Lost in Africa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lost in Africa


Lost in Africa – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: africa | engine | lost


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lost in Africa

Lost in Africa
By Alejo Favero
The Game
  • Hi my name is Adam I live in New York, New
    York . My brothers name is Aaron. Were twins
    both of us are nineteen years old. It was a nice
    Sunday night. My brother and I were waiting for
    our friend John to call and tell us what time we
    were going to meet at the New York Nets vs. New
    York Knicks basketball game. I was slouched on
    the couch bored out of my mind.
  • Has he called yet? I asked Aaron.
  • No, he answered.
  • Ugh, I slumped back down into the couch.
    Why is it taking so long? I thought. Weve been
    waiting forev.
  • Ding-a-ling ding-a-ling.
  • Ive got it! I yelled. I ran as fast as I
    could to the phone.
  • Donk! The telephone went because I hit it so
    hard. I picked it up.

  • Ya,
  • Hey, Adam, John said enthusiastically.
  • Hey, I answered back. So when are we
  • Oh , well it starts at eight oclock and
    its at the Nets stadium.
  • Okay, I replied. I had been waiting
    forever to go to this game. Ill tell Aaron and
    well meet you outside of the stadium at seven
  • Alright, see ya.
  • See ya, Dink! I hung up the phone.
  • Aaron, I called
  • Uh-huh, he said but he wasn't really paying
    attention because he was working on his car.
  • It seemed liked that was all he ever did.
  • AARON, I called a little louder.
  • What? he said as he glared at me from up
    underneath the car.
  • It was John. He said the game is at eight
    oclock at the Nets stadium. I told him that
  • meet him at seven forty-five
  • Well, he said looking at his watch, Wed
    better get going.
  • YES! I yelled so loud that the people
    downstairs knocked on the floor ceiling I
  • dont know I guess it depends on how you look at
  • Ill get my stuff.
  • Alright, but hurry up, Aaron said as he
    was picking up his jacket.

As we arrived at the stadium, we saw John
right outside the doors, looking impatient.
As soon as he saw us he said, Your late.
Glad to see you, too, Aaron answered.
Sorry, its just were not gonna get seats if we
dont hurry. Alright, I said. I didnt
really care as long as we were able to see the
game. We tried to walk inside, but it was hard
because there were people everywhere. We were
squished but we finally made it to the entrance.
Tickets, the security guard asked. John
handed him the tickets, and we went inside.
There was a lot of yelling and screaming.
Cheerleaders were cheering for the Nets. Immature
boys were whistling from the stands. Lets
see, John said. He looked at the tickets.
Were in seats 29a, 30a, and 31a, he paused and
looked around. Right over there. We took
our seats. Just then a large roar of cheering
erupted from the opposite stands. I looked to our
left. The New York Knicks were coming out of
their tunnel. The commentator was saying their
names as they came out. Then another roar of
cheering as the New York Nets were coming out of
their tunnels on the right. They started
practicing. I thought that the New York Nets, my
team, had a pretty good chance of winning. We
were really good at shooting, but the Knicks were
better at defense. Fweeeeh, fweeeeh! The
ref blew his whistle Teams choose your
player to jump, The ref projected in a loud
voice. The teams huddled up and chose their
player. The ref threw up the ball. Yeah!
everyone yelled including me. We had won the

