Survey%20of%20Operating%20Systems%202nd%20Edition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Survey of Operating Systems 2nd Edition - PBworks – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Survey%20of%20Operating%20Systems%202nd%20Edition

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Disk Operating System (DOS)
  • Finding DOS and Understanding its Strengths and
  • Installing DOS
  • How the FAT File System Works
  • Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Understanding the DOS Bootup Process
  • Troubleshooting Common DOS Problems

Learning Objectives
  • Measure the value, strengths, and weaknesses of
  • Install DOS
  • Use the FAT file system
  • Use DOS commands for file management and other
  • Describe the DOS bootup process and create
    startup disks
  • Troubleshoot common DOS problems

Finding DOS and Understanding its Strengths
and Weaknesses
  • Versions of DOS
  • CP/M was an important predecessor to DOS
  • Many versions of DOS, several introduced by
    Microsoft (MS)
  • MS created PC DOS for IBM
  • Later licensed DOS as MS-DOS to other
  • MS-DOS 5.0 first version available as a separate

Finding DOS and Understanding its Strengths
and Weaknesses
  • Versions of DOS (continued)
  • PC DOS now works on Microsoft/Intel compatible
  • Digital Research (of CP/M fame) introduced
    DR-DOS in 1987
  • DR-DOS 8.0 introduced in 2004 by DeviceLogics
  • FreeDOS distributed without charge under GNU GPL

Finding DOS and Understanding its Strengths
and Weaknesses
  • DOS Strengths
  • DOS for backward compatibility with DOS apps
  • DOS when you need a small OS
  • DOS is more compact than Windows and hence
    useful for embedded systems or for portability
  • DOS is popular as an operating system due to its
    ability to pack all startup files on a single
    floppy disk

Finding DOS and Understanding its Strengths
and Weaknesses
  • DOS Strengths (continued)
  • The floppy disk is also known as the startup disk
  • Startup disk accommodates additional files, such
    as drivers and utilities
  • Startup disk can be used for booting up a
    computer and running special diagnostic programs

Finding DOS and Understanding its Strengths
and Weaknesses
  • DOS Weaknesses
  • Processor mode limits
  • Memory limits
  • Multitasking limits
  • Hard drive limits

Finding DOS and Understanding its Strengths
and Weaknesses
  • DOS Weaknesses (continued)
  • Processor Mode Limits
  • Only supports real mode of operation of Intel
  • Newer Intel processors start in the real mode,
    and newer OSs (Windows, Linux, UNIX) switch the
    processor from the real mode to the protected
  • Memory Limits
  • Intel processors in real mode use only 1 MB
  • 640 KB of RAM (conventional memory) is workspace
    for the OS, applications and data
  • 384 KB of addresses reserved for system BIOS and
    RAM and ROM on adapters

Finding DOS and Understanding its Strengths
and Weaknesses
  • DOS Weaknesses (continued)
  • Multitasking Limits
  • DOS is a single-tasking OS
  • Hard Drive Limits
  • DOS only supports hard drives up to 7.8 GB
  • DOS uses logical drives that are 2 GB or less and
    within the 7.8 GB total disk space limit
  • A logical drive is a portion of the physical hard
    drive with a letter assigned to it

Installing DOS
  • DOS Hardware Requirements
  • The general DOS hardware requirements for MS-DOS
    6.22 and IBM PC-DOS
  • An IBM or compatible personal computer
  • 6MB of free hard disk space for the DOS utilities
  • 512KB of memory

Installing DOS
  • Preparing for DOS Installation
  • Assure that the computer is a complete system
    with all the necessary components
  • Setup program partitions and formats the hard
  • Partition an area of a physical hard disk that
    contains one or more logical drives

Installing DOS
  • Partitioning a Hard Disk in MS-DOS
  • Physical format is done at the factory
  • Master Boot Record (MBR), the 1st sector on
    disk, contains the partition table
  • Partitioning is the first step to prepare a hard
  • Each partition needs a logical format within
    each logical drive
  • Partitioning and formatting included in OS

Installing DOS
  • Partitioning a Hard Disk in MS-DOS (continued)
  • FDISK the partitioning program of MS-DOS
  • Primary partition has only one logical drive
  • 2GB is maximum primary partition size in MS-DOS
  • Extended partition contains one or more logical
  • After partitioning, then format logical drives

Installing DOS
  • Step-by-Step 2.01
  • Installing DOS on a Hard Disk
  • Page 55

How the FAT File System Works
  • FAT File System Components
  • FAT Table
  • File allocation table (FAT) DOS records disk
    space usage
  • Cluster minimum space allocated to a file

How the FAT File System Works
  • FAT File System Components (continued)
  • FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32
  • FAT16 used on hard disks
  • FAT32 available since Windows 95 OEM SR2
  • FAT12 used on floppy disks
  • The number refers to the size of each entry in
    the FAT table. Length of entry limits the number
    of entries the FAT table can hold.

