1The Joy Of My Salvation
- 2 Samuel 111-27
- Psalms 5112 Restore unto me the joy of thy
salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.
2Are You Happy?
- What is happiness?
- Worlds definition Self-satisfaction
- Enjoying or characterized by well-being and
contentment (Webster)
3Are You Happy?
- What is happiness?
- Do not confuse the pleasures of sin with real
happiness. - Sin destroys happiness. Psalms 321-4
- Gods definition. 1 Peter 38-12 Matthew 53-12
4Are You Happy?
- God wants us to be happy, butas He defines it.
Ecclesiastes 312-13 97-9 - David could only be happy through forgiveness.
Psalms 51 - Jesus is our way out of unhappiness and despair.
cf. Acts 93-9, 18 Acts 236-37, 41, 46 John
5Happiness Joy of Life
- State of mind attitude of heart. Proverbs 237
- A decision of the mind (will)
- Christians live in joy. Galatians 522
- Right viewpoint of life. Romans 818
- Forgiveness of sins. Psalms 5110-12
- Pure living.
- Trusting Gods promises. 2 Corinthians 416-18 2
Corinthians 610
6Happiness Joy of Life
- Build a happy life by building faith in God.
- Set your hope on God. Hebrews 135-6
- Blessedness in trusting God. Philippians 410-13
- Count your blessings and rejoice. Ephesians 13
Philippians 44 - Be thankful for your brethren. Romans 18
Philippians 41 3 John 4 - Obey Jesus. John 1510-11
7Things of Earth do not Bring Lasting Happiness,
Ecclesiastes 113 23
- Pleasure. Ecclesiastes 21-2
- Laughter. Proverbs 1413
- Sensual pleasures are momentary. Hebrews 1125
Luke 1219 - Often the source of unhappiness. Psalms 324
- Distorts ones view of life and death.
Ecclesiastes 72-4
8Things of Earth do not Bring Lasting Happiness
- Possessions Ecclesiastes 24-11 Luke 215-21
- Tend to isolate. 47-8
- No satisfaction more anxiety. Ecclesiastes
510-12 1 Timothy 610 - Rich young Ruler. Matthew 1921-22
9Things of Earth do not Bring Lasting Happiness
- Wisdom Ecclesiastes 212-17
- Trusting in your own wisdom is foolish. 1
Corinthians 318 82 - Death still comes. 214
- Divine wisdom needed. 816-17 1 Corinthians 121
10Things of Earth do not Bring Lasting Happiness
- Labor Ecclesiastes 218-23 (24)
- Whose shall it be? 218-19 Luke 1220
- Elements of despair. 210 513-17
- Good, but not for ultimate joy. Lamentations
327 1 Thessalonians 411-12
11Things of Earth do not Bring Lasting Happiness
- Success Ecclesiastes 44-6
- Often envied. 44
- Learn to be content with what our labor provides.
1 Timothy 66-8
12Things of Earth do not Bring Lasting Happiness
- If desires fulfilled.Ecclesiastes 67-9
- Never satisfied when desire rules.
- Desires must be godly and be controlled by
contented faith. Philippians 411-13
13If desires fulfilled. Leah Genesis 2931-35
Ruben (i.e. see a son) Because Jehovah hath
looked upon my affliction. (misery NIV) Simeon
(i.e. hearing) Because Jehovah hath heard
that I am hated Levi (i.e. attachment)
Now this time my husband will be joined to me
Judah (i.e. praise) This time will I
praise Jehovah Zebulun (i.e. honor) now will
my husband dwell (honor) me. (Genesis 3020
14Things We Need To Be Happy
- Fear and obey God. Ecclesiastes 1213
- Address sin in Gods way. Acts 237-42 839
1627, 34 Psalms 511-12 - Seek first the things of God. Matthew 633 cf. 1
Peter 310-11