifting
  • Get close to the load.
  • Keep feet apart.
  • Keep back straight.
  • Bend your knees.
  • Tuck your chin.
  • Grip the load with your palms.

Hazards Associated with Materials Handling
  • Check your environment for sufficient moving room
  • Check for projecting objects, wear gloves.
  • Are materials secure?
  • Are chemicals to be moved?

Teamwork and Handling Various Shapes and Sizes
  • If an object seems to heavy to lift, it probably
  • When working with others, communication is
  • Your back should be kept straight when you carry
  • Special lifting tools should be sought out and
    used for large objects.
  • Protect yourself when handling things.

Examples of Lifting Equipment
Hand Tools and Accessories
Power Operated Hand Trucks
  • Examples of a walkie and a rider type powered
    hand trucks

Powered Industrial trucks
  • Trucks are usually classified by power source.
  • Electric Motors
  • Internal Combustion Engine
  • Gasoline
  • Diesel
  • LP Liquefied Petroleum

Standard Powered Industrial Lift Truck
Straddle Truck
Order Picker Truck
Industrial Truck Safety Popular Misconceptions
  • Anyone can drive a lift truck.
  • They handle just like a car.
  • They are easier to drive than a car.
  • You dont need any training to safely drive a
    fork lift.

Industrial Truck SafetyFacts
  • The center of gravity of a lift truck changes.
  • Most trucks are rear steer.
  • Most trucks have no suspension system.
  • It is NOT safe to alter the lift trucks

Industrial Truck Safety
  • What does OHSA say about powered industrial truck
  • OSHA regulations state that only trained and
    authorized operators shall be permitted to
    operate a powered industrial truck.
  • But why?

Training helps to Prevent Accidents!
Get the picture?
  • Data plate.

Powered Industrial Trucks -Operator Training
  • 1910.178 (l)
  • 1915.120 (a)
  • 1917.1 (a)(2)(xiv)
  • 1918.1 (b)(10)
  • 1926.602 (d)

  • This presentation is intended as a resource for
    providing training on OSHAs revised powered
    industrial truck operator standards. It is not a
    substitute for any of the provisions of the
    Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, or
    for any standards issued by the U.S. Department
    of Labors Occupational Safety and Health
    Administration (OSHA). It is also not a
    substitute for a powered industrial truck
    operator training program.

  • OSHAs Office of Training and Education wishes to
    acknowledge the following for contributing some
    of the graphics used in this presentation
  • Caterpillar Lift Trucks
  • Mason Contractors Association of America
  • Industrial Truck Association
  • State of Utah Labor Commission - Occupational
    Safety Health Division
  • Steamship Trade Association of Baltimore
  • Taylor Machine Works, Inc.
  • UAW - Ford National Joint Committee on Health and
  • Appearance of products does not imply
    endorsement by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Powered IndustrialTruck - Definition
  • A mobile, power-propelled truck used to carry,
    push, pull, lift, stack or tier materials.
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • Excluded are vehicles used for earth moving and
    over-the-road hauling.
  • Commonly known as forklifts, pallet trucks, rider
    trucks, forktrucks, or lifttrucks.
  • Can be powered through electric or combustion

Scope of Standard
  • The scope provisions of 1910.178(a), which are
    based on ANSI B56.1 - 1969, remain in effect and
  • ... fork trucks, tractors, platform lift trucks,
    motorized hand trucks, and other specialized
    industrial trucks powered by electric motors or
    internal combustion engines.
  • It does not apply to compressed air or
    nonflammable compressed gas-operated industrial
    trucks, farm vehicles, nor vehicles intended
    primarily for earth moving or over-the-road
  • This scope covers general industry, construction
    and shipyards.

Scope of Standard (continued)
  • For marine terminal and longshoring industries,
    all powered industrial trucks are covered, no
    matter what specialized name they are given.
  • This includes, but is not limited to, straddle
    carriers, hustlers, toploaders, container reach
    stackers, and other vehicles that carry, push,
    pull, lift, or tier loads.

