Conflict and Argument - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Conflict and Argument


... join forces to plot Jesus death. ... Muslims and to some extent Hindus do. ... A funeral rite is carried out on a living person, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conflict and Argument

Conflict and Argument
The Paralysed Man (21-12)
This Means
  • Jews in the time of Jesus believed that
    disease/illness was caused by
  • Demons, Sin, Punishment by God
  • This is why Jesus connects the mans cure to the
    forgiveness of sin.
  • (v.5)
  • The Jews believed that only God could forgive

The Paralysed Man (21-12)
  • This caused conflict because
  • The teachers of the law who thought that by
    claiming to forgive sins, Jesus was committing
  • This was because he was claiming to have power
    that belonged to God alone.
  • Jesus says Son of Man has authority to forgive

Christians Today
  • Through this miracle Christians see that a
    persons sins can be forgiven.
  • This forgiveness is offered through Jesus. Jesus
    has the authority from God to forgive sins.
  • Christians believe that through forgiveness a
    person can become closer to God and to other
  • Christians today see God as a loving God who
    would not punish people by making suffer eg
    through illness.

Disagreements about the Sabbath (223-36)
  • Sabbath Corn (223-28)
  • The story of creation and the ten commandments
    taught that the Sabbath day was holy.
  • No work could be done on the Sabbath. (sowing,
    reaping, preparing food, lighting a fire.)
  • The Pharisees accused Jesus and his disciples of
    breaking the Sabbath law. They had picked the
    corn and rubbed it in their hands.
  • He referred to the OT hero, King David.
  • V.27 human need is more important than Sabbath
  • V.28 Jesus as Gods representative had the
    authority to break the Sabbath law.

Sabbath Corn (223-28)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus allowed his disciples to break the Sabbath
  • Jesus was claiming to be equal to King David. He
    claimed the Sabbath was for man.
  • Jesus is saying that Gods representatives had
    the authority to break the Sabbath law.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Different communities in society getting along
    with each other is very important today. At the
    time of the Gospel respecting people who
    disagreed with you was not important this is a
    more modern idea.
  • Pharisees and scribes come across as heartless
    and bigoted which may be a little unfair, but is
    the way Mark presents them.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Arguments about the Sabbath could be applied
    today by saying religious laws should not divide
    people. Human beings are mre important than
  • Points for discussion
  • How might this story be used today to promote
    good relations between communities?
  • Does this story show two views that are totally
    opposed to each other?

Social and Community Cohesion
  • The early Christians and Jews of that time did
    not like each other. Different religions should
    respect each others views and try to get on well
    with each other. What do you think?

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Respecting people from different religions is a
    good thing, but its silly to pretend that there
    are no differences, and that all religions are
    the same. What do you think?

Disagreements about the Sabbath (223-36)
  • Man with a paralysed hand (31-6)
  • Pharisees were in the synagogue waiting to trap
  • They had special seats at the front and would
    have a good view
  • Jesus does not avoid the situation, but faces his
  • He deliberately challenges the Pharisees by
    asking the man to come to the front.
  • V.4 Jesus means what is the Sabbath law about,
    rules and regulations or doing good?
  • The rules are very clear healing work, unless
  • This mans life was not in any danger.
  • Jesus was angry because of their attitude and
    healed the man
  • The Pharisees and Herodians, who hated each
    other, join forces to plot Jesus death.

Man with a Paralysed Hand (31-6)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus claimed that the Pharisees Laws were
    second to his command to do good and to save
  • Jesus put human need above religious rules.
  • Mark wants his readers to understand that the
    coming of the Kingdom of God has started to
    change the rules.

Man with a Paralysed Hand (31-6)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Pharisees are clinging to old ways as even when a
    man is healed in front of them, they only worry
    about the rules.
  • It is this refusal to accept the arrival of the
    Kingdom that leads them first to hate and finally
    to plot to kill Jesus.

Christians Today
  • Sometimes Christianity is misunderstood today,
    partly because not all Christians interpret
    Jesus teachings in the same way.
  • Some people think of Christians as being like the
    Pharisees. They think Christians live by a
    strict set of rules and regulations (No divorce
    no abortion no contraception).
  • They see Christianity as something negative.
  • This can be the impression from the outside, but
    for many Christians this is false and has little
    to do with Christianity.

