1(No Transcript)
2My Academics Overview
- Students can access their myUH Self-Service to
utilize My Academics. - My Academics provides a centralized page for
planning and enrollment, as well as viewing
earned credits and ordering transcripts or
enrollment verification.
3Login to myuh.uh.edu to access UH Self-Service,
then select Student Center to enter My
Academics. You can also select Enrollment from
the left-hand menu and enter any of the available
links to find the My Academics tab.
4Click on the tabs at the top of the My
Academics page and click on the links in the
middle of the page to use tools and view student
record information.
The My Academics page shows your specific
Career, Program and Major. Any double major or
minor will also appear here once declared.
5The Search tab opens up additional sub-tabs and
find classes by Course Subject and/or Course
To narrow a search you can enter optional
information. To find courses in a Winter Mini or
specific Summer Session use the Session drop
6The Enroll tab lets you add or drop classes to
your Shopping Cart and class schedule.
7For detailed instructions using the Plan tab
and View my advisement report, Please see the
My Academics Planner Tutorial online.
http//www.uh.edu/myuh Note All students have
access to their Planner. Advisement Reports are
only generated for students seeking their first
undergraduate degree.
8Undergraduates do not have an assigned advisor,
therefore this link will not be used.
To find walk-in hours or to set up an advising
appointment, use the link in the left menu
Advising, to locate contact information for
your academic department.
9(No Transcript)
10View my transfer credit report displays classes
that have been evaluated and transferred. Note
Processing times to evaluate transcripts may vary
based on institution and type of transcript
11Core Status is based on the core status indicated
on the transcript from the external institution.
A class may be listed as Posted or Rejected,
based on whether the grade earned met the
transfer requirements. Visit the Transfer FAQs
page to learn more. http//www.uh.edu/admissions/
12View my course history shows courses completed
at UH as well as transferred courses.
13Choose to include Planned courses, or Hide them
when viewing course history.
Each course will have a symbol representing its
status. Only completed courses marked as
Transferred or Taken will show a grade.
14View an unofficial transcript allows students
to see their transcript online. Request official
transcript is used to order a transcript via
mail or electronic.
15To view the most current unofficial transcript,
select go.
You can choose to see a report that you have
generated in the past.
16You can either select Send Electronic
transcript to choose from a list of institutions
that are able to receive electronic transcripts,
or select Mail to Specific Address or Mail to
My Address to enter the mailing address.
Choose to have the transcript sent after the end
of the term, or select Immediate Processing.
17Request enrollment verification enables you to
obtain a certificate proving enrollment for
insurance or lenders.
18Select Allow to Print from My Browser, and then
submit to print an unofficial verification.
Or select Request Institution to Mail and then
select National Student Clearinghouse Enrollment
Verification to print an official verification.
19Once you have met all of your degree
requirements, use Apply for graduation to
submit your graduation application. Please
consult the Academic Calendar to view graduation
application deadlines. http//www.uh.edu/academics