Reasons for New Standard
  • Powered industrial truck accidents cause
    approximately 100 fatalities and 36,340 serious
    injuries in general industry and construction
  • It is estimated that 20 - 25 of the accidents
    are, at least in part, caused by inadequate

Additional Reasons for New Standard
  • Updated consensus standards have been published.
  • OSHA has been petitioned to improve the
    requirements for industrial truck training.
  • Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and
    Health has recommended improving the standard.
  • Resolutions have been introduced in the Senate
    and House urging OSHA to revise its outdated

Forklift Fatalities, 1992-1996
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics, Job Related
Fatalities Involving Forklifts
Forklift Fatalities by Age Group1992 -1996
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics
Industries Where Powered Industrial Truck
Accidents Occurred
Source OSHA Fatality/Catastrophe Reports,
complied by OSHA Office of Electrical/Electronic
and Mechanical Engineering Safety Standards.
Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses by
Source, 1996
Source Bureau of Labor Statistics, Job Related
Fatalities by Selected Characteristics, 1996.
  • The previous OSHA standards, while requiring
    operator training, did not define the type of
    training or authorization required.
  • March 15, 1988 - Industrial Truck Association
    (ITA) petitioned OSHA for specific training

Background (continued)
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI), in
    cooperation with ASME, has revised its standard 4
    times, including current lifttruck technology and
    specific training topics.

Background (continued)
  • OSHA published a proposed ruling on March 14,
    1995 for General Industry, Shipyard, Marine
    Terminals, and Longshoring regulations, adding
    specific training requirements.
  • On January 30, 1996, OSHA proposed a revision of
    the construction standards, mandating the
    development of an operator training program based
    on the prior knowledge and skills of the trainee
    and requiring a periodic evaluation.

Final Rule
  • OSHA published the final rule for Powered
    Industrial Truck Operator Training on December
    1, 1998.
  • The effective date is March 1, 1999. Start-up
    dates are included in paragraph (l)(7).
  • It applies to all industries except agricultural
  • OSHA estimates that the new rule will prevent 11
    deaths and 9,422 injuries per year.

Fatalities/Injuries Potentially Averted Annually
by New Standard
Source U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA, Office of
Regulatory Analysis, 1997
Performance-Oriented Requirements
  • The powered industrial truck operator training
    requirements are performance-oriented to permit
    employers to tailor a training program to the
    characteristics of their workplaces and the
    particular types of powered industrial trucks

Revised Operator Training Requirements
  • General Industry 1910.178 is amended by revising
    paragraph (l) and adding Appendix A.
  • Shipyard Employment New section 1915.120 and
    Appendix A are added.
  • Marine Terminals Section 1917.1 is amended by
    adding new paragraph (a)(2)(xiv) and Appendix A.
  • Longshoring Section 1918.1 is amended by adding
    new paragraph (b)(10) and Appendix A.
  • Construction 1926.602 is amended by adding new
    paragraph (d) and Appendix A.

Operator Training
  • Safe operations
  • The employer shall ensure that each powered
    industrial truck operator is competent to operate
    a powered industrial truck safely, as
    demonstrated by successful completion of the
    training and evaluation specified in the OSHA
  • Prior to permitting an employee to operate a
    powered industrial truck (except for training
    purposes), the employer shall ensure that each
    operator has successfully completed the required
    training (or previously received appropriate

Training Program Implementation
  • Trainees may operate a powered industrial truck
  • Under direct supervision of a person who has the
    knowledge, training, and experience to train
    operators and evaluate their competence and,
  • Where such operation does not endanger the
    trainee or other employees.

Training Program Implementation (continued)
  • Training shall consist of a combination of
  • Formal instruction (e.g., lecture, discussion,
    interactive computer learning, written material),
  • Practical training (demonstrations and exercises
    performed by the trainee), and
  • Evaluation of the operators performance in the

Training Program Implementation (continued)
  • Training and evaluation shall be conducted by a
    person with the knowledge, training and
    experience to train powered industrial truck
    operators and evaluate their competence.

Training Program Content
  • Operators shall receive initial training in the
    following topics, except in topics which the
    employer can demonstrate are not applicable to
    safe operation in the employers workplace.
  • Truck-related topics
  • Workplace-related topics
  • The requirements of the standard

Training Program Content (continued)
  • Truck-related topics
  • Operating instructions, warnings and precautions
  • Differences from automobile
  • Controls and instrumentation
  • Engine or motor operation
  • Steering and maneuvering
  • Visibility
  • Fork and attachment adaptation, operation, use
  • Vehicle capacity and stability
  • Vehicle inspection and maintenance that the
    operator will be required to perform
  • Refueling/Charging/ Recharging batteries
  • Operating limitations
  • Other instructions, etc.