Christians Today
  • Christians believe that the message of Jesus is
    that every individual is of value to God and to
    each other.
  • It is a positive message in which proper
    behaviour becomes a vital part of the
    relationship with God and with each other.
  • The relationship is based on love.
  • It is not a relationship in which rules are kept
    because of either fear or the belief that such
    actions will bring some reward.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • If Jesus said he was Lord of the Sabbath,
    Christians should be able to do what they like on
    Sundays. Do you agree?
  • Shops should be closed on Sunday in the UK so
    that Sunday is kept as a special day. Do you

Meaning of the law (71-23)
  • Ritual Cleanness
  • The Pharisees were angry because Jesus disciples
    had not washed their hands in the traditional
  • There were complicated religious rules about
  • Jesus said - God does not care how people wash
    their hands - What really matters are the
    things which come out of a person (what's in our
  • Jesus says that because the Pharisees focus on
    keeping the rules, they have forgotten whats

Meaning of the law (71-23)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus was saying that all Jewish food laws were
    unnecessary. Mark thinks that all food laws
    should be abolished.
  • Jesus was not afraid to challenge the teaching of
    our ancestors.
  • Jesus says that God is interested in what is in a
    persons heart Pharisees have got it wrong.

Meaning of the law (71-23)
  • Teaching on Corban (79-13)
  • The Pharisees had developed the practice of
  • Corban something which is given to God
  • Jesus uses the example of honour you father and
    mother you should take care of your parents.
  • A Pharisee might swear that his belongings were
    Corban and it was not possible to use his
    money/possessions to help his parents.
  • They used Corban, (a religious rule) to get off
    what God really wanted them to do.
  • They had replaced the law of Moses (the Ten
    Commandments) with the law of the scribes.

Teaching on Corban (79-13)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus calls them hypocrites, they ignore Gods
    rules to obey human instructions.
  • No one likes being called a hypocrite so this
    would have caused conflict.
  • Pharisees had been caught out!

Christians Today
  • Christians today sometimes deserve criticism for
    being very observant of Sunday worship but
    neglecting the needs of their neighbour.
  • Christian behaviour arises from the observance of
    the great commandments of love of God and of
  • To follow the teaching of Jesus which means being
    good from the heart demands more than the mere
    observance of external rules of religious purity.

Christians Today
  • The reasons why these actions are wrong is the
    same today as it was at the time of Jesus.
  • They are all things that abuse another person.
  • Christians believe that their faith is concerned
    with the value of human dignity and the worth of
    every human relationship.
  • It has nothing to do with those things that use
    or abuse another person for ones own desire,
    profit or greed.
  • Such things are wrong because they separate
    people from God and from each other.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Today there are generally good relations between
    Jews and Christians but in the time of Mark there
    was not the same acceptance of other peoples
    views the concept of community cohesion would
    have been anachronistic.
  • The Christians in Rome, many of whom were Gentile
    converts, did not observe the Jewish religious
    customs any more and there was much disagreement
    among the early Christians as to whether Jewish
    practices such as circumcision/keeping food laws
    should be followed by Gentile/ non-Jewish

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Jesus teaching points to the importance of the
    spirit of religious observance, not the letter of
    the law.
  • This approach, in a modern setting would allow
    for greater social cohesion as it might not lead
    to conflict between groups.
  • On the other hand keeping strict religious laws
    eg food laws could mean that religious groups
    could not come together to eat the same food and
    which would stress their differences, cause
    conflict and not lead to social cohesion.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Jesus teaching that it was right for good Jews
    to eat with sinners showed that different groups
    should respect each other and should respect each
    other and socialise together.
  • Jesus teaching that it is what is inside you
    that counts, not the appearance, showed that
    outer differences such as dress, skin colour, for
    example, are irrelevant for judging people.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Jesus teaching on Corban shows that cultural
    traditions should not be used to divide people
    from each othe.
  • Jesus teaching that nothing that gies into
    people from the outside can defile them shows
    that different ethnic/religious groups can mix
    together and work together without causing any
    problems for God.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Christians today have no food laws. Jews,
    Muslims and to some extent Hindus do. How might
    this cause problems between people of different
  • How could they try to overcome such problems?
  • Can you think of any religious laws that could be
    used by Christians today in a hypocritical way?

Predictions of the Passion (831-33)
  • Messiah Jesus is a Messiah who is going to
    suffer and die. These passages give a different
    view of the Messiah from what the Jews and
    particularly the disciples were expecting. They
    find the view of the Messiah who is going to
    suffer and die difficult to understand.

