American Immigration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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American Immigration


American Immigration Ellis Island s Story Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary source information: Ellis Island by Pamela Reeves – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: American Immigration

American Immigration
  • Ellis Islands Story

Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary
source information Ellis Island by Pamela Reeves
Ellis Island New York City, NY
  • Four out of ten Americans trace their heritage
    via Ellis Island. Like the Statue of Liberty, it
    has been a powerfully evocative symbol to
    generations of immigrants.

Mr. Martinezs GrandmotherGenevieve Menager
  • My grandmother, third from the left, immigrated
    to the United States from France. My grandmother
    like many others passed through Ellis Island.

The Menager Siblings from France
Class System
  • Ellis Island showcased some of the best aspects
    of the United States, but also some of the worst.
    Its very existence was testimony to a class

1st Class Ticket
  • Immigrants who could afford a first- or
    second-class ticket aboard the big ocean liners
    from Europe were briefly inspected aboard ship
    and allowed, to pass directly into the United

  • Describing the lower decks, Somehad sold their
    clothes to raise the passage-money, and had
    hardly rags to cover them others had no food and
    lived upon the charity of the rest and one
    manhad had no sustenance but the bones and
    scraps of fat he took from the plates used in the
    after-cabin dinner, when they were put out to be
  • Charles Dickens, 1842.

Steerage Passengers
  • Only the poor were required to undergo an
    inspection at Ellis Island, and the poor
    comprised, by far, the majority of immigrants.
    These steerage passengers-so called because they
    traveled in the lowest levels of the ship did
    not always receive a warm welcome.

  • Treatment of the immigrants on Ellis Island
    varied over the years from tolerant to
    scandalous, and even the most honest and
    well-meaning administrators had trouble getting
    rid of the men of prey who tried to cheat the
    newcomers out their few possessions or their
    often meager life savings.

  • Indeed, the immigrants were easy marks, having
    just completed an uncomfortable or even wretched
    journey across the ocean, stepping onto shore in
    a country where they knew neither the language
    nor the money exchange-rates.

  • The island also drew legions of kindhearted
    missionaries and ethnic-aid societies, whose
    members guided their countrymen through the entry
    process, past the lurking pitfalls, and safely
    into the new land. The volunteers helped
    immigrants locate friends and get jobs.

  • Some immigrants were forced to leave their homes
    because of war, famine, political , economic or
    religious persecution. Some left unhappy family
    situations and struck out on their own. Most
    were drawn by the promise of a better life, and a
    country where plentiful and hard work led to

  • In 1845, Ireland was hit with a famine stemming
    from crop failures of the main peasant food-
    potatoes. Over the next decade, 1.5 million
    Irish citizens set out for the United States.

Irish Laundry Girls
  • These Russian orphans lost their mothers due to
    political persecution in their homeland.

  • Ireland was not alone in suffering from lack of
    food- in 1847, a shortage of bread and potatoes
    caused rioting in Germany.

Xenophobia the fear of strangers or foreigners.
  • Between 1880 and 1900, nine million immigrants
    entered the country, the largest number of new
    arrivals in any 20 year period. This alarmed
    many Americans, in part because of a shift in the
    nationality of the immigrants.

  • The earliest settlers in the U.S. were from
    northern and western Europe, primarily England,
    Ireland, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries.
    When people from southern and eastern Europe
    began to predominate (Italy, Russia, Poland,
    Spain, Greece, Eastern Europe, and
    Austria-Hungary), Americans began to protest. In
    1924, a stiff immigration-restriction law was

A Jewish peddler on the streets of New York City.
  • On the West Coast, there had been race riots
    against the Chinese, who had comprised 17 of
    the population and worked for low wages for
    railroad builders. Feelings ran so strong that
    Congress banned Chinese immigrants from entering
    the United States (Chinese Exclusion Act). The
    immigration station in San Francisco is located
    on Angel Island.

IndustrializationMajor Motive
  • Ellis island opened in 1892 in the midst of an
    industrialization in the United States that drew
    eager workers from dozens of foreign nations at
    its height in 1907, more than one million people
    came through its doors.

  • At the turn of the 20th century, America was
    undergoing a major transformation from a rural to
    an urban society. This change was accompanied by
    huge growth in iron, steel, mining, and lumber
    industries and such major developments as the
    telephone, the automobile, electric light, and
    the phonograph.

