Title: Timothy X Brown
1Test Bed for a Wireless Network on Small UAVs
- Timothy X Brown
- Interdisciplinary Telecommunications
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Colorado
- Presented at the AIAA 3rd Unmanned Unlimited
Technical ConferenceChicago - September 22, 2004
2Thanks to
- University of Colorado
- Brian Argrow
- Cory Dixon
- Jack Elson
- Sheetalkumar Doshi
- Daniel Henkel
- Jesse Himmelstein
- Sushant Jadhav
- Gerald Jones
- Marc Kessler
- Jake Nelson
- Phillip Nies
- Bill Pisano
- Roshan-George Thekkekunnel
- Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
- John Ewan
- Fidelity-Comtech
- Joe Carey
- L3-Corporation
- Ken Davey
3We are building an Ad Hoc UAV-Ground Network
- COTS 802.11b (WiFi) Radio Components
- Linux-based Open Source Software
- Small Low-Cost UAV
Fixed Radios
Radios on vehicles
Radios in UAVs
4Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Robust Connectivity
5Routing Complexity
6The Problem
- There is a significant gap in careful studies of
ad hoc network behavior - Simulation misses the interaction between
- Distributed Protocols
- Operating System
- Hardware
- Environment
- Full scale hardware test bed
7Test Bed Design
- Goals
- Realistic
- Real time
- Detailed
- Accurate
- Scales
- Challenges
- Small UAV
- Disconnects
- Analysis
- Design
- Outdoors
- Embedded collection
- Per packet data
- GPS time and position
- Concise data
- Relational database
- In-band signaling
- Reliable backhaul
- Graphical Interface
8Test Bed
Table Mountain National Radio Quiet Zone
15km North of the University of Colorado
9(No Transcript)
10Test Bed
- Large, Flat
- Buildings with
- Power
- Networking
- UAV Ops
11Table Mountain
Landing Strip
Public Road Circuit at Mesa Base
Gateway to Hi-speed Internet
12Monitoring Model
Table Mountain Ad Hoc Radio Test Bed
NOC Univ. of Colorado
Aerial Vehicle Nodes
Monitoring Server
Hand- held Nodes
Ground Vehicle Nodes
Fixed Node/ Gateway
Fixed Ground Nodes
13Node Monitoring Collection
Radio Receive Interface
Operating System
DSR Router
Radio Transmit Interface
14Reliable Backhaul
- Nodes can be separated from gateway for minutes
at a time - Reliable backhaul guarantees delivery for up to
60min of separation.
15Remote Monitoring
Time Control
Situational Map
Data Graphs
Control Panel
Web-based Java GUI accessing MySQL Database
16Monitoring Performance
- Throughput
- lt 10 impact in worst case
Throughput (Mbps) Throughput (Mbps)
1 hop 2 hop
Without monitoring 1.40 0.02 0.53 0.12
With monitoring 1.38 0.03 0.48 0.17
17Monitor Performance
50 in 1 sec 95 in 1 min 99.9 in 10min
Fraction of packets delivered within specified
delay (sec)
- Monitoring reliably delivered despite 10min
losses in connectivity.
18So What?
- We have demonstrated a robust data collection
system that works - across UAV, mobile, and fixed nodes
- with long disconnects
- with many applications
- We have built a GUI that
- Captures big picture of ad hoc network behavior
- Enables detailed analysis of specific events
- Project website augnet.colorado.edu