Title: Blank Jeopardy
A History Lesson!
Religion and more!
Government Society
1 pt
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2A raised channel used to carry water
3What is an aqueduct?
4Romans created lasting structures by using these
5What are arches?
6A legal system based upon a written code of laws
7What is civil law?
8A word that means Gods chosen one in Hebrew.
9What is "Messiah"?
10Punishing a group because of its beliefs
11What is persecution?
12Peaceful period in Romes Empire lasted almost
200 years!
13What is "Pax Romana"?
14Wanted Romans to give power back to the Senate
a great orator!
15Who is "Cicero"?
16Romans invented this material to make their
structures longer lasting it worked!
17What is "cement"?
18Egyptian queen who loved both Caesar and Marc
Antony. She chose to die rather than live
without Marc Antony a brilliant, beautiful, and
cunning leader in her own right! She was
believed to speak 8 different languages!
19Who is Cleopatra?
20First Emperor of Rome give me both names he was
known by!
21Who is "Augustus" and "Octavian"?
22Rome fell in this year after a brutal, foreign
general invaded it and named himself king.
23What is 476 AD!
24Romans made significant scientific and
engineering achievements. Their approach was
considered to be very ______________.
25What is for "practical"?
26Unlike the Romans, the Jews believed in only one
god. A belief in one god is called
27What is "monotheism"?
28The society that developed in the eastern Roman
Empire after the fall of the western Roman Empire
was officially called the __________ __________.
29What is the "Byzantine Empire"?
30The emperor, Justinian, counted on advice and
leadership from his wife, _______.
31Who is "Theodora"?
32What's the significance of the date March 15th,
44 BC?
33Julius Caesar was assassinated in the Senate.
34What is the date March 15th also referred to as ?
35What is the "Ides of March"?
36This emperor decided to divide the empire in
hopes of saving it. What was his name?
37Who is "Diocletian"?
38Name two groups who threatened, or successfully
invaded Rome in the 4oos AD?
39Who are the Huns, Goths, Vandals, Franks, etc
40Give me two reasons for the collapse of the Roman
41Size of the empire, too big to govern
effectively, political corruption, departure of
wealthy citizens led to high taxes, disease,
foreigners needed to farm land who felt no
loyalty to the empire, and invasions.
42The _________ people rebelled against Roman rule
in Judea.
43Who are the "Jewish" people?
44Eastern Emperor who became Christian and removed
the bans on the religion in the 300s AD.
45Who is "Constantine"?
46His letters helped spread Christianity even
further while his ideas helped the Christian
Church break away from Judaism.______________.
47Who is "Paul of Tarsus"?
48Rome was generally tolerant of other religions.
But, Christianity posed a _________ problem.
49What is "political" problem?
50AD stands for .
51Latin, "Anno Domini", stands for "in the year of
our Lord."