Predictions of the Passion (831-33)
  • Jesus calls himself Son of Man even though
    Peter has just called him the Messiah. Jesus
    prefers this title.
  • People at the time of Jesus thought that the
    Messiah would be a victorious warrior-king but
    Mark says that Jesus idea of being a Messiah is
    completely different.

Predictions of the Passion (831-33)
  • Mark does not explain why Jesus has to suffer and
    die. Jesus death is simply part of Gods plan,
    which the disciples cannot understand.
  • Jesus will also rise to life. This is a new idea
    at this time.

Predictions of the Passion (831-33)
  • Peter cannot understand what Jesus is saying and
    does not like it when Jesus talks about his
    suffering. He thought Jesus had a great future
    ahead of him and all his hopes are dashed.
  • Peter tries to tell Jesus off (rebukes him) but
    then Jesus tells him off. He calls him Satan
    one who tempts people to do the wrong thing.

Predictions of the Passion (831-33)
  • Peter and the disciples have the secret of the
    Kingdom of God and now they know that Jesus is
    the Messiah.
  • They still dont fully understand what this

Predictions of the Passion (930-32)
  • After Jesus has healed the boy with the evil
    spirit, Jesus speaks about his death again.
  • This prediction is slightly different from the
    first prediction.
  • Jesus adds that he will be handed over to the
    people who will kill him, which suggests that
    someone will betray him.

Predictions of the Passion (1032-34)
  • This is the third time Jesus speaks about his
    death and it is the most detailed.
  • The disciples are confused and frightened.
  • They know that Jesus is the Messiah but they
    still do not understand what this means.
  • They thought that the Messiah would throw the
    Romans out of Israel but they do not understand
    that he has to suffer and die for others.

Predictions of the Passion (1032-34)
  • They are on their way to Jerusalem which is where
    Jesus is going to die. He will be tortured and
    killed by the Roman (Gentile) rulers of Israel.
  • However he will rise from the dead.
  • Mark says that he was walking ahead of his
    followers he knows what is going to happen but
    he shows great courage by striding ahead of them
    to Jerusalem, to his death.

Christians Today
  • Christians today can learn that Mark believes
    that Jesus is the Messiah who will suffer and die
    and then rise again.
  • Christians may identify with the disciples who
    find it hard to accept that Jesus will suffer and
    die. Peter does not accept that this is part of
    Gods plan Mark tells us that Jesus will suffer
    and die but does not explain why.

Christians Today
  • Christians who face persecution may be inspired
    by Jesus courage as he goes to his death.
  • Christians will also be given the hope that
    Jesus resurrection means that they too will
    share in his resurrection.

Entry into Jerusalem (111-11)
  • Zechariah had predicted that the Messiah would
    ride into Jerusalem Gentle and riding on a
    donkeyHe will proclaim peace to the nations
  • The donkey/colt has never been ridden. Any animal
    used in a Jewish religious ceremony had to be
    kept especially for that purpose. So Jesus entry
    into Jerusalem was sacred.
  • Jesus shows the type of Messiah he was. He rides
    on a colt a peaceful animal, not a horse of war.
  • The people who welcome Jesus realise he is the
    Messiah Blessed is the coming kingdom of our
    father David.

Entry into Jerusalem (111-11)
  • This caused conflict because
  • The religious leaders would have seen this public
    display as a threat.
  • They did not understand what type of Messiah
    Jesus was.
  • The Roman authorities would also have seen this
    as a challenge to their authority in Jerusalem.

Christians Today
  • Christians have an annual celebration of Jesus
    triumphant entry to Jerusalem as Messiah on Palm
    Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, at the
    beginning of Holy Week.
  • Christians learn that Jesus is a Messiah who is
    going to suffer and die, who is not a warrior but
    a peaceful Messiah.

Christians Today
  • Christians learn that Jesus chooses to go to his
    death and that he is prepared to follow Gods
  • Christians may be inspired to follow Gods will
    for them and have the courage to stand up for
    what they believe in the way that Jesus does,
    even though it causes conflict.

Exam question
  • Explain the importance of Jesus entry into
    Jerusalem for Christians today. (8)

Cleansing of the Temple (1115-17)
  • The OT prophets Malachi and Zechariah both made a
    prophecy that the Messiah would go into the
    Temple to make sure that it was only being used
    for worship.
  • Jesus goes into the Temple and says it has become
    a hideout for thieves
  • Jesus is again claiming to be the Messiah on his
    final visit to his Fathers house.

