Title: Trac(e)ing geochemical processes and pollution in groundwater
1Trac(e)ing geochemical processes and pollution in
- M.J.M. Vissers
- P.F.M. van Gaans
- S.P. Vriend
2Multilevel wells have advantages over single
level GWQ networks when studying trace elements
- Many geochemical processes
- The dynamic behavior of groundwater
- Changes in input (anthropogenic influence) i.e.
no steady state - (Analytical / sampling errors )
3I will show this by presenting
- Study area and processes that (may) occur
- Two example elements
- Rubidium
- Uranium
4Study area and processes Map of the study area
- Sandy, unconsolidated aquifer, with ice-pushed
ridge in the east - Mainly Agricultural land use, eastern part
cultivated in the 1920s - 10 Borings, total of 244 mini screens
5Study area and processes Cross-section of the
study area
- Filtrated over 0.45µm, analyzed on ICP-MS
- Sampled in 1989 (no trace elements), 1996 (½),
and 2002 (all) - Randomly analyzed on gt 70 inorganic components
and DOC
6Study area and processes Processes and number of
observed boundaries
- Pollution / changes in input
- Iron reduction
- Mn reduction
- Sulphate reduction
- pH changes / carbonate buffering
- Mineral Dissolution / Precipitation
- Coprecipitation / Codissolution
- Adsorption / Desorption
- Kinetics
- Analytical problems
In major elements
7? Rubidium and Uranium ? Two example elements
- Rubidium No mineral phases, input from either
recharge or sediment, and adsorption processes
are expected to play role - Uranium Many saturation phases, depending on
redox conditions. - What is needed for interpretation?
- Concentration depth profiles of trace element
- Knowledge derived from macro-chemistry
- Geochemical knowledge
8RubidiumConcentration (µg/l) - depth profiles of
all borings
9RubidiumInput and adsorption, and influence of
pH and redox in boring A7
- Rubidium 0.3 µg/l in pristene water
- Adsorption plays a role (retention) boring A5
and A8 - Input by recharge (up to 100 µg/l)
- No (direct) influence of redox and pH boundaries
10UraniumSI Eh dependence of a 6 ppb groundwater
Log Saturation index
Eh (mv)
11UraniumConcentration (µg/l) depth profiles of
all borings
U (µg/l) ?
U (µg/l) ?
U (µg/l) ?
14UraniumConcentration depth profiles of boring
A7 in µg/l
- Iron reduced waters have concentrations of 0.001
0.05 µg/l (uraninite saturation) - Input in recently recharged water 0.1µg/l
- In deeper oxic water lower concentrations are
found - At reduction boundary (manganese reduced)
concentrations reach 1 8 µg/l - Source is the sediment
- In the examples, multilevel wells give
possibility to - Determine background concentration for Rb
- Exclude redox and pH as important process for Rb
- Show input and retention are important for Rb
- Accuratly determine redox zone of high U
- Exclude pollution as potential U-source
- Estimate input of U from recharge and from
17Conclusions II
- Even with the help of multilevel wells, it is
hard to determine trace element systematics