Thomas Edison and his phonograph.
Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone.
Henry Ford and his Model T automobile.
  • The offshoots of industries required millions of
    laborers and provided the economic draw for those
    in less prosperous European nations.

  • Despite some early mutual distrust, many of the
    immigrants joined the newly developed American
    labor unions, eventually becoming a major force
    in the movement.

  • Their struggle for such rights for the 8 hour day
    led to bloody strikes and violent confrontations.
    In 1886 alone, there were nearly 1,600 strikes
    involving 600,000 workers, one them culminating
    in Chicagos infamous Haymarket Riot, in which 8
    policemen were killed and more than sixty people
    wounded. Many Americans would blame the unions
    and their immigrant members for causing the

  • At the same time as the labor classes, there was
    an outcry against the abuses at New York Citys
    Castle Garden, which had opened in 1855 as the
    nations first receiving-station for immigrants.
    During its 35 years of operation, Castle Garden
    handled 9 million immigrants, including labor
    champion Samuel Gompers, the 1st president of the

Samuel Gompers, the 1st president of the
American Federation of Labor.
  • Ellis Island opens it doors to immigrants on New
    Years Day, 1882. The federal government opens
    the new station because of disrepair and
    corruption of the Castle Garden Immigration
    center. Prior to the federal government,
    immigration in New York City was handled by state

Ellis Island ferry
Ellis Island
  • The wharves were large enough to receive
    immigrants from 2 ships simultaneously. Once
    ashore, they went straight into a giant hall and
    a maze of aisles where they waited their turn to
    talk with a registry clerk, and a medical

After passing the medical examination, immigrants
waited anxiously in the Registry room to be
summoned to an inspectors desk for the
legal inspection.
Primary Evidence Inspection Card
  • The inspection card, dating from 1911, gives the
    name of the ship which the immigrant traveled to
    America, plus the immigrants name, point of
    departure, and last residence.

Medical Inspections
A mother and her children wait for medical
examination. At the far left of the photograph,
a doctor can be seen checking a childs eyes for
signs of trachoma.
A doctor examines a woman who bears a chalk mark
on her dress, courtesy of a sharp-eyed inspector.
  • Those who failed to pass the initial inspection
    were placed in a wire-screened enclosure, due
    to improper papers, or failed health screenings.
    Sometimes paperwork could be corrected.
    Sometimes immigrants were placed in quarantine.
    Many times, these immigrants were just sent back
    home. Sometimes family members would be

The Ellis Island hospital and contagious Wards
contained beds for 700 patients.
(No Transcript)
DeportationExpulsion of someone from a country.
  • Immigrants who failed inspection were often sent
    home. Pictured are immigrants who are awaiting
    deportation in an outdoor area of Ellis Island.

  • Having passed all inspections, immigrants were
    permitted to send telegrams notifying relatives
    of their safe arrival to America.

  • The rest were separated into groups, depending on
    whether they planned to stay in New York or were
    taken to another destination.

Immigrants who were to travel to their final
destinations by railroad had their railway
tickets pinned to their lapels.
At the Railroad ticket office, newcomers happy to
have passed inspections bought tickets to travel
on from Ellis Island.
Restrictions on Immigration
  • As ever growing numbers of immigrants looked
    hopefully toward America and the promise of a new
    life, Americans themselves were reluctant to
    allow immigration to continue unrestricted.
    Congress would implement numerous restrictions
    and quotas on future immigration.

  • After World War I, immigration in the United
    States dwindles due to Congressional Quotas.
    During World War II, Ellis Island will be used as
    a detention center for enemy aliens (Germans,
    Italians, Japanese, Hungarians, Romanians, and

The once packed Registry room was quiet, its
vast spaces empty save for a few immigrant
Nativismopposition to immigration.
  • Its decline began shortly after World War I, when
    Congress imposed severe restrictions on
    immigration, reflecting the attitudes of a
    society grown weary of foreigners. After 1924,
    immigration slowed to a trickle and Ellis Island
    fell into disuse. It was closed in 1954.

Ellis Island is now a restored National Park and
Approximately 17 million immigrants passed
through the gates of Ellis Island.
Immigration Today
Immigration Still a Hot Topic
Protest in America
Border Security ?or Xenophobia ?
What are your opinions on today's immigration
debate ?
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