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P ter Elek and L szl M rkus Dept. Probability Theory and Statistics E tv s Lor nd University Budapest, Hungary – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: garch | model


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: P

Nonlinear time series for modelling river flows
and their extremes
  • Péter Elek and László Márkus
  • Dept. Probability Theory and Statistics
  • Eötvös Loránd University
  • Budapest, Hungary

River Tisza and its aquifer
Tisza produces devastating floods
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Water discharge at Vásárosnamény(We have 5 more
monitoring sites)from1901-2000
Basic properties of the series
  • Series exhibit
  • slight upward trend in mean
  • strong seasonal component both in mean and
  • Seasonal components can be removed by a local
    polinomial fitting (LOESS) procedure
  • The distribution of the standardized series are
    still periodic.
  • The distribution is skewed.

Empirical and smoothed seasonal components
Bi-monthly distributions
Autocorrelation function is slowly decaying
How long does the river remember...?
  • Long memory - known ever since Hursts original
    work on the Aswan dam (1952) of the Nile River
  • Short and long memory - autocorrelations die out
    at exponential versus hyperbolic rate
  • Equivalent for long memory - spectral density has
    pole at zero, meaning it tends to infinity at
    zero at polynomial speed.

Long memory processes
  • Short and long memory - autocorrelations die out
    at exponential versus hyperbolic rate
  • Equivalent for long memory - spectral density has
    pole at zero, meaning it tends to infinity at
    zero at polynomial speed.

Indicators of long memory
  • Nonparametric statistics
  • Rescaled adjusted range or R/S
  • Classical
  • Los (test)
  • Taqqus graphical (robust)
  • Variance plot
  • Log-periodogram (Geweke-Porter Hudak)

  • Classic R/S biased, lack of distribution theory,
    no test or confidence intervals, sensitive for
    short mem component if present.
  • Los modification - convergence to Brownian
    Bridge. Test of long memory often accepts short
    memory when long is present, but reliably rejects
    long mem when only short is present.
  • Taqqus graphical R/S get out the most of the
    data drop blocks from the beginnig, reestimate
    R/S from the shorter data, log-log plot all
    together and fit a straight line (regression)

(No Transcript)
Variance plot
  • The variance of the mean tends to zero as n2H-2
  • Estimate the variance of means from the
    aggregated processes
  • Fit a straight line on the log-log scale
  • Determine the slope from a linear regression

The log - spectrum
  • The order of the pole of the spectral density is
  • On the log-log scaleplot of the periodogram this
    means a straight line of steepness 1-2H
  • The celebrated Geweke - Porter Hudak statistics
    uses log(sin2(?/2)) instead of the log of the

(No Transcript)
Linear long-memory model fractional
ARIMA-process (Montanari et al., Lago Maggiore,
  • Fractional ARIMA-model
  • Fitting is done by Whittle-estimator
  • based on the empirical and theoretical
  • quite robust consistent and asymptotically
    normal for linear processes driven by innovatons
    with finite forth moments (Giraitis and
    Surgailis, 1990)

Results of fractional ARIMA fit
  • H0.846 (standard error 0.014)
  • p-value 0.558 (indicates goodness of fit)
  • Innovations can be reconstructed using a linear
    filter (the inverse of the filter above)

Reconstruct the innovation from the fitted model
The density of the innovations
Reconstructed innovations are uncorrelated...
  • But not independent

Simulations using i.i.d. innovations
  • If we assume that innovations are i.i.d, we can
    generate synthetic series
  • Use resampling to generate synthetic innovations
  • Apply then the linear filter
  • Add the sesonal components to get a synthetic
    streamflow series
  • But these series do not approximate well the
    high quantiles of the original series

But they fail to catch the densities and
underestimate the high quantiles of the original
Logarithmic linear model
  • It is quite common to take logarithm in order to
    get closer to the normal distribution
  • It is indeed the case here as well
  • Even the simulated quantiles from a fitted linear
    model seem to be almost acceptable

  • But the backtransformed quantiles are clearly

Lets have a closer look at innovations
  • Innovations can be regarded as shocks to the
    linear system
  • Few properties
  • Squared and absolute values are autocorrelated
  • Skewed and peaked marginal distribution
  • There are periods of high and low variance
  • All these point to a GARCH-type model
  • The classical GARCH is far too heavy tailed to
    our purposes

Simulation from the GARCH-process
  • Simulations
  • Generate i.i.d. series from the estimated
  • Then simulate the GARCH(1,1) process using these
  • Apply the linear filter and add the seasonalities
  • The simulated series are much heavier-tailed than
    the original series

General form of GARCH-models
  • Need a model between
  • i.i.d.-driven FARIMA-series and
  • GARCH(1,1)-driven FARIMA-series
  • General form of GARCH-models

