Title: Bullet Boy
1Bullet Boy
- Social Political Study
- Living with Crime
LO Identify how crime is represented in Bullet
2Bullet Boy - RECAP
- PLOT a Todorov diagram for the main events in
Bullet Boy - Equilibrium
- Disequilibrium
- Attempted Repair
- New Equilibrium
3Equilibrium Ricky released from prison, Curtis
happy to see him, Mum throws party
Disequlibrium Wisdom smashes gang members car
wing mirror Wisdom gives Ricky the gun Wisdom
shoots the other gangs dog Rio gets shot
New equilibrium Curtis throws gun in
river Ricky is dead
Attempted restoration Ricky tries to make peace
with other gang member Curtis apologises for
shooting Rio
4So how is crime represented in Bullet Boy?
- What crimes are evident?
- Make a list
5Gang culture
Crime out of boredom Curtis Rio
Hierarchy and reputation
Never ending cycle of crime no choice - Winston
One parent families
Low income household, estate living
Crime out of poverty
Gun crime
6How are these crimes represented through the
micro elements?
Really Useful Website http//www.screenonline.org
7Costume To compare Kidulthood and Bullet Boy,
the costume used in both films is very similar to
one another. Verisimilitude is created as the
audience can relate to this as this is what
teenagers are more likely to wear. It fits the
films genre. Lighting Low key lighting is
mainly used to portray the mood and atmosphere in
the first scene where Rickys house is getting
raided. The film mainly uses low lighting, this
could be because of the budget the film was made
on or this could be on purpose.
8- Make Up The make-up used within the trailer is
very brutal due to the fact that there is a lot
of violence being shown which gives the make-up
artists the chance to create make-up which is
very detailed and full, for example, the
characters show a lot of cuts and bruises. - Props Throughout the trailer, there are many
props used such as guns, torches, handcuffs etc.
This connotes that the film will be based around
crime as there are many scenes in the trailer
which show the males in the characters being
arrested or put at gun point. This allows the
audience to be familiar with the genre and also
have an idea about the narrative of the film. - Setting Bullet Boy's improvisatory methods and
use of non-actors enhance its verisimilitude, the
black characters and the urban setting illustrate
this. The settings and locations of Bullet Boy
play a major role in the plot. This setting
contains very dark lighting.
9- Representations Bullet Boy represents teenagers
in a very stereotypical way, it fulfils the
stereotype that the media portray of youths. The
trailer starts with the main characters house
being raided this implies that he is the criminal
rather than the victim. This is exactly how the
media portrays young black boys. Later on in this
trailer you see Rickys sibling, Kurtis, holding
a gun, confused and curious. This suggests that
black people get into the whole criminal vibe at
a young age. - Language Bullet Boy uses a lot of modern day
slang, this is mostly used by teenagers in
society. - Target Audience The target audience for this
film is mainly aimed at people aged between
15-24, the film itself attempts to represent a
serious number of issues of what some teenagers
growing up in today's society have to go through
this explains why so many people who are in this
age group may watch it. There is also a very
realistic approach within this film as most of
the actors and actresses are within this age
group and therefore know what others their age go
10- Sound First scene is shouting the words "Get
on the floor now" are heard "Hands behind your
head" and "Is there anything in this room we
should know about" can also be heard. This has
already represented Ricky as a criminal for the
fact that his mothers house has been raided. The
music doesn't begin until several seconds into
the trailer. Music begins with a foreboding piano
until the trailer picks up visual pace, the music
then escalates into hip hop - Camera Shots The use of hand-held cameras to
capture a real flavour of the streets and the
council estate ambiance. Realism is created
through the use of camera angles. Close ups and
establishing shots were mostly used during the
trailer. The close up shot was used to show the
emotion of a character, hopefully creating a
bond, while the establishing shot was used to
represent the are in which the film was shot.