A player passed the ball to another player,
then the other player dribbled a little, then he
passed it to another player who shot YES!
we all yelled the Nets had scored.
So it went on like this, pass, dribble,
steal, pass, pass, dribble, shoot, miss, pass,
dribble, pass, foul, pass, shoot, score, pass.
All the way until half time. At the end of the
half the score was 36-24. The Nets were up.
Ill get the sna, I was cut off by a man
talking in a microphone in the middle of the
court. Hey, hey welcome glad you could all
come, he said in a commercially voice.
Today we have a great contest going on. Thats
right folks, for just a dollar you can buy a
ticket to enter into a drawing for a free trip
AFRICA. Now, how about that? Aaron and I
exchanged glances. John was too amazed to take
his eyes off of the man. Aaron and I both knew
that John had always wanted to go to Africa since
he was a kid.
TotoAf..Afri, just then the man cut
John off just like he had done to me. So heres
how it works. Guys, guys, shush Ive gotta
here this, John said anxiously. You buy
however many tickets you want during the second
half of the game, the announcer continued, and
give them to me. Then I am going to put them in
this basket right here. He held up a large
basket for everyone to see. Ill draw one name
after the game is over, and if your name gets
drawn, then you get a free trip to AFRICA!
Wow, John muttered. You guys gonna buy
any tickets, he asked. I shrugged, Well,
sure. Aaron was a little more hesitant. I
dont know about this it seems like your chances
would be pretty slim, Aaron commented. John
gave him a pleading look. Alright, fine,
he gave in. Yes, John stated with a sigh
of relief. We all grabbed our money and each
of us bought one ticket. We went down and gave
our tickets to the announcer. Thank you,
he said, and we walked back to our seats and
waited. The game continued shortly after
we returned to our seats, but after we put those
tickets in that basket, our minds were really no
longer on the game. Finally, the game came to an
end. The Nets won the game but we really didnt
care at this point. Okay, the moment you
have all been waiting for. I am gonna draw a
name and see who wins this trip to AFRICA! Oh,
and one more thing I forgot to mention earlier.
The winner of this trip also receives two
companion tickets to invite two friends to take
on the journey.
We all looked at each other and could not
believe what we just heard. Drum roll,
please. The crowd began, Drum, drum, drum,
drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum and we
all joined in.
ANNNDThe name Iiiiis, he ruffled through
the papers purposefully taking a long time.
John could barely stay seated he was so excited.
Ill have to admit that I was pretty excited too.
Suddenly, the announcer stopped, slowly
pulled out a name and read it letter by letter.
Aaron and I sat down. Its not us, I told
Aaron, but then I looked at John. He was getting
that hopeful look in his eyes. O.
John inhaled quietly, still looking hopeful.
H. John was really so excited at this
point that he was practically jumping up and down
in his chair. NJohn Parks. Yes!
John screamed and then fainted. John,
JOHN, Aaron yelled while shaking him and
laughing at the same time. Would John Parks
please come up and get your ticket? asked the
announcer in the microphone. Uh, well he
kind of got really excited and fainted so, youve
got to come and give it to him, I called out.
He came up looking very annoyed, Well, give
this to him when he comes to his senses because
Im not staying around just for him to wake up
Im way to hungry for that. Alright, Ill
give it to him, I replied distracted by all that
was happening around me. John woke up about
the time we arrived back at my house.
What happened? John asked drearily when he woke
up. Dude, you won! Aaron answered.
Really, WOW! Ya, pretty awesome, huh, I
told him. So, who are you taking with you?
Aaron asked. Well, the answer is pretty
obvious, right? Uhno, I replied dumbly.
Not really, Aaron added. Well, duh,
its you guys! John explained laughing
hysterically. Really? I asked
surprisingly, While Aaron just sat there eyes
wide open Yupso lets go pack up our
stuff, guys. Were heading to Africa!
We boarded the eight oclock flight to
Africa. John and I were seated beside each
other. Aaron was right in front of us.
Welcome to African Airways, your best friends,
announced a way to happy womans voice through an
intercom. Ya, my best friends who I have
only seen one other time in my life I stated.
John started laughing. Aaron just glanced back
at me and smiled. We flew for twenty-four