Training Program Content (continued)
  • Workplace-related topics
  • Surface conditions
  • Composition and stability of loads
  • Load manipulation, stacking, unstacking
  • Pedestrian traffic
  • Narrow aisles and restricted areas
  • Operating in hazardous (classified) locations
  • Operating on ramps and sloped surfaces
  • Potentially hazardous environmental conditions
  • Operating in closed environments or other areas
    where poor ventilation or maintenance could cause
    carbon monoxide or diesel exhaust buildup

Training Program Content (continued)
  • The requirements of the OSHA standard on powered
    industrial trucks must also be included in the
    initial operator training program.

Refresher Training and Evaluation
  • Refresher training, including an evaluation of
    the effectiveness of that training, shall be
    conducted to ensure that the operator has the
    knowledge and skills needed to operate the
    powered industrial truck safely.
  • Refresher training required when
  • Unsafe operation
  • Accident or near-miss
  • Evaluation indicates need
  • Different type of equipment introduced
  • Workplace condition changes

Refresher Training and Evaluation (continued)
  • An evaluation of each powered industrial truck
    operators performance must be conducted
  • After initial training,
  • After refresher training, and
  • At least once every three years

Avoidance of Duplicative Training
  • If an operator has previously received training
    in a topic specified in this section, and the
    training is appropriate to the truck and working
    conditions encountered, additional training in
    that topic is not required if the operator has
    been evaluated and found competent to operate the
    truck safely.

  • The employer shall certify that each operator has
    been trained and evaluated as required by the
  • Certification shall include
  • Name of operator
  • Date of training
  • Date of evaluation
  • Identity of person(s) performing the training or

  • The employer shall ensure that operators of
    powered industrial trucks are trained, as
    appropriate, by the dates shown in the following

If the employee was hired
The initial training and evaluation of that
employee must be completed
Before December 1, 1999
By December 1, 1999
Before the employee is assigned to operate a
powered industrial truck.
After December 1, 1999
Appendix A - Stability of Powered Industrial
  • Appendix A provides non-mandatory guidance to
    assist employers in implementing the standard.
  • This appendix does not add to, alter, or reduce
    the requirements of this section.

Appendix A - Stability of Powered Industrial
  • Definitions
  • General
  • Basic Principles
  • Stability Triangle
  • Longitudinal Stability
  • Lateral Stability
  • Dynamic Stability

Stability Triangle - Figure 1
Vehicle Center of Gravity (Unloaded)
Center of Gravity of Vehicle and Maximum
Load (Theoretical)
1. When the vehicle is loaded, the combined
center of gravity (CG) shifts toward line B-C.
Theoretically the maximum load will result in the
CG at the line B-C. In actual practice, the
combined CG should never be at line B-C. 2. The
addition of additional counterweight will cause
the truck CG to shift toward point A and result
in a truck that is less stable laterally.
Stability Triangle - Figure 2
Load CG
Load CG
Vertical Stability Line (Line of Action)
Combined CG
Combined CG
Vertical Stability Line (Line of Action)
Truck CG
Truck CG
This vehicle is unstable and will continue to
tip over
The vehicle is stable
Effective Powered Industrial Truck Operator
Training Program
  • Four major areas of concern must be addressed
  • The general hazards that apply to the operation
    of all or most powered industrial trucks
  • The hazards associated with the operation of
    particular types of trucks
  • The hazards of workplaces generally and,
  • The hazards of the particular workplace where the
    vehicle operates.

Types of Powered Industrial Trucks
  • There are many different types of powered
    industrial trucks covered by the OSHA standard.
  • Commonly used types include
  • High lift trucks, counterbalanced trucks,
    cantilever trucks, rider trucks, forklift trucks,
    high lift trucks, high lift platform trucks, low
    lift trucks, motorized hand trucks, pallet
    trucks, straddle trucks, reach rider trucks, high
    lift order picker trucks, motorized hand/rider
    trucks, and counterbalanced front/side loader
    lift trucks.
  • A single type of truck can only be described by
    calling it by all of its characteristics, (e.g.,
    a high lift, counterbalanced, sit down rider

Unique Characteristics of Powered Industrial
  • Each type of powered industrial truck has its own
    unique characteristics and some inherent hazards.
  • To be effective, training must address the unique
    characteristics of the type of vehicle the
    employee is being trained to operate.

