Title: Participatory Budgeting in the Municipality of Elbasan
1Participatory Budgeting in the Municipality of
2Participatory Budgeting Cycle
Start up and Memorandum of Understanding
- Memorandum of Understanding and Municipal
Council Approval - Contracting local NGOs RDA, CSDC
Organization and Training
- Training of Municipal staff and local NGOs
- Sensitization campaign
- Geographical division
- Poverty mapping, under the framework of
strategic planning
Capacity Building
Communication Campaign
3Participatory Budgeting Cycle
First Cycle 10 community meetings
- Information campaign PB process
demystification of municipal budget municipal
investments for 2005
Capacity building
4 Foto procesi
Second cycle 10 community meetings
- Selection of priorties
- Election of the community representatives
Communication campaign
4Participatory Budgeting Committee
Elbasan City Development Strategy
10 community representatives
10 municipal staff
- Participatory Budgeting
- Community
- Municipality of Elbasan
- University A. Xhuvani
4 representatives from thematic groups
10 community representative with no voting
power Municipal council representatives with no
voting power
5Participatory budgeting cycle
- 2 days Caravan
- 5 meetings of the PB commettee
- 2 meetings training and criteria setting
- 3 meetings priority assessment and approval of
the final list of priorities
Negotiation phase
Capacity building
4 Foto nga Karvani dhe Komisioni
Communication campaign
6Participatory budgeting
Institutionalization and sustainability of the
- PBP within the process for strategic planning
- Involvement of civic society local NGOs and
University - Involvement of local media and continous
transparency - Set a budget line in the municipal balance sheet
to support PBP in the future years
7Participatory budgeting
To be taken into consideration improvement of
the PBP in the future
- Review the territorial division
- Review the citizen engagement process
- Establishment of a monitoring system
- Initiation of the PBP when?