Cleansing of the Temple (1115-17)
  • Why was Jesus so Angry?
  • The traders were over charging for the animals
    used in sacrifice, to make a huge profit.
  • The money changers were also charging too much
    tax and made a large profit.
  • The Court of the Gentiles was for non-Jews (v.17)
    Jesus included them in the KoG, but they couldnt
    even get into their part of the Temple because of
    the corrupt traders.

Cleansing of the Temple (1115-17)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus was speaking against the religious leaders
    who had let such things go on.
  • Some of the religious leaders might have thought
    that Jesus was behaving like the Messiah, which
    was blasphemy.

Christians Today
  • Christians may be inspired to follow what Jesus
    did and have the courage to stand up for what
    they believe in the way that Jesus does, even
    though it causes conflict.
  • Jesus feels so strongly about what is happening
    in the Temple that he clearly shows his anger.

Christians Today
  • Christians may disagree over the way Jesus
    behaved? Was Jesus violent? Does this show that
    Jesus accepted the use of some violence or was he
    just being aggressive?
  • In Johns Gospel it is suggested that Jesus uses
    a whip to drive the people out, although Mark
    does not include this.

Christians Today
  • (b) Do you think Jesus behaviour was acceptable?
    Give two reasons for your point of view. (4)
  • Can you think of a modern situation when a
    Christian might feel the use of violence is
    acceptable? Give an example and reasons for your
  • Why do some Christians disagree with violence of
    any sort?

Social and Community Cohesion
  • The Court of the Gentiles was for non-Jews (v.17)
    Jesus included them in the Kingdom of God, but
    they couldnt even get into their part of the
    Temple because of the corrupt traders. (You have
    already written this!)
  • Jesus shows that the Kingdom of God was for all
    people, not just Jews, and this could be used in
    a modern setting to show that people of different
    religions should accept one another. Jesus did
    not want anyone who loved God to be excluded from
    the Kingdom.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Jesus shows that there may be times when people
    have to stand up for their beliefs even if this
    leads to conflict. Christians are commanded to
    love but also to hate what is evil.
  • Many religions, including Christianity, contain
    extremists who are prepared to hate or even kill
    for their beliefs.
  • While Christians should be concerned for the
    welfare of people who have dangerous ideas,
    theyre not called to tolerate those ideas. In
    Mark, Jesus would not allow the abuses he saw in
    the Temple.

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Martin Luther King used non-violent direct action
    to try to end racism in the US and challenged the
    authorities, which caused conflict, as he was
    fighting against unjust laws and practices he
    did not tolerate evil and challenged extreme

The Argument about Authority (1127-33)
  • This incident happened after the disruption in
    the Temple.
  • Jesus, a carpenter, has stopped people from
    trading and now he has returned. Who does he
    think he is?
  • They ask him, What right do you have to do these
  • They are trying to trap Jesus.
  • If he says God gives him the right, they will
    arrest him for blasphemy.
  • If he says he is acting on his own authority,
    they can arrest him as a mad man. (No sane
    person would act in the way he did in Gods
  • Jesus reply is clever. Instead of falling into
    their trap, he tricks them.

The Argument about Authority (1127-33)
  • If they say John had authority from God Jesus
    would ask why they didnt believe John and why
    they killed him.
  • If they say from man, (which means not from
    GOD), the people might riot because they believed
    that John was a prophet, sent by God.

The Argument about Authority (1127-33)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus made fools of the religious leaders in
    public (They gave the answer we dont know).
  • They would have been angry at losing such a
    public argument and for being tricked by this
  • They did not see that Jesus had authority from
    God and thought he was challenging their

Christians Today
  • Christians can learn that Jesus authority comes
    from God.
  • Christians can learn that they should stand up to
    the authorities if they believe that they are
    wrong and going against what God wants.
  • Jesus on this occasion uses words, not violence
    to thwart the authorities.

Caesar and Taxes (1213-17)
  • The Pharisees and Herodians who are enemies, join
    forces to trap Jesus.
  • They try to put him in a good mood by flattering
  • The Jews were forced to pay high taxes to the
  • Many Jews hated the Romans because of the high
    taxes and because it was a constant reminder that
    Israel was an occupied country.
  • Tax was paid in Roman coinage, stamped with a
    picture of Caesar and this was against the Torah
    which did not allow any images.
  • For the Jews the real King of Israel was God, not

Caesar and Taxes (1213-17)
  • The Pharisees and Herodians try to trick Jesus.
  • If he says Yes, pay the tax people will stop
    following him no Messiah would say yes and
    support Roman taxes.
  • If he says No, dont pay, Romans could arrest
    Jesus as a traitor.
  • Jesus gives a clever answer (verse 17).