Components of a Forklift Truck
One of the most common types of powered
industrial trucks
Classes of Commonly-Used Powered Industrial
  • The Industrial Truck Association has placed
    powered industrial trucks into 7 classes.
  • Class I - Electric motor rider trucks
  • Class II - Electric motor narrow aisle trucks
  • Class III - Electric motor hand trucks or
    hand/rider trucks
  • Class IV - Internal combustion engine trucks
    (solid/cushion tires)
  • Class V - Internal combustion engine trucks
    (pneumatic tires)
  • Class VI - Electric and internal combustion
    engine tractors
  • Class VII - Rough terrain forklift trucks

Note that this classification refers to
commonly-used vehicles and does not include all
powered industrial trucks covered by the OSHA
Class I - Electric Motor Rider Trucks
  • Counterbalanced rider type, stand up
  • Three wheel electric trucks, sit-down
  • Counterbalanced rider type, cushion tires,
    sit-down (high and low platform)
  • Counterbalanced rider, pneumatic tire, sit-down
    (high and low platform)

Class I - Electric Motor Rider Trucks
Class I - Electric Motor Rider Trucks
  • Counterbalanced Rider Type, Stand-Up

Class II - Electric Motor Narrow Aisle Trucks
  • High lift straddle
  • Order picker
  • Reach type outrigger
  • Side loaders, turret trucks, swing mast and
    convertible turret/stock pickers
  • Low lift pallet and platform (rider)

Class II - Electric Motor Narrow Aisle Trucks
Class II - Narrow Aisle Trucks
Class III - Electric Motor Hand or Hand/Rider
  • Low lift platform
  • Low lift walkie pallet
  • Reach type outrigger
  • High lift straddle
  • High lift counterbalanced
  • Low lift walkie/rider pallet

Class III - Electric Motor Hand or Hand/Rider
Class III - Hand Hand/Rider Trucks
Class IV - Internal Combustion Engine Trucks -
Cushion (Solid) Tires
Fork, counterbalanced (cushion/solid tires)
Class IV - Internal Combustion Engine Trucks -
Cushion (Solid) Tires
Class V - Internal Combustion Engine Trucks -
Pneumatic Tires
Fork, counterbalanced (pneumatic tires)
Class V - Internal Combustion Engine Trucks
(Pneumatic Tires)
Class VI - Electric Internal Combustion Engine
Sit-down rider
Class VII - Rough Terrain Forklift Trucks
  • Straight-mast forklift
  • Extended-reach forklift

All rough terrain forklift trucks
Rough Terrain Straight Mast Forklifts
Rough Terrain Extended-Reach Forklifts
Some Types of Powered Industrial Trucks Used in
  • The following types of vehicles are covered
    by the OSHA standard if the vehicles carry,
    push, pull, lift, or tier loads.
  • Container top handlers
  • Container reach stackers
  • Straddle carriers
  • Semi-tractors/ Utility vehicles
  • Sidehandlers
  • Combination vacuum lifts
  • Yard tractors

Powered Industrial Trucks Used in Maritime
Container Handlers
Powered Industrial Trucks Used in Maritime
Empty-Container Handler
Powered Industrial Trucks Used in Maritime
Container Reach Stacker
Powered Industrial Trucks Used in Maritime
Straddle Carriers
Powered Industrial Trucks Used in Maritime
Yard Tractor
Dock Safety
  • Painting of area.
  • Trailer brakes and securing.
  • People in the area.
  • Perform daily check of truck.

Dock Safety
Portable Docking Plate
Dock Safety
Dock Restraint Mechanism
  • Powered type is most dangerous.
  • Most people get hurt while working on them.
  • Most injuries involve fingers, hands, and arms.
  • Accidents can be prevented if workers are careful
    to turn off the power and lock it out.

Hoists and Cranes
Hoists and Cranes
Hoists and Cranes
  • Hoists and Cranes should be inspected before use,
    every time.
  • When cranes fail, it usually happens fast.
  • Tension on a sling is relative to total weight be
    lifted and angle of sling.
  • Never stand under a suspended load.

Receiving and Storing Materials
  • Does this look safe to you?

When Storing Materials
  • Place large, heavy packages on the bottom and
    lighter ones on top.
  • Never place materials where they can be tripped
    over or where someone could get hurt attempting
    to retrieve them.
  • When materials are moved to where you are
    working, they should be secured so they cant
    fall on anyone.
  • Never block a traffic path or prop materials up
    against a wall where they might slide over and
    cause an accident.