How the FAT File System Works
  • FAT File System Components (continued)
  • How Cluster Size Affects Partitions
  • FAT16 file system limited to 65,525 clusters
  • Maximum cluster size 32,768 bytes (32K)
  • 65,525 x 32,768 2GB (maximum partition size
    supported by the FAT16 file system)

How the FAT File System Works
  • FAT File System Components (continued)
  • Root Directory and Other Directories
  • The FAT and the root directory are the two
    primary components of the FAT file system
  • DOS uses the FAT to record the location of a
    file on the disk
  • A directory is a place where DOS stores
    information about files, including a
    referenceto the FAT table
  • Root directory is the top level directory

How the FAT File System Works
  • FAT File System Components (continued)
  • Root Directory and Other Directories (continued)
  • Parent directory contains other directories
  • Child directory (subdirectory) is within a parent
  • Each directory entry contains the name of a file
    or directory, the time and date of its creation
    or modification, its size, attributes, and
    beginning cluster information

How the FAT File System Works
  • Using a Directory and the FAT Table to find a
  • Directory is like a phone directory for DOS
  • Finds file name and listing in the directory
  • Reads the starting cluster number in directory
  • Looks in the FAT table (like a map of city) for
    location on disk

How the FAT File System Works
  • DOS file-naming rules
  • A file name is up to eight characters, followed
    by a period, and an extension of up to three
  • A file name and extension can include
    alpha-numeric characters and a few special
    characters, but no spaces
  • Use the wildcard characters asterisk () and
    question mark (?) to locate files and folders

How the FAT File System Works
  • DOS File Types
  • BAK, BAS, BAT, COM, DOS, EXE, SYS, and TXT are
    some common file extensions and file types
    recognized by DOS
  • Executable Files
  • COM, EXE, and BAT are the three types of files
    that can be executed by DOS

How the FAT File System Works
  • Step-by-Step 2.02
  • Creating a Simple Batch File
  • Page 63

How the FAT File System Works
  • DOS File Attributes
  • Determine the manner in which DOS handles files
  • Read-only
  • Archive
  • System
  • Hidden
  • Volume label
  • Directory

How the FAT File System Works
  • LABEL command
  • Creates or changes a volume label (name)
  • If a volume has a label, FORMAT requires the
    name before reformatting

How the FAT File System Works
  • ATTRIB command
  • Displays and modifies attributes
  • Works on read-only, archive, system, and hidden
  • Works in both MS-DOS and Windows on FAT and NTFS

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Success at the DOS Prompt
  • Success means correctly entering commands and
    getting desired results
  • Important for working with DOS and other OSs

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Step-by-Step 2.03
  • Using the Online Help in DOS
  • Page 68

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Success at the DOS Prompt (continued)
  • What is the Correct Syntax?
  • Syntax is a set of rules for correctly entering a
    specific command at the command line
  • The HELP command can be used to find the syntax
    for a command
  • COMMAND /?

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Success at the DOS Prompt (continued)
  • How is a Command Interpreted?
  • COMMAND.COM interprets the command entered at
    the prompt
  • COMMAND.COM loads each command into the memory,
    and issues additional instructions to the
  • COMMAND.COM parses the command entry based on
    special delimiter characters

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • How is a Program Found and Loaded?
  • COMMAND.COM loads the command named at the
    beginning of the command line
  • Must find the actual program code
  • First checks its own list of internal commands
  • Then looks for an external command in the current
    directory, and then in a list called the search

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Learning to Manage Files and Directories
  • File management in DOS is centered on the
    abilities and limits of the FAT file system
  • It is essential to design a directory structure
    to save and organize files

