Title: Japanese%20Virtual%20Observatory%20Project
1Japanese Virtual ObservatoryProject
- Masatoshi Ohishi
- National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- and Sokendai
- masatoshi.ohishi_at_nao.ac.jp
- Fujitsu Ltd.
- K. Monzen
- K. Kawarai
- Y. Ishihara
- H. Yanaka
- Y. Yamaguchi
- M. Ishida
- N. Saito
- K. Abe
- J. Tsutsumi
- H. Nakamoto
- Y. Morita
- Y. Mizumoto
- N. Yasuda
- Y. Shirasaki
- M. Tanaka
- S. Honda
- Ochanomizu U.
- Y. Masunaga
- Osaka U.
- S. Shimojo his team
- Titech
- S. Matsuoka his team
Ken Miura
3Large Telescopes of NAOJ
- Subaru (optical Infrared) _at_ Hawaii
- Nobeyama (Radio)
- single dish f 45-m
- interferometer 6 x f 10-m
- solar interferometer 84 x f 75-cm
- HALCA in orbit f 8-m
5Subaru Telescope (optical IR)
8.3-m mirror
6(No Transcript)
75000 Galaxies !!
845m Radio Telescope
9HALCA VLBI Space Observatory Programme
10JAXA is going to join JVO !!
Infrared Satellite by JAXA
Launch 2005 ?
11Data Productivity
- Nobeyama Radio 1TB/yr
- Subaru_at_Hawaii 20TB/yr
- ALMA(planned) PB/yr
- Flood of excellent data (survey data)
- Digitized Archived
12Unknowns of Astronomy
- Physics just after the Big Bang ?
- How Galaxies were formed ?
- Averaged density of the Universe
- etc.
- ? statistical analyses for homogeneous survey
data are crucial
13The Nature of Astronomers
- Higher sensitivity !
- More Data !
- Wider Area !
- Multi Wavelength Data !
14(No Transcript)
15HPC High Speed NETWORK
- GRID Technology
- ? it is possible to federate multi-wavelength-DB
s and computing facilities for data analyses - ? Virtual Observatory
1610 Gbps
17JVO prototype Ver. 1
- To establish seamless access to federated DBs by
using the Grid technology - To define JVO Query Language, and to implement
its parser
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19Queries for Astronomical Data
- Need to consider the following items
- Searches on Spherical Coordinate
- ? 1 deg west of longitude 0 is longitude 359
deg ! - Difference of spatial resolutions
- Pointing accuracy of telescope
20Astronomical Data
- Image
- Spectrum
- Photon count
- Light curves
- etc.
- Catalogue
- source position,
- size, brightness,
- other parameters
21JVO QL for Federated DBs
22User Interfaces
- Need to know about SQL to use JVOQL
- ?
- An editor to create JVOQL from GUI
- Editable on screen
- ? more flexibility for advanced users
23(No Transcript)
24Development of Prototype2
- For preparation of Operational System
- User registration single sign-on
- User area over Firewall GSI-SFS
- Adoption of GT3
- Implementation of several analysis tools
25- JVOQL editor
- DB search by resource finder
- UCD finder
- Name Resolver
- Execution Monitor
- User Registration
- User Authentication
User Interface
- VOTable Viewer
- Plotter
- Image Data Viewer
- Spectrum Data Viewer
- Overlay of Muti-catalogs
- Overlay of muti-wavelength images
User athentication
Data Display
Query interface
- DB search by resource finder
DB Navigator
JVO System
Analysis Execution Status
Query Instruction (JVOQL)
Query Execution Status
Analysis Instruction
DB metadata query
Status cofirmation
Status confirmation
Query Results (XML)
Query script (XPath)
Controller JB
Controller JB
Grid service
Parsed JVOQL
Scheduler JB
Data transfer by GSI-SFS
Registry (XMLDB)
Obs. Instruction
Data Transfer by GSI-SFS
Parsed JVOQL, results
Executor JB
Scheduler JB
Obs. Instruct.
Query Order
Results sent by SOAP
Executor JB
Query Order
Results sent by SOAP
Query Order
Results sent by SOAP
Grid service
26Resource Meta Data
Catalog?Table Resource?column metadata
?????? Column Resource ????? metadata ?????(???)
27Comparison of two Prototypes
Prototype 1 Prototype 2
toolkit Globus tk 2 Globus tk 3
Services used GRAM GridFTP Grid Services RFT
registry UDDI XMLDB
Commu. overhead 20 30 sec 30 msec
28A Scientific Target on Prototype 2
- Search for Gravitational lenses created by Cosmic
29Cosmic Strings?
- Theoretical origin of the elementary particles
which existed (?) at t 10-35 s,T 1015 GeV - Not a POINT, has its SIZE
- Width lt 10-22m, Length size of the Universe.
- Mass of 10km string the Earth
30Gravitational Lens
- A phenomenon that the space-time is distorted by
a huge mass object, and multiple images of
another object behind the massive object are
observed around it.
31Search for Gravitational Lensescreated (?) by
Cosmic Strings
- SXDS data observed by Subaru
- Query results were obtained less than 5 min.,
displaying SEDs - It has been proven
- that VO can
- accelerate
- researches.
32Road Map
- 2003 Prototype 2
- ? development of components for operation
- 2004 start to develop operational system
- late 2004 ?? trial use
- 2005-2006 trial use upgrade
- 2007 prepare for partial operation of
33ALMA in Chile (sub-mm wave)EU-US-J Collaboration
34VO Projects in the world
- NVO (USA), AVO (EU),AstroGrid (UK)
- Germany, Canada, Russia, Australia
- India, China, Italy, France (CDS), Korea, JAPAN
- Interoperability International Virtual
Observatory Alliance (IVOA) - http//www.ivoa.net/
- CDS Strasbourg Data Center
35WGs in IVOA
- Registry, Data model, Data Access Layer, VOtable,
VOQL, Grid, UCD, Standard Documents - Executive Committee
- Interoperability meetings were held twice
- JVOQL has been adopted as one of the basis for
SkyQL (standard query language in IVOA) - XML description of SkyQL ADQL
- Astronomical Data Query Language
37Virtual Observatory ? Common Infrastructure for