hours, but it seemed like an eternity. I was
bored out of my skull and had just begun thinking
how in the world I was going to make it any
longer when out of the intercom rang that woman
who had the way to happy voice but this time not
quite so enthusiastic,
We are now in South Africa. Thank you for
flying with us and we hope you choose to fly
African Airways again.
Finally, I looked out the window and saw
the landscape. From up here it looked like the
airport was a little facility made out of legos.
We started to lose altitude and then we
landed. The fasten your seatbelts sign turned
off and we stood up to leave. Ah, it feels
so good to stretch, John said dreamily.
I swear, the only reason I fell asleep last
night was out of pure exhaustion because I was
too excited to sleep before the trip. I fell
asleep in an absolutely horrible position, I
complained rubbing my neck. And if anyone
mentions flight food again I am going to puke
that lasagna was revolting, Aaron explained.
I know how you guys feel. I hated the long
flight, too, but at least we got here, John said
trying to end the conversation on a happy note.
Well Id still like to get some rest, I
said. Well youll get some sleep at the
hotel Aaron told me We entered the customs line
so we could exit the airport. Passports
please asked the man in the booth. We handed him
our passports. He looked at them for a minute and
then said thank you. We left to catch a taxi so
we could go to our hotel. It was weird how
different every thing was there in Africa. I mean
sure Id been to other places in the US but that
was just something else. We caught a taxi and
stepped in. While the man was driving we asked
him some questions about South Africa. He
answered most of them but some he didnt know the
answer to. Then we arrived at the hotel. It was
pretty cool. Well it wasnt a five star hotel,
but it was cool. It had one of those covered
entryways so if it was raining you wouldnt get
wet and you could get in faster if you were in a
A huge fountain was in the middle of a circular
road with grass and bushes right beside it. We
went inside. Me and John sat in the lobby while
Aaron checked us into the hotel. It's
pretty big. John observed Yup, did you see
the fountain outside, pretty cool huh?
Ya. Just then Aaron came over with the room
key Were on floor twenty-seven in room
ninety-three. Alright, me and John said
at the same time. We entered the elevator. It had
those glass walls and a carpeted floors. All of
the elevator was cool except for the music. It
was playing Staying Alive Uuhhggg I
groaned What is it? Elevator sick? John
asked No its jus I thought for a moment
Elevator sick? Aaron and John started
laughing. No. I repeated more sternly,
Its this dumb elevator music. Then they
started cracking up Ding! We exited the
elevator. John and Aaron were still laughing a
little and wiping tears from there eyes. We
walked down the hallway then took a left to enter
the room. We changed into our clothes to sleep
in. I was so tired from the trip that as soon as
my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. The next
morning I woke up to an empty room. Aaron and
John were probably already eating breakfast. They
most likely woke up early because we were going
to go on a safari.
We would meet our guides in the parking lot. I
started getting what I would need for the journey
into my backpack cell phone, wallet, book on
wild animals, binoculars, watch, art kit in case
we stopped long enough for me to sketch something
. I happen to be pretty good at painting and
drawing so I was hoping to have a chance to do
some. After gathering everything I thought I
would need, I went downstairs to hopefully join
John and Aaron for breakfast. John and Aaron
were already there as I suspected and were
arguing about something. John was shrugging his
shoulders and talking with his voice raised a
little, but quiet enough as to not draw
attention. Aaron kept pointing at his watch and
putting it right in front of his face, talking
with the same tone as Johns. Hey guys,
I said as I walked in. But hes, they
both looked at me. Hey! We were about to
go and wake you up, John said excitedly.
Yea, sleeping beauty better eat breakfast so we
can go, added Aaron. Ha-ha, I mockingly
laughed. Aaron gave me that just-do-it look,
Alright, alright. Im going. I went to the
buffet and grabbed a waffle, some bacon, an egg,
and a glass of milk. I sat back down to eat.
John just stared at my plate with his eyes
wide. Youre going to eat all that?
Yea, like Aaron said that plane food was
horrible! I didnt eat any of it, so I am