A smooth transition GARCH-model
ACF of GARCH-residuals
Results of simulationsat Vásárosnamény
Back to the original GARCH philosophy
  • The above described GARCH model is somewhat
    artificial, and hard to find heuristic
    explanations for it
  • why does the conditional variance depend on the
    innovations of the linear filter?
  • in the original GARCH-context the variance is
    dependent on the lagged values of the process
  • A possible solution condition the variance on
    the lagged discharge process instead !
  • The fractional integration does not seem to be
  • almost the same innovations as from an ARMA(3,1)
  • In extreme value theory long memory in linear
    models does not make a difference

Estimated variance of innovations plotted against
the lagged discharge
  • Spectacularly linear relationship
  • This approves the new modelling attempt
  • Distorted at sites with damming along Tisza River

  The variance is not conditional on the lagged
innovation but it is conditional on the lagged
water discharge.
  • Theoretical problems arise in the new model
  • Existence of stationary solution
  • Finiteness of all moments
  • Consistence and asymptotic normality of quasi
    max-likelihood estimators
  • Heuristically clearer explanation can be given
  • The discharge is indicative of the saturation of
    the watershed
  • A saturated watershed results in more
    straightforward reach for precipitation to the
    river, hence an increase in the water supply.
  • A saturated watershed gives away water quicker.
  • The possible changes are greater and so is the
    uncertainty for the next discharge value.

An example ZtN(0,1) c20, a10.95, ?01, ?12,
Existence and moments of the stationary solution
  • We assume that ct constant
  • The model has a unique stationary solution if the
    corresponding ARMA-model is stationary
  • i.e. all roots of the characteristic equation lie
    within the unit circle
  • Moreover, if the m-th moment of Zt is finite then
    the same holds for the stationary distribution of
    Xt, too.
  • These are in contrast to the usual, quadratic
    ARCH-type innovations. There the condition for
    stationarity is more complicated and not all
    moments of the stationary distribution are finite.

Sketch of the proof I.
  • The process can be embedded into a
    (pq)-dimensional Markov-chain YtAYt-1Et
  • where Yt(Xt-c, Xt-1-c,...Xt-p1-c, et, et-1,...,
    et-q1) and Et(et, 0,...).
  • Yt is aperiodic and irreducible (under some
    technical conditions).
  • General condition for geometric ergodicity and
    hence for existence of a unique stationary
    distribution (Meyn and Tweedie, 1993) there
    exists a V?1 function with 0lt?lt1, blt? and C
    compact set
  • E( V(Y1) Y0y ) ? (1-?) V(y) b IC(y)
  • In other words V is bounded on a compact set
    and is a contraction outside it.
  • Moreover E?(V(Yt)) is finite (? is the
    stationary distribution).

Sketch of the proof II.
  • In the given case
  • if E(Ztm) is finite,
  • V(y) 1 QPymm will suffice
  • where
  • BPAP-1 is the real valued block
    Jordan-decomposition of A
  • and Q is an appropriately chosen diagonal matrix
    with positive elements.
  • This also implies the finiteness of the mth
    moment of Xt.

  • Estimation of the ARMA-filter can be carried out
    by least squares.
  • Essentially only the uncorrelatedness of
    innovations is needed for consistency.
  • Additional moment condition is needed for
    asymptotic normality (e.g. Francq and Zakoian,
  • The ARCH-equation is estimated by quasi maximum
    likelihood (assuming that Zt is Gaussian), using
    the ?t innovations calculated from the
  • The QML estimator of the ARCH-parameters is
    consistent and asymptotically normal under mild
    conditions (Zt does not need to be Gaussian).

Estimation of the ARCH-equation in the case of
known ?t innovations(along the lines of
Kristensen and Rahbek, 2005)
  • Maximising the Gaussian log-likelihood
  • we obtain the QML-estimator of ?.
  • For simplicity we assume that ?0? ?mingt0 in the
    whole parameter space.

Consistency of the estimator
  • By the ergodic theorem
  • It is easy to check that L(a)ltL(a0) for all a?a0
    where a0 denotes the true parameter value.
  • All other conditions of the usual consistency
    result for QML (e.g. Pfanzagl, 1969) are
    satisfied hence the estimator is consistent.

Asymptotic normality I.
  • Using the notations
  • for the derivatives of the log-likelihood
  • for the information matrix
  • and for the expected Hessian

Asymptotic normality II.
  • A standard Taylor-expansion implies
  • Finiteness of the fourth moment with a martingale
    central limit theorem yields
  • Moreover, the asymptotic covariance matrix can be
    consistently estimated by the empirical
    counterparts of H and V.

Estimation of the ARCH-equation when ?t is not
  • In this case the innovations of the ARMA-model
    are calculated using the estimated
  • If the ARMA-parameter vector is estimated
    consistently, the mean difference of squared
    innovations tends to zero
  • If the ARMA parameter estimate is asymptotically
    normal, a stronger statement holds

Consistency in the case of estimated innovations
  • Now the following expression is maximised
  • But the difference tends to zero (uniformly on
    the parameter space)
  • which then yields consistency of the estimate of

Asymptotic normality in the case of estimated
  • Under some moment conditions the least squares
    estimate of the ARMA-parameters is asymptotically
    normal, hence
  • This way the differences between the first and,
    respectively, the second derivatives both
    converge to zero
  • As a result, all the arguments for asymptotic
    normality given above remain valid.