Corrosive and Flammable Liquids
  • Understand what it is that you are about to move.
  • Examine the containers to make sure they are
    sealed and properly labeled.
  • Make sure you are wearing all required PPE.

Safety Guards
Safety Guards
  • Are required to prevent accidents.
  • Protect people, not the machine.
  • Hazardous parts include point of operation
    components, control mechanisms, parts that
    transmit power, and parts that retain stored

Moving Parts Make Guards Necessary
Moving Parts Make Guards Necessary
Point of Operation Guard
  • OSHA 29 CFR 1910.217

Fixed Guards
Fixed Guards
  • Prevent entry into the point of operation
  • Do not move when the machine is in operation.
  • Example Barrier Guard
  • Example Enclosure Guard

Interlocking Guards
  • Used when a fixed guard cannot be used.
  • Connected to machine controls or power source.
  • Can be mechanical, electrical, or pneumatic.

Automatic Guards
  • Push, pull, or sweep the operators hands out of
    the danger zone.
  • Example Automatic Pull Backs

Presence-sensing Guards
  • No physical barrier.Create a sensing area around
    the danger zone.
  • May use magnetic fields, radio waves, or light
  • Machinery must be able to stop instantaneously.

Power Transmission Guards
  • Prevent pieces from flying out.
  • Should be kept in place at all times while the
    machine is running.
  • Should only be removed for repair work.

Other Safety Devices
  • Machine controls.
  • Feeding and extracting tools.
  • Ejectors.

OSHA Lock Out/Tag Out Procedures 29 CFR 1910.147
  • Locking out has to do with the removal or
    prevention of hazardous energy.
  • Tag out is a communication technique that warns
    others of the machines repair work.

Control of Hazardous Energy
  • 29 CFR 1910.147
  • The standard covers the servicing and
    maintenance of machines and equipment in which
    the unexpected energization or start up of the
    machines or equipment , or release of stored
    energy could cause injury to employees.

Provisions Of The Standard
  • Requires employers to establish procedures for
    isolating machines or equipment from their source
    of energy and affixing appropriate locks or tags
    to energy isolating devices

Employer Responsibilities
  • Establish energy control program
  • Establish energy control procedures for machines
    and equipment
  • Provide employee training
  • Conduct periodic inspections of the energy
    control program

Application Of The Standard
  • An employee is required to remove or bypass a
    guard or other safety device
  • An employee is required to place any part of
    their body in contact with the point of operation
    of the operational machine or piece of equipment
  • An employee is required to place any part of
    their body into a danger zone associated with a
    machine operating cycle

Exceptions To The Standard
  • Work on cord and plug connected electric
    equipment controlled by unplugging of the
    equipment - the plug is under exclusive control
    of the employee performing maintenance

Exceptions To The Standard
  • Hot tap operations involving transmission and
    distribution systems for substances such as gas,
    steam, water, or petroleum products

Minor Servicing Tasks
  • Employees performing minor tool changes and
    adjustments that are routine, repetitive, and
    integral to the use of the equipment and that
    occur during normal operations are not covered by
    the lockout/tagout standard, provided the work is
    performed using alternative measures that provide
    effective protection.

  • Authorized employee A person who locks out or
    tags out machines or equipment in order to
    perform servicing or maintenance
  • Affected employee A person whose job requires
    him to operate or use a machine or equipment on
    which servicing or maintenance is being performed
    under lockout or tagout

  • Energy isolating device The mechanism that
    prevents the transmission or release of energy
    and to which locks or tags are attached
  • Includes manually operated circuit breakers,
    disconnect switches, line valves, blocks, and

  • Lockout The placement of a lockout device on an
    energy isolating device to ensure that the
    equipment being controlled cannot be operated
    until the lockout device is removed

  • Tagout The placement of a tagout device on an
    energy isolating device to indicate the equipment
    being controlled may not be operated until the
    tagout device is removed

De-energizing Equipment
  • Shut down the machine or equipment
  • Isolate the machine or equipment from the energy
  • Apply the lockout or tagout device(s) to the
    energy isolating device(s)
  • Safely release all potentially hazardous stored
    or residual energy
  • Verify the isolation of the machine or equipment
    prior to the start of servicing work