starved! I explained and started eating my
food. We left fifteen minutes later, but little
did I know at that point that we were not coming
back for a long time.
Chapter 3
We saw our guides in the parking lot just as
we had planned. Hello, the older man
said, Welcome to Africa. Hi, Aaron
greeted him. What is your name? Oh-ho, my
names Akalele and my partner here is Joseph. He
motioned to another boy who just nodded his head.
Akalele looked like he was in his thirties and
well built. He also seemed to be about six feet
tall and looked like he could run a ten miles and
still go on tirelessly. He had a charcoal black
beard and the same color of hair and icy blue
eyes. Joseph looked nineteen years old. He
also looked built and stern. He seemed about five
feet in height so that Aaron and him were
shoulder to shoulder. He had brown hair and a
wispy start of a beard and green eyes. My
name is Aaron this is my brother Adam and our
friend John. We all shook hands.
Okay, ready to go on a safari? Akalele asked
Yup, we all answered. We entered the jeep
Akalele hit the gas, and we were on our way. We
drove for a while talking about our history, what
we like, and how it is in Africa. All of us
except for Joseph he didnt really talk much he
just listened. In about thirty minutes we
started to see less buildings and more grass.
Fifteen minutes later we arrived out in the wild.
Hey, hey look! A koala! John shouted with
excitement Your right! Akalele said
surprised. Joseph only stared at it.
Pretty cool, huh? I asked him. Yup,
he answered. That was the first time I had heard
him talk. He had a low voice. We kept
going, saw some lions, and then suddenly we hit a
bump. Whoah, what was that? I asked
Oh, just a rock, he told us. Nothing to worry
about. We kept on driving and saw some
cheetahs, an elephant, which we drove away from
as soon we saw it because we were about to be
stomped on by his huge feet, some hyenas, and a
family of meerkats. We were just talking, having
a good time, taking lots of pictures when we
heard plub-plub-plub suddenly stopped moving
Do you see something? John asked. No,
Alkalele answere he kept pressing the
acceleration, Its not moving!
He went around to check the engine then looked
under the jeep, Uh-oh, he shouted. What
is it? Aaron asked. Uhhh weeeelll the
gas tank got ripped open. What? We all
asked. Well when we hit the rock back
there, the gas tank must have cut open.
WHAT? We asked again. Not to worry Ill
take a look around, and well be heading back in
no time. Akalele walked away from the jeep a
little and took a look around. After about five
minutes he came back. I dont really
remember this place so Were lost, Aaron
stated Well, Akalele started to protest
Were lost, Aaron repeated Uh yes
were lost, Akalele admitted AAARRRHHHG,
Aaron yelled, How can we be lost you guys are
supposed to be our guides? While Aaron
kept lecturing Akalele and Joseph, John and I
just sat there stunned. Lost. I had never been
lost before. Well, there was this one time in
Wal-Mart as a kid, but that was nothing compared
to South Africa! Instead of yelling,
however, John and I tried to think of something
to do to get us out of this mess. John
suddenly sat up straight, Ive got an idea. He
stood up and walked over to Aaron, Akalele, and
Joseph. But weve, Aaron was still
  • Guys, guys, John had to yes over Aarons
    shouting. Everyone quieted
  • down so John could continue. Ive got an idea.
    We kept listening. If we can
  • follow the oil that leaked back to that big rock
    we hit, then all we have to do is choose the
    right way back to the hotel.
  • We all thought for a while.
  • That sounds like a good idea, Alkalele
  • Lets try it, everyone nodded in
  • First, we have to find the oil, John told
  • We all looked around for it.
  • FOUND IT! Aaron called out from a distance
  • Nice job, Joseph told him.
  • We hopped right on the trail and followed it
    for about thirty minutes. Alkalele
    suddenly called out from up ahead, Darn it!
  • What is it? I asked.
  • Its a double road.
  • Thats alright. You can just tell us the
    way to go and we will be home. You can remember,
    cant you?
  • Easier said than done, Alkalele replied,
    I forget which way to go.
  • Thats two times in one day. He must be
    getting old or something, Aaron whispered in my
  • Lets go this way, Alkalele decided and
    started walking to the left.
  • But what if it is the wrong way? Aaron
    asked worried.
  • Then we will either die or well have a
    great story to tell our grandchildren.

Lost In Africa Part II
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