Title: Contributions from the Popular Education in
1- Contributions from the Popular Education in
- Latin America to the education and formation for
- lifelong learning in times of change
- Pedro Pontual
2- This presentation is a contribution from the
practices of popular education in Latin America
today to the reflection about tendencies and
perspectives of the education and formation over
life in scenarios of strong and complex changes
all over the world. - From this point of view, we think its important
to strength the following points in an agenda of
- Building an active and transforming citizenship
which has social equality (understood as the
right to equal opportunities to resources for the
integral and sustainable development) as its
central axis. - The equality implies equity and also the
redistributive justice based on the collective
- The people are incorporated as active subjects
(in their individual and social dimensions) in
the construction of social policies oriented by
many principles among which we highlight the
universality, the diversity and the solidarity. - In deep unequal and non-equitative societies in
which we live this means to strength the
necessary inclusive dimension in educational
practices, formal or informal.
5THE SOCIAL MOVEMENTSEmpowering for incidence in
educational policies
- The social movements are strategic collective
actors for the distinct incidence practices in
educational policies in both the dimension of
equitative access and the dimension of quality
and democratic management. - For that, its necessary the expansion of
formation programs for the several collective
actors based in a participative and dialogical
- Facing the complexity of the decent work issue in
the 21st century and what kind of education and
formation are necessary as responses to the new
challenges. - The educational experiences from the solidarity
economy and family agriculture are some of the
alternatives that have been developed in Latin
- Developing an intercultural pedagogy that gains
growing importance in our context since the
democratic processes made the emergence of a
diversity of identities that constitute our
societies possible.
- These identities were systematically excluded and
discriminated by the dominating colonialism and
authoritarism in the history of our continent.
- The recent debates in the constitutional
processes in Bolivia and Ecuador about the rights
of the original peoples or the debate in Brazil
about the afro-Brazilians quotas for joining
college challenges us about the necessity of a
pedagogy of interculturality that makes possible
a transforming sense to these actions. - Also the intensity and complexity of the
migration situations point to the same direction
of guaranteeing educational rights to these
peoples from the perspective of the
- Emphasizing the expansion of educational programs
about the theme of the environment and
sustainable development. The global climatic
changes, the crisis of food and energy production
are some of the facts that challenge us in the
present moment. - Also the theme of a revision of our patterns of
individual and collective consumption demand
strong and fast initiatives from the popular
education in order to cause real changes in the
perception and acts around these challenges by
the social movements and citizens in daily life.
- Make advances in the subject of communication and
new technologies from the perspective of their
strategic dimension for democratization of our
societies and for the social inclusion.
- The digital inclusion programs, the production of
educational materials using multimedia resources,
the alternative communication networks
(educational and/or communitarian radios and
TVs), the distance learning programs and the
virtual learning communities are practices that
should challenge us with their methodological,
pedagogical and epistemological advances to make
their use as human emancipation instruments and
liberation action possible.
12Finalizing, this year we celebrate the 60 years
of the Universal Human Rights Declaration, and
its important to reaffirm education and
formation for lifelong learning as part of the
human economical, social, cultural and
environmental rights that should be articulated
with practices of Peace Culture that demand
educational actions founded on the principles of
human coexistence based on plurality with wide
respect to the differences and following
permanently the peaceful and democratic
resolution of conflicts.