Why Does Missions Exist? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Why Does Missions Exist?


Is Jesus your greatest treasure? I hope these s help you in some way (feel free to delete this ). Feel free to contact me for any reason. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Why Does Missions Exist?

Why Does Missions Exist? Borrowed heavily from
John Piper Let the Nations be Glad
What is the chief end of man (or what is the
purpose of life)?
To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
What is the chief end of God?
To glorify Himself (He alone is worthy of all
glory and honor)
Isaiah 489,11 "For the sake of My name I delay
My wrath, And for My praise I restrain it for
you, In order not to cut you off. 11 "For My own
sake, for My own sake, I will act For how can
My name be profaned? And My glory I will not
give to another.
What is the ultimate goal of the Church?
Worship (to glorify God)
Why Does Missions Exist?
Missions Exist Because Worship Doesnt. Worship
is ultimate, not missions, because God is
ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and
the countless millions of the redeemed fall on
their faces before the throne of God, missions
will be no more. It is a temporary necessity.
But worship lives forever. (John Piper)
Worship is the Goal and Fuel of Missions.
Its the Goal Because in missions we simply aim
to bring the nations into the white-hot enjoyment
of Gods glory. (worship) John Piper
Its the Fuel Because Passion for God in worship
precedes the offer of God in preaching. You
wont promote what you dont treasure. When the
flame of worship burns with the heat of gods
true worth, the light of missions will shine to
the most remote peoples on earth. Where passion
for God is weak, zeal for missions will be weak.
Churches that arent passionate about Gods glory
will not be passionate about missions. (John
Missions Exist Because Worship Doesnt.
Be passionate for Gods Glory (making God look
good). How do we do this?
Job 2614 our Great God
(No Transcript)
How shall one ever be the emissary
(representative, ambassador, messenger) of this
great God who has not trembled before him with
joyful wonder? (John Piper)
Where is your first love tonight? Is Jesus your
greatest treasure?
I hope these slides help you in some way (feel
free to delete this slide). Feel free to contact
me for any reason. I have some handouts and extra
info for some of the slides that I did not
include. There are also a few notes at the
bottom of some slides, but not as much as I
should have. If you have some great ideas or
help or criticisms, or just want to talk, give me
a call or shoot me an email. youthpastortimo_at_hotm
ail.com (515) 448-5414
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