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Learning to Manage Files and Directories
  • Designing a Directory Structure for File
  • DOS directory/folder structure is hierarchical
  • Drive Directory File Name
  • TREE command can be used to view the entire
    directory structure
  • Store data in a separate directory from

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Learning to Manage Files and Directories
  • Creating and Removing Directories
  • MD (Make Directory) will create a directory
  • CD or CHDIR (Change Directory) allows movement
    between directories
  • RD (Remove Directory) deletes an empty directory

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Learning to Manage Files and Directories
  • Use File Management Commands
  • DOS commands are divided into internal commands
    and external commands
  • Internal commands are loaded into the memory
    along with DOS

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Learning to Manage Files and Directories
  • Use File management commands (continued)
  • DIR (Directory), MD, CD, CLS (CLear Screen),
    COPY, REN (REName), RD, and TYPE are some of
    the internal commands
  • XCOPY, DISKCOPY, and DELTREE are often-used
    external commands

Working with the DOS Command Prompt
DOS commands and their functionality
Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • Step-by-Step 2.04
  • Managing Files and Directories
  • Page 73

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • Why You Should Learn the DOS Bootup Process
  • Personal computers are multi-purpose devices.
  • Understanding the normal startup process of the
    system helps troubleshoot problems that occur
    during boot-up.

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • DOS system files
  • IO.SYS handles hardware interaction and loading
    of drivers
  • MSDOS.SYS is the kernel of DOS
  • COMMAND.COM is the command interpreter

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • DOS system files (continued)
  • DOS Configuration Files
  • CONFIG.SYS adds device drivers and modifies
    DOS settings
  • AUTOEXEC.BAT batch file loaded during bootup

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • The DOS Bootup Process
  • A PC can be booted up by
  • Turning on the power switch of the PC (a cold
  • Using the Ctrl-Alt-Delete key combination to
    reboot the system (a warm boot)

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • The DOS Bootup Process (continued)
  • The processor loads a special ROM-based program,
    called Power-On Self-Test (POST)
  • POST runs a series of small diagnostic tests on
    the hardware, and loads the bootstrap loader
  • The bootstrap loader is a small program in the

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • The DOS Bootup Process (continued)
  • On a hard drive, the bootstrap loader looks into
    the MBR (master boot record) and reads the
    partition table for the primary active partition
  • The bootstrap loader loads the boot sector from
    the logical drive, which, in turn, runs the
    operating system loading program

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • Creating a DOS Startup Floppy Disk
  • Using FORMAT to create a startup disk
  • Using SYS to create a startup disk
  • Using Windows to create a startup disk

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • Using FORMAT to Create a Startup Disk
  • The FORMAT command prepares the diskette and
    places a new root directory and FAT on the disk
  • The /S switch option places the system files on
    the diskette

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • Step-by-Step 2.05
  • Create a Startup Floppy Disk Using FORMAT
  • Page 83

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • Using SYS to Create a Startup Disk
  • The SYS command places the DOS system files on a
    previously formatted floppy disk
  • To put the DOS system files on a floppy disk
    enter sys a

Understanding the DOS Boot-Up Process and
Startup Disks
  • Using Windows to Create a Startup Disk
  • In Windows 95 and 98 go to Control Panel
    Add/Remove Programs Startup Disk
  • In Windows XP format a disk from within My
    Computer or Windows Explorer and select the
    option to create a MS-DOS startup disk

Troubleshooting Common DOS Problems
  • Non-System Disk error message
  • The OS loader program (boot sector) is unable to
    locate the IO.SYS, or MSDOS.SYS, or both
  • Rectify by ensuring that the OS is booted from
    the disk that holds the OS

Troubleshooting Common DOS Problems
  • Bad or Missing Command Interpretererror
  • Implies that the file COMMAND.COM is missing or
    that the version is different than IO.SYS and
  • Rectify by copying the COMMAND.COM file with the
    correct date and time from the floppy disk to
    the hard disk

Troubleshooting Common DOS Problems
  • Bad Command or File Name error message
  • Implies that the command name or the file name
    (or a directory name) used in the command line
    is incorrect
  • Rectify by identifying typos and re-entering the
    command correctly

Troubleshooting Common DOS Problems
  • A request to enter the current date and time
  • Means that DOS did not find an AUTOEXEC.BAT file
  • If you previously had one, investigate why and
    how you dont now