Estimation results
Station m a0 a1
Komárom 789 1807.8 (2009.8) 26.06 (2.22)
Nagymaros 586 544.7 (154.1) 11.95 (0.57)
Budapest 580 907.1 (314.0) 10.29 (0.55)
Tivadar 23 24,49 (5,95) 18,80 (1,13)
Namény 30 82,45 (32,82) 20,71 (0,51)
Záhony 45 67,04 (17,31) 12,37 (1,19)
How to simulate the residuals of the new
GARCH-type model
  • Residuals are highly skewed and peaked.
  • Simulation
  • Use resampling to simulate from the central
    quantiles of the distribution
  • Use Generalized Pareto distribution to simulate
    from upper and lower quantiles
  • Use periodic monthly densities

The simulation process

resampling and GPD
smoothed GARCH
FARIMA filter
Seasonal filter
Evaluating the model fit
  • Independence of residual series
  • ACF, extremal clustering
  • Fit of probability density and high quantiles
  • Variance lagged discharge relationship
  • Extremal index
  • Level exceedance times
  • Flood volume distribution

ACF of original and squared innovation series
residual series
Results of new simulationsat Vásárosnamény
Densities and quantiles at all 6 locations
Reestimated (from the fitted model)
discharge-variance relationship
Seasonalities of extremes
  • The seasonal appearance of the highest values
    (upper 1) of the simulated processes follows
    closely the same for the observed one.

Extremal index to measure the clustering of high
  • Estimated for the observed and simulated
    processes containing all seasonal components
  • Estimation by block method
  • Value of block length changes from 0.1 to 1.
  • Value of threshold ranges from 95 to 99.9.

Estimated extremal indices displayed
Extremal indices in the threshold GARCH model
Extremal indices in the discharge dependent GARCH
Level exceedance times
  • The distribution of the level exceedance times
    may serve as a further goodness of fit measure.
  • It has an enormous importance as it represents
    the time until the dams should stand high water

Flood volume distribution
  • The match of the empirical and simulated flood
    volume distributions also approve the good fit.

Multivariate modelling
  • Final aim to model the runoff processes
  • Nonlinear interdependence and non-Gaussianity
    should be addressed here, too
  • First, the joint behaviour of the discharges
    inflowing into Hungary should be modelled
  • Differential equation-oriented models of
    conventional hydrology may be used to describe
    downstream evolution of runoffs
  • Now we concentrate on joint modelling of two
    rivers Tisza (at Tivadar) and Szamos (at

Issues of joint modelling
  • Measures of linear interdependences (the
    cross-correlations) are likely to be
  • High runoffs appear to be more synchronized on
    the two rivers than small ones
  • The reason may be the common generating weather
    patterns for high flows
  • This requires a non-conventional analysis of the
    dependence structure of the observed series

Basic statistics of Tivadar (Tisza) and Csenger
  • The model described previously was applied to
    both rivers
  • Correlations between the series of raw values,
    innovations and residuals are highest when either
    series at Tivadar are lagged by one day
  • Correlations
  • Raw discharges 0.79
  • Deseasonalized data 0.77
  • Innovations 0.40
  • Residuals 0.48
  • Conditional variances 0.84

Displaying the nature of interdependence
  • The joint plot may not be informative because of
    the highly non-Gaussian distributions
  • Transform the marginals into uniform
    distributions (produce the so-called copula),
  • then the scatterplot is more informative on the
    joint behaviour
  • The strange behaviour of the copula of the
    innovations is characterized by the concentration
    of points
  • 1. at the main diagonal, and especially at the
    upper right corner (tail dependence)
  • 2. at the upper left (and the lower right)
  • Linearly dependent variables do not display this
    type of copula
  • The GARCH-residuals lack the second type of

A possible explanation of this type of
  • The variance process is essentially common for
    the two rivers
  • This is justified by the high correlation (0.84)
  • Generate two linearly interdependent residual
    series (correlation0.48)
  • Multiply by the common standard deviation
    distributed as Gamma
  • Observe the obtained copula
  • This justifies the hypothesis that the common
    variance causes the nonlinear interdependence of
    the given type

Tail dependence
  • Long range dependency does not have much impact
    on extremes of river discharges
  • Nonlinearities are influental and have to be
    accounted for
  • The proposed model has a stationary solution
  • Its estimation is consistent and asymptotically
  • The suggested model catches densities and
    quantiles well
  • The model fitting procedure does not optimise on
    quantiles and maxima clustering, therefore their
    fit really shows model adequacy
  • Other fit-independent measures include level
    exceedence and flood volume distributions
  • Something different has to be done with dammed

Possible refinements of the model
  • The simulated process is still slightly heavier
    tailed than the original one.
  • The conditional distribution of residuals depends
    on the lagged water discharge
  • very high residual values occur at low discharge
  • Possible solutions
  • innovation as a mixture of a GARCH-part and of a
    discharge-independent part
  • Markov-switching model with discharge-dependent
    transition probabilities

Thank you for your attention!
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