Caesar and Taxes (1213-17)
  • In the first century, coins were officially the
    property of the ruler who issued them.
  • The denarius bears the image of Caesar. Human
    beings bear the image of God (Gen 1 27)
  • If people pay tax they are only giving to Caesar
    what he owns.

Caesar and Taxes (1213-17)
  • People owe much more to God than they do to
  • Caesars kingdom will pass away but Gods Kingdom
    will not.

Caesar and Taxes (1213-17)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus tricks the religious leaders in front of
    the people.
  • He makes them look like fools while he still
    looks good.
  • Jesus answer is clever because he could have
    upset both the Jewish authorities and the Roman

Christians Today
  • There have been tensions between Church and State
    throughout history.
  • Most Christians today would accept that the
    Church and State must exist side by side.
  • The state has the right to make demands on
    Christians in such matters as taxes, but has no
    right to make demands that are contrary to the
    consciences of Christians.
  • If there is a conflict between duty to the state
    and faithfulness to God, Christians would claim
    that God and his demands must come first.

Christians Today
  • Some Christians believe that they should not
    challenge authorities because this is what Jesus
    meant by rendering to Caesar what is Caesars.
  • Some Christians think that this fits in with what
    St Paul said about the civil authorities were
    appointed by God.
  • Some Christian Churches have taught that
    Christians should obey the authorities.

Christians Today
  • Discussion points
  • Should Christians be involved in politics? Why?
    Why not?
  • If God is a God of justice who demands that
    people be looked after and treated well,
    shouldnt Christians criticise politicians/governm
    ent when they dont do this?

Christians Today
  • Discussion points
  • Christians should take an interest in politics
    and current affairs.
  • Christians should vote in elections.
  • Politics is best left to the politicians.
  • The UK is a Christian Country.
  • (Every UK prime minister since the war has been a
    practising Christian.)

Social and Community Cohesion
  • The present government is keen to promote social
    and community cohesion, as the UK is a multi
    cultural and multi faith society (eg included in
    GCSE Specifications, money spent on promoting
    understanding between different communities, laws
    which make discrimination illegal.)
  • As Jesus teachings are against discrimination
    and in favour of inclusion, perhaps Christians
    should support the Governments policies. Do you

Social and Community Cohesion
  • Christians cannot cut themselves off from the
    world and retreat into Christian ghettos so
    that they are untouched by the wickedness of the
  • They have to render unto Caesar what is Caesars
    and take a responsible part in society.

Question about the Resurrection (1218-27)
  • The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection
    because it was not mentioned in the Torah which
    they studied every day.
  • The Sadducees believed only in laws from the
  • The Pharisees did believe in life after death.
  • The Sadducees ask Jesus a question based on a law
    from the book of Deuteronomy which says that if a
    married man dies and there are no children, his
    brothers must marry the widow.

Question about the Resurrection (1218-27)
  • The Sadducees compose a story in order to show
    that the whole thing is daft.
  • The Sadducees think it would be easier for Jesus
    to say that there is no life after death than to
    decide who the woman was married to.
  • Jesus insults the Sadducees by saying that they
    do not know the Scriptures (v24)
  • Jesus is teaching that life after death is not
    like life on earth, we will be like angels.

Question about the Resurrection (1218-27)
  • Jesus used a passage from Exodus (v26) to say
    that there is life after death.
  • God says I am present tense, so although
    Abraham /Isaac/ Jacob are dead, they are somehow
    still alive.
  • God is too loving to allow his friends to be
    destroyed by death.

Question about the Resurrection (1218-27)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus insulted the Sadducees when he said they
    did not know the Scriptures they thought they
    were experts.
  • He also took the side of the Pharisees against
    the Sadducees so he caused conflict within the
    Jewish community.

Christians Today
  • This shows ..
  • Christians that life in heaven will be different
    from life on earth.
  • that there is life after death and because of
    Jesus resurrection Christians believe that they
    will share in the resurrection.
  • that resurrection is taught in the Old Testament.

Christians Today
  • This implies ..
  • that life after death is not dependent on
    Christian belief as resurrection was happening
    before Jesus was raised.
  • This implies .. that resurrection happens
    immediately after death, not on the Last Day (as
    God is the God of the living).