Chapter Summary
  • Finding DOS and Understanding Its Strengths and
  • One reason DOS is still in limited use today is
    its small size, which makes it a choice for
    embedded systems
  • Another reason is that its system files easily
    fit on a floppy disk, leaving room for other
    small programs
  • Technicians can run diagnostic utilities from a
    DOS floppy disk

Chapter Summary
  • Finding DOS and Understanding Its Strengths and
  • Windows can run DOS in a virtual DOS machine
  • Some applications run too slowly or not at all
    in a virtual machine, so they must be run on a
    computer running DOS
  • DOS can only access real-mode of the Intel
  • DOS is a single-tasking operating system
  • DOS provides limited services for DOS

Chapter Summary
  • Finding DOS and Understanding Its Strengths and
  • DOS applications can only use conventional
  • Microsoft no longer supports or sells MS-DOS
  • IBM sells PC DOS 2000
  • Digital Research sold DR-DOS to Novell
  • DR-DOS is now sold through DeviceLogics
  • Versions of DOS can be found for free on the

Chapter Summary
  • Installing DOS
  • The MS-DOS Setup program will partition and
    format a hard drive, if needed
  • Hardware requirements for MS-DOS are minimal
  • An IBM or compatible PC
  • 6MB of free hard disk space
  • 512KB of memory

Chapter Summary
  • How the FAT File System Works
  • DOS uses the FAT16 file system, and only uses
    conventional memory
  • The FAT file system uses the 8.3 naming
    convention for files and directories
  • It is best to use only alphanumeric characters
  • A files extension can indicate the type of file
  • File attributes determine how DOS handles a file
    or directory
  • File attributes are read-only, archive, system,
    hidden, volume label, and directory

Chapter Summary
  • Working with the DOS Command Prompt
  • The ATTRIB command allows you to view and
    manipulate the read-only, archive, system, and
    hidden attributes
  • Internal command are part of COMMAND.COM and are
    always available and fast to access
  • CLS, COPY, REN, DEL, MD, RD, CD, and TYPE are
    internal DOS commands
  • External commands are in individual files, which
    must be where DOS can find them
    external commands

Chapter Summary
  • Describe the DOS Bootup Process and Create
    Startup Disks
  • It is important to understand the bootup process
    of an OS in order to troubleshoot failures that
    occur during bootup
  • A hard boot of a PC occurs when you turn on the
    power switch

Chapter Summary
  • Describe the DOS Bootup Process and Create
    Startup Disks
  • A soft boot of a PC occurs when you press
  • Many computers have a Reset button, which resets
    a running computer without a power-down and
    power-up cycle

Chapter Summary
  • Describe the DOS Bootup Process and Create
    Startup Disks
  • The order of events during bootup of DOS is
  • Cold or warm boot
  • POST
  • Bootstrap loader looks on A or C drive and
    loads the boot record
  • IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS are loaded
  • CONFIG.SYS (if it exists) is read and used by
  • COMMAND.COM is loaded

Chapter Summary
  • Describe the DOS Bootup Process and Create
    Startup Disks
  • DOS bootup order of events (continued)
  • AUTOEXEC.BAT (if it exists) is read and used by
  • The DOS prompt is displayed
  • To create a DOS startup disk, you can
  • Use the DOS Setup program
  • Use the SYS or FORMAT command
  • Use the Startup Disk option in Windows 9x
  • Format a floppy disk in Windows XP

Chapter Summary
  • Troubleshoot Common DOS Problems
  • A Non-System Disk error message means that the
    OS loader cannot find IO.SYS or MSDOS.SYS
  • Most likely cause is a data floppy disk left in
    drive A
  • Remove the floppy and reboot the computer
  • A Bad or Missing Command Interpreter message
    means that COMMAND.COM is missing or is a
    different version than IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS
  • Boot from a DOS floppy disk of the correct
    version, and copy COMMAND.COM to the root of C

Chapter Summary
  • Troubleshoot Common DOS Problems
  • A Bad Command or File Name error message means
    you need to check your spelling and reenter the
  • If you are required to enter the date and time
    when you boot up a computer there is probably
    no AUTOEXEC.BAT on the root of the boot disk.
    Create one, even if it is empty, and most PCs
    will use the internal clock for the time
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