Stored Energy
  • If there is a possibility of reaccumulation of
    stored energy to a hazardous level, verification
    of isolation shall be continued until the
    possibility of such accumulation no longer exists

Re-energizing Equipment
  • Ensure that machine or equipment components are
    operationally intact
  • Ensure that all employees are safely positioned
    or removed from equipment
  • Ensure that lockout or tagout devices are removed
    from each energy isolation device by the employee
    who applied the device

Lockout/Tagout Requirements
  • If an energy isolating device is not capable of
    being locked out, the employers energy control
    program shall utilize a tagout system

Lockout Requirements
  • After January 1990, whenever replacement, major
    repair, or modification of a machine is
    performed, or whenever new machines or equipment
    are installed, they must be designed to accept a
    lockout device

Device Requirements
  • Durable Lockout and tagout devices must
    withstand the environment to which they are
    exposed for the maximum duration
  • Standardized Both lockout and tagout devices
    must be standardized according to either color,
    shape, or size
  • Tagout devices must also be standardized
    according to print and format

Device Requirements
  • Substantial Lockout and tagout devices must be
    substantial enough to minimize early or
    accidental removal
  • Identifiable Locks and tags must clearly
    identify the employee who applies them.

Tag Requirements
  • Tags must also include a legend such as
  • Do not start
  • Do not open
  • Do not close
  • Do not energize
  • Do not operate

Periodic Inspections
  • The employer shall conduct a periodic inspection
    of the energy control procedure at least annually
  • Shall be performed by an authorized employee
    other than the person(s) utilizing the energy
    control procedure being inspected

Periodic Inspections
  • Shall be conducted to correct any deviations or
    inadequacies identified
  • Where lockout is used, the inspection shall
    include a review between the inspector and each
    authorized employee

Periodic Inspections
  • Where tagout is used, the inspection shall
    include a review between the inspector and each
    authorized and affected employees

Periodic Inspections
  • The employer shall
  • Certify that the periodic inspections have been
  • Identify the machine or equipment on which energy
    control procedures were used
  • The employer shall also note
  • The date of the inspection
  • The employees included in the inspection
  • The person performing the inspection

Training and Communication
  • Each authorized employee shall receive training
  • Recognition of applicable hazardous energy
  • Type and magnitude of the energy available in the
  • Methods and means necessary for energy isolation
    and control

Training and Communication
  • Each affected employee shall be instructed in the
    purpose and use of the energy control procedure
  • All other employees shall be instructed about the
    prohibition relating to attempts to restart or
    reenergize machines or equipment which are locked
    out or tagged out

Training and Communication
  • The employer shall certify that employee training
    has been accomplished and is being kept up to
  • Certification shall contain employee names and
    dates of training

Group Lockout or Tagout
  • Primary responsibility is vested in an authorized
    employee for a set number of employees working
    under the protection of a group lockout or tagout
  • Each authorized employee shall affix a personal
    lockout or tagout device to the group lockout

Outside Personnel
  • Whenever outside servicing personnel are engaged
    in activities covered by lockout/tagout, the
    on-site employer and the outside employer shall
    inform each other of their respective lockout or
    tagout procedures

Tagout Tags
Lockout Device
Group Lockout
Tagout Tag
Lockout Signage
  • 1. What is the best way to avoid hurting yourself
    when moving material?
  • 2. What is most dangerous when wearing gloves
    around rotating equipment?
  • 3. Describe the best method for lifting.
  • 4. What is the best way to carry a small box or
  • 5. What equipment can you use to move a barrel
  • 6. Describe how to handle moving a loaded hand
    truck down a ramp.
  • 7. When is it permissible to ride on the platform
    of a moving truck?
  • 8. What must be checked before entering a trailer
    on a shipping dock?
  • 9. What is the best way to prevent accidents
    while working on conveyors?
  • 10. What does the angle of a lifting sling have
    to do with the stress placed on it?
  • 11. What is a pinch point?
  • 12. What is meant by the term point of
  • 13. What word is used to mean a back and forth
  • 14. What is the correct spacing for a grinder
    wheel from the work rest?
  • 15. What type of machine guard limits the
    operators access to the danger zone?
  • 16. Which type of machine guard prevents access
    to the danger zone altogether?
  • 17. What type of guard cannot be moved while the
    machine is running?
  • 18. What type of guard, when removed, prevents
    the machine from running?
  • 19. What type of guard physically pulls the
    operator out of the danger zone?
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