The Anointing at Bethany (143-9)
  • The anointing of Jesus takes place in the house
    of Simon the leper.
  • The story is symbolic and the anonting is
    significant because
  • Kings were anointed at their crowning
  • Priests were anointed on taking office
  • Bodies were anointed after death for burial.
  • The Messiah and Christ mean anointed one.
    Jesus is the Messiah.

The Anointing at Bethany (143-9)
  • Jesus is the Anointed One but he hasnt been
    anointed yet.
  • The Jews expected Elijah to be the one to anoint
    the Messiah and yet here an ordinary woman
    anoints Jesus in the house of an outcast.
  • Jesus is anointed by the type of person he had
    spent his time with.

The Anointing at Bethany (143-9)
  • The Messiah is anointed not at the beginning of
    his life but at the end of it but his mission is
    to die.
  • A funeral rite is carried out on a living person,
    instead of a dead body, but this emphasises that
    Jesus death is an absolute certainty.

The Anointing at Bethany (143-9)
  • Therefore, Mark is using this story to show that
    Jesus, as Messiah, was about to suffer and die.

The Anointing at Bethany (143-9)
  • This caused conflict because
  • Jesus mixes with outcasts and once again ignores
    the Law.
  • Jesus treatment of the woman was not how the
    Messiah was supposed to behave and the woman
    should not have been that familiar with a rabbi.
  • It has been suggested that this was the last
    straw for Judas as he felt Jesus should not
    behave in this way, and so he betrayed Jesus.
  • People believed that the woman was wasting money
    and that her actions were open to
    misinterpretation. (In Lukes Gospel it is
    implied that she was a prostitute, but not in

Christians Today
  • Christians can learn that Mark believes that
    Jesus is the Messiah who is going to suffer and
  • Christians can learn that they should accept
    others in the way that Jesus accepts the woman
    she seems to understand who he is, unlike the
  • Christians can learn that Jesus did not consider
    anyone unclean eg Simon the leper.

The Plot to kill Jesus (141-2 10-11, 17-21)
  • 14 1-2
  • The chief priests and teachers of the law were
    trying to find a way to get rid of Jesus, without
    upsetting the people and causing a riot.
  • 14 10-11
  • Judas went to the Chief Priests who promised him
    money to hand over Jesus.

The Plot to kill Jesus (141-2 10-11, 17-21)
  • 14 17-21 (Also set text for Death and
  • Jesus is going to die and Mark wants to put
    across that Jesus is going to his death with his
    eyes open.
  • Jesus predicts that Judas will betray him to the
  • Jesus knows what will happen to him but the other
    disciples do not seem to have suspected him.

The Plot to kill Jesus (141-2 10-11, 17-21)
  • In v 21 Jesus shows that he knows that is death
    will not be a wasted tragedy as God has spoken of
    it in the scriptures.
  • Jesus goes on to say that it would be better if
    his betrayer had never been born.
  • Matthews Gospel says that Judas was so
    distressed that he committed suicide although
    this is not mentioned in Mark.

The Plot to kill Jesus (141-2 10-11, 17-21)
  • Judas was so upset by Jesus actions at Simon the
    lepers house, he betrayed him to the
  • Mark blames the Jewish people and Judas for the
    death of Jesus.
  • This view has caused much misery but Jewish
    Christian relations have improved in modern times
    and this view is no longer held.

The Plot to kill Jesus (141-2 10-11, 17-21)
  • Scholars dont really know why Judas betrayed
    Jesus. The Gospel writers are not very
    sympathetic towards Judas, who betrayed the Son
    of God.
  • Why did Judas betray Jesus?
  • For the money
  • Judas had once been a Zealot and was disappointed
    when Jesus did not turn out to be the sort of
    Messiah he wanted.
  • Judas was trying to force Jesus to be the Messiah
    he expected. If Jesus was arrested the people
    would hopefully riot to free him and Jesus would
    lead the Jews against the Romans.
  • Judas was helping Jesus to have the opportunity
    to declare that he was the Messiah.

The Plot to kill Jesus (141-2 10-11, 17-21)
  • Exam question
  • Judas should not have betrayed Jesus. In your
    answer you should refer to Marks Gospel.
  • Do you agree? Give reasons for your
    opinion. (3)
  • Give reasons why some people may disagree with
    you. (3)
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