Title: WHO AM I?
- Identifying Students Strengths and Skills
2Put your name and contact info here
- Put a picture of your school here
3having career conversations
- List of Resources you suggest or want to highlight
- Identifying strengths and skills using Virginia
Career VIEW resources - WHO AM I? Toolkit
- Focus on Parent OR Educator Resources, or include
both - Explain importance of Identifying Strengths and
Skills now
4Take this opportunity to relate this info to
career clusters, ACPs, Career Pathways or other
initiatives at your school or in your school
5Connecting Through storytelling
- Introduce Concept of Storytelling in Career
Exploration - Introduce to Educators as Classroom Activity for
Students - OR
- Introduce to Parents as a Parent/Student Activity
6- Career Exploration in either Elementary School
or Middle School - Tips for parents activities, books, etc all
listed on VIEW site in toolkit - Tips for educators activities, books, lessons,
suggestions, SOL/Counselor Standard Matrix on
VIEW site - Hyperlinks to your school site/personal site
- Hyperlinks to your favorite resources
- Great opportunity to talk about upcoming school
events (Career Day, Reflections contest, etc. as
well as community events that relate to Career
7References or Other Information
Enter information here
Presentation template provided by Virginia
Career VIEW, School of Education, Virginia
Techwww.vacareerview.org 1-800-542-5870 Toll
Free in VAplease do not remove this disclaimer