Amas an Latha - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amas an Latha


Amas an Latha Na ceangalaichean eadar na tr loidhneachan leasachaidh Ag ionnsachadh ann an d ighean gn omhail – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: amas | gramar | latha


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Amas an Latha

Amas an Latha
  • Na ceangalaichean eadar na trì loidhneachan
  • Ag ionnsachadh ann an dòighean gnìomhail

A Leasachadh Litearras
Èisteachd agus Labhairt
Càite a bheil seo a suidhe anns na builean
ionnsachaidh airson litearras agus Gàidhlig?
As I listen and take part in conversations, I can
use new words, phrases and Gàidhlig Idiom which I
use to help me engage in a coherent manner using
extended vocabulary And more complex language
I can select and use a selection of strategies
and resources, before I read and as I read to
make meaning clear and give reasons for my
Using what I know about the features of different
types of text, I can find, select and sort
information from a variety of sources and use
this for different purposes.
  • Having explored the elements writer use in
    different genres I can use what I learn to
    compose stories, poems and play with
  • an interesting an appropriate structure and/or
  • interesting characters and personalities and/or
  • settings which come to life.

Overarching Experiences
In developing my literacy skills
I communicate, collaborate and build
I learn to reflect on and explain my thinking.
I engage with a rich range of texts in different
I explore the richness and diversity of language,
how it can affect me and the wide range of ways
in which I and others can be creative.
I develop my understanding of how language works
and what is special, vibrant and valuable about
other languages and cultures and my own.
I appreciate the power of language to influence
and bring about change.
I extend and enrich my vocabulary through
listening, talking, watching and reading.
I develop an understanding of relationships,
motivations, ideas and actions.
I reflect on how well I am listening and talking,
reading and writing. I respond to and act on
feedback to help me improve and I provide
sensitive and useful feedback to others.
I take advantage of the opportunities offered by
Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
A Mìneachadh Teacs
(No Transcript)
Cairtean Comhraidh
Ciamar a bha thu a faireachdainn nuair a
dhùisg thu an-diugh sa mhadainn?
Bha e a coiseachd sìos an rathad Bha e a
leughadh an leabhair. Bha i a ruith gu luath.
Bha mo mhàthair a ceannach phàipearan-naidheachd
. Bha Daibhidh a fosgladh na h-uinneige. Bha
iad ag òl tòrr Còc. Bha Ceit a dèanamh cèic
Think about what you already know.
Read the sentence again.
Read the punctuation!
Look for chunks that you know.
Read the title.
Read on to the end of the sentence.
Sound out the word.

Look at the first letters and think about what
you already Know.
Look at the illustrations.
Look for words within words.
Look for compound words.
then ask for help!
Bha i fiadhaich a-muigh. Bha frasan troma
chlachan-meallain gan sadail air na h-uinneagan
agus bha a ghaoth a sgreuchail s a caoineadh
timcheall an taighe. Cha mhòr gun cuala sinn na
marcaichean a tighinn, bhon chùil bhlàth againn
sa chidsin. Gu dè fo Shealbh, arsa Mairead, an
còcaire, a dhfhàgadh duine beò a-muigh air a
leithid seo a dhoidhche?Cò aig tha fhios?
arsa Tòmas, am buidealair, ag èirigh gu chasan gu
piantail, ach s fheàrr dhuinne a dhol a-mach
gan cuideachadh, a Ruairidh.Cha tèid gun cluinn
sinn an glag, thuirt mise. Ach ma thuirt, cha
chualas an glag idir, ach an doras mòr a
fosgladh shuas an staidhre.Gu dè -? arsa Tòmas,
a cur air a ghruag-bhrèige an taobh
ceàrr.Seall, arsa Mairead, a bha a-nis aig an
uinneig. Tha solas san stàball. Cò th
ann?Chaidh mi a-null. Tha thu dall, a
Mhairead, arsa mise. Do mhaighstir fhèin a th
Àm nan Seumasach An latha an diugh

Smaoinich air faclan a bheir dhut barrachd
fiosrachadh mun dà charactar.
A faireachdainn
Gan giùlan fhèin
A toiseachadh aig a chrioch!
Uill, thuirt Dochaidh Mòr, a tionndadh ri
Dochaidh Beag. Nach math gun robh thu seo. Bha
an cat sin a dol gar n-ithe. Faodaidh tu na
cnothan gu lèir ithe. Agus thug e dha a
Talla-cluiche an luchd leughaidh
  • Ann am buidhean coimheadamh air a phostar Na
  • Cuiribh sibh fhein anns an t-suidheachadh.
  • Thoiribh beachd air faireachdainnean
  • De chanadh tu anns an t-suidheachadh,
  • De dheanamh tu san t-suidheachadh
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