Title: Model-based Identification of Dominant Congested Links
1Model-based Identification of Dominant Congested
- Wei Wei, Bing Wang, Don Towsley, Jim Kurose
- weiwei, bing, towsley, kurose_at_cs.umass.edu
- Motivation
- Virtual probe, virtual queuing delay
- Dominant congested links
- Identifying dominant congested links
- Validation
- Conclusions, future work
- Dominant congested link (informally) link with
most losses and significant delays on end-end
path - Applications
- traffic engineering
- understand dynamics of network
- Direct measurement of an individual link
difficult - commercial reasons
- existence of multiple ISPs along path
4Virtual Probe, Virtual Queuing Delay
- Virtual Probe infinitesimally small packet
- does not disturb real traffic, never dropped
- queuing delay due to queue occupancy
- If queue full, mark as lost, experience maximum
queuing delay, go to next link - Virtual Queuing Delay W
- End-end queuing delay of virtual probes with loss
marks - Two important questions about W
- Most loss marks at one link?
- Major part of W due to experiencing maximum
queuing delay?
5Virtual Probe, Virtual Queuing Delay cont.
6Strongly Dominant Congested Link (SDCL)
- Link k is a strongly dominant congested link in
t1,t2) iff for any virtual probe sent at any
time t in t1,t2) satisfies, - all losses occur only at link k
- If experience max queuing delay on link k, this
max queuing delay is at least sum of queuing
delays it experiences on other links
7Weakly Dominant Congested Link (WDCL)
- Link k is a weakly dominant congested link with
parameter ? and in t1, t2, iff a virtual
probe sent at t satisfies
where 0 ? ? lt0.5, 0 ? ? 1,
8SDCL Illustration
Qk maximum queuing delay W virtual queuing delay
9Property of SDCL
Hypothesis H0 A SDCL exists. Find D minwFW(w)
gt 0,Check FW(2D). If FW(2D) lt 1, reject.
Otherwise, accept.
10Property of WDCL
Hypothesis H0 A WDCL exists. Find D minwFW(w)
gt ?,Check FW(2D). If FW(2D) lt (1- ?)(1-f),
reject. Otherwise, accept.
11An Example Test of SDCL
12Inferring Virtual Queuing Delay Distribution FW(w)
- Use virtual queuing delay distribution to test if
DCL exist - Infer FW(w)
- Linear Interpolation
- Hidden Markov model
- Markov model with a hidden dimension
13Markov Model with a Hidden Dimension
- Model components
- State (Xt, Yt), Yt delay, Xt hidden state
- N of hidden states
- M of delay bins
- p(i,j) initial distribution
- P(i,j)(k,l) transition matrix
- s(j) P(lossdelay j)
- When N1, a Markov model
14Packet Probes and Model Inference
- One-way End-end Periodic probes
- Delay Yt, t1, 2, , T.
- Yt if probe t is lost
- Parameter inference algorithm
- Forward-backward inference
- Iterative approach
- After algorithm converges
- s(j)P(lossdelayj), j1,2, , M.
15Obtain Virtual Queuing Delay Distribution FW(w)
from s(w)
- Obtain virtual queuing delay distribution from
model and trace
- Ns simulation
- Controlled environment
- Global knowledge
- Validation of methodology
- Internet experiment
- Applying methodology in real world
- Probe duration needed to obtain correct
17Simulation Setup
18Validation via Simulation
- (p1,p2,p3) (0, .002, .038)
WDCL(.07, .1)?
D4 FW(8) 1 gt (1-.07)(1-.1) YES
19Internet Experiments
Residence House USC Loss prob.
0.04 WDCL(.1,.1)?
D1, FW(2D)lt(1-.1)(1-.1) No
20Conclusions and Future Work
- Existence of DCL
- Introduce virtual queuing delay
- Model-based approach from one-way end-end
measurement - Only minutes of probes needed
- Future work
- Controlled test-bed experiments and more/richer
Internet experiments - Scenarios where wireless network is present