Greek I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Greek I


Greek I Punctuation, Syllabification and Introduction to English Nouns (Chapters 4-5) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Greek I

Greek I
  • Punctuation, Syllabification and Introduction to
    English Nouns
  • (Chapters 4-5)

The NT Text
  • oitine,j eivsin VIsrahli/tai( w-n h uioqesi,a
    kai. h do,xa kai. ai diaqh/kai kai. h
    nomoqesi,a kai. h latrei,a kai. ai
    evpaggeli,ai( 5 w-n oi pate,rej kai. evx w-n o
    Cristo.j to. kata. sa,rka( o w'n evpi. pa,ntwn
    qeo.j euvloghto.j eivj tou.j aivw/naj( avmh,nÅ
    Romans 94-5

Overview of Tonights Lesson
  • Four Greek punctuation marks and three accents.
  • Syllabification dividing a Greek word into
    syllables in order to be able to pronounce it
  • Introduction to English Nouns

Greek Punctuation
  • avpekri,qh VIhsou/j kai. eipen auvth/( Eiv
    hdeij th.n dwrea.n tou/ qeou/ kai. ti,j evstin
    o le,gwn soi( Do,j moi pei/n( su. a'n hthsaj
    auvto.n kai. edwken an soi udwr zw/nÅ
  • le,gei auvtw/ Îh gunh,Ð( Ku,rie( oute antlhma
    eceij kai. to. fre,ar evsti.n baqu,\ po,qen oun
    eceij to. udwr to. zw/nÈ (John 410-11)
  • In sum
  • Commas and periods are the same in Greek as they
    are in English.
  • In Greek, a period above the line is a semi-colon
    and a semi-colon is a question mark.

Diacritical Marks
  • Diaeresis We learned about this last time.
    Examples naïve, Mwu?sh/j
  • Elision when certain prepositions and
    conjunctions end in vowels and the following word
    also begins in a vowel, the vowel of the first
    word drops off and is replaced by an apostrophe
    (similar to a contraction in English dont
    confuse with smooth breathing).
  • ou-toj hlqen eivj marturi,an ina marturh,sh
    peri. tou/ fwto,j( ina pa,ntej pisteu,swsin diV
    auvtou/Å (John 17)
  • oi ouvk evx aima,twn ouvde. evk qelh,matoj
    sarko.j ouvde. evk qelh,matoj avndro.j avllV evk
    qeou/ evgennh,qhsanÅ(John 113)

Diacritical Marks
  • Accents Almost every Greek word has an accent
    mark. It is placed over a vowel and shows which
    syllable receives the stress. There are 3 kinds
  • evn auvtw/ zwh. hn( kai. h zwh. hn to. fw/j
    tw/n avnqrw,pwn\ (John 14)
  • Acute pitch goes up.
  • Grave pitch goes down.
  • Circumflex pitch goes up, then down.
  • For our purposes in pronunciation, we will simply
    stress the syllable that has the accent (see
    advanced information, pp. 20-21, for rules on
    accent placement).
  • Sometimes an accent changes the meaning of a
  • ti,j means who
  • tij means someone
  • See appendix in Mounce for more like these (p.

Syllabification How to Divide Words for
  • There is one vowel (or dipthong) per syllable.
  • av kh ko, a men mar tu rou/ men
  • A single consonant by itself (not a cluster) goes
    with the following vowel.
  • e w ra ,ka men ev qe a sa, me qa
  • Two consecutive vowels that do not form a
    dipthong are divided.
  • ev qe a sa, me qa H sa ilt aj
  • A consonant cluster that can not be pronounced
    together is divided, and the first consonant goes
    with the preceding vowel.
  • em pro sqen avr ch/j

Syllabification How to Divide Words for
  • A consonant cluster that can be pronounced
    together goes with the following vowel.
  • Cri sto,j gra fh,
  • Double consonants are divided.
  • Av pag ge,l lo men par rh si, a
  • Compound words are divided where joined.
  • Avn ti, cri stoj evk ba,l lw

Vocabulary for Chapter 4
Introduction to English Nouns
  • Grammatical Terminology

  • Inflection is the phenomena of a words form
    changing when it performs different functions in
    a sentence.
  • She will fail the class.
  • The teacher failed her.
  • English is not highly inflected, but Greek is.

Grammatical Concepts Associated with Inflection
  • Case The individual form of a word as it
    performs a particular function in a sentence. In
    English there are 3 cases
  • Subjective performs the action of the verb.
  • Objective receives the action of the verb, or
    serves as the object of a preposition.
  • Possessive as the name implies, shows
  • The main words in English that change their forms
    according to the function they perform are
    pronouns, e.g. he, him, his.

Grammatical Concepts Associated with Inflection
  • Number A word can be either singular or plural,
    depending on whether it refers to one or more
    than one.
  • Gender Some words (again, mostly pronouns in
    English) change their form depending upon whether
    they are referring to a masculine, feminine, or
    neuter object.
  • He gave it to her. All 3 pronouns are third
    personal singular.
  • Natural gender is when a word takes on the gender
    of the object it represents. This is the
    exception rather than the rule in Greek.

Grammatical Concepts Associated with Inflection
  • Declension the full pattern of different cases
    for a particular word (see pp. 345-46 in Mounce).

English Parts of Speech and Parts of a Sentence
  • Noun
  • Names a person, place, or thing.
  • Adjective
  • Modifies a noun or pronoun.
  • Preposition
  • Depicts relationship between two other words.
    The noun or pronoun following the preposition is
    its object.
  • Subject
  • Subject of the verb and its modifiers.
  • Predicate
  • Everything other than the subject, including
    verb, direct object, etc.
  • Definite article
  • the
  • Indefinite article
  • a or an

Greek Verbs
  • We will concentrate on nouns and adjectives
    first, then do verbs.
  • But in order to do the exercises, you need to
    know that concerning verbs, its all in the
    ending! (see p. 363).
  • Greek verbs have the subject built in you will
    need to add it when you translate.

For Next Week
  • Vocabulary quiz on words at the end of chapter 4.
  • Workbook Exercise 4 is due. This exercise is
    over the material that we covered tonight in
  • Read Chapter 6, Nominative and Accusative
    Definite Article
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