Title: Budgeting for Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials
1Budgeting for Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials
- Shannon Parham
- Office of Research and
- The Clinical Research Program
- Identify your resources
- Describe associated costs
- Demonstrate how to write a internal budget
- Identify hidden costs
- Identify the elements of sponsors budget
- Describe post award activities related to payment
and budget changes
3When to start
- Ask the sponsor for a draft budget and protocol
as soon as you are approached for the trial. - The budget and contract can take as long to
negotiate as the Informed Consent Document - You can make a draft budget while waiting on the
sponsors budget
4Identify your Resources
- UMC Office of Research, 5-5000
- Budget and Contract Negotiation
- Mentoring
- UMC Grants and Contracts, 4-1040
- Establishing accounts
- Account management
- Protocol and Protocol Schematic
- Department Charge Masters
5Identify Your Costs
- Study the protocol carefully
- Is the research right for your site
- Interest
- Resources
- Research staff
- Patient population
- Review the Protocol Schematic and Informed
Consent Document
6Review the Protocol Schematic
- Hospital procedures
- Physician practice costs
- Lab costs
- How many visits / Length of study
- Visits until randomization
- Length of coordinator procedures
- Staff training
7(No Transcript)
8Build the Budget
- Per Patient Costs
- Study Level Costs
9 Per Patient Costs
- Breakdown procedures by Coordinator, Physician,
and Hospital Fees - Lab draws / Lab review
- ECHO (obtain) / ECHO review
- Medical History (obtain / review)
- Assign costs to procedures
- Indirect Cost
- 26 Industry Sponsored Trials
10UMC Budget
11Coordinator Fee
- Regulatory
- Investigator binders/files
- Faxes/emails
- Conference Calls
- Case Report Forms
- Scheduling for pt visits, tests/scans
- Subject payments / reimbursements
- Data query resolution
- Track study payments
12Study Level Costs
- Screen Failures
- Study Initiation
- Electronic Data Capture Training
- Advertising / Recruitment
- IRB Fee
- Pharmacy Set Up Fee
- contd on next slide
13Study Level Costs (contd)
- Storage
- Unscheduled visits
- SAE reports
- Endpoints
- Monitor visits
- Additional IRB submissions
14UMC Budget
15(No Transcript)
16Study Initiation (1500 - 5000)
- Protocol Review
- Site Initiation
- Contract and Budget Review
- Investigator Meeting
- Regulatory Documentation
- Initial IRB Application (23 pages)
- Informed Consent Document
- IRB Requested Revisions
- Negotiating ICD w/ Sponsor
- Copy Charges / Office Supplies
17In clinical research, a site needs to anticipate
that the time and effort necessary to
successfully complete a study will be
significantly greater than it would be to treat a
similar number of regular-practice patients. It
(the site) must negotiate a budget that provides
adequate reimbursement for that extra time and
effort. The Investigators Guide to Clinical
Research Dr. David Ginsberg Centerwat
18Review the sponsor budget.
Remember every company, every protocol, is
19The Sponsors Budget
- Is the Per Patient Amount comparable
- Is the overhead correct
- How many patients are allowed
- Are your Study Level costs covered
- Review the terms
- Decide if you can live with it
20Negotiate with the Sponsor
- The office of research can negotiate your trial
budget for you. - Sometimes it is better to have a Middle Man
- Keep the Office of Research informed about budget
- Perform a cost analysis and report this to the
sponsor - The internal budget procedure costs can differ
from sponsor budget
22Sponsor Payment Terms
- What is the payment schedule
- Quarterly
- Annually
- After Monitor Visits
- Are they relying on you to Invoice
- For all payments
- Study Level Costs
- What is the initial payment
23Blank invoice O/R website
24Hidden Costs
- Delayed start / ICD process
- Pre-screening
- Increased hospital procedure costs
- Unscheduled visits
- Tracking study funds
- Query resolution
- Amendments
25Increased Hospital Procedure Costs? - renegotiate
- Increase cost of Stress Tests
26Re-Negotiation is an Option
- If the Protocol is amended
- If the amendment changes work load or adds
procedures re-negotiate - Example 5 yr study, Monthly pt phone calls added
(20 patients/60 calls) - Amended contract for 20,880.00 (25.00/call)
- If sponsor allows more patients to be enrolled,
request more screen failures
27Track your payments
- Budget statement
- Payment memo
- Invoice for your Study Level Costs and
reimbursable expenses - Sponsors miss payments
- UMC Grants/Contracts office can make mistakes
- Check the Indirect deducted
- Are you waiting on a check
- Some sponsors rely on you to invoice for all the
28Figuring Indirect
- Using the Total (including indirect)
- Divide by 1.26 Direct (spendable dollars)
- Subtract Direct from Total Indirect
- 5000 /1.26 3968.25 direct
- 5000 - 3968.25 1031.75 indirect
29providing/receiving grant payments is the
single most inefficient activity in study
conduct. ACRP White Paper(survey of 1100
clinical research professionals)
30Office of Research5-5000Grants and