Baptist History Lesson 24 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Baptist History Lesson 24


The Disruption of the American Revolution The Rise of English Deism & French Skepticism The 2nd Great Awakening East Coast ... And it is a great fundamental ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Baptist History Lesson 24

Baptist HistoryLesson 24
  • Revival, Reunion, Expansion

The Baptists asked it through Washington the
request commended itself to Madison and to the
Baptists, beyond a doubt, belongs the glory of
engrafting its best articles on the noblest
Constitution ever framed for the government of
mankind Cathcart, Centennial Offering
Four Periods of Awakening Activity
I. The Great Awakening (1730s-1750s)
II. The 2nd Great Awakening (1790s-1830s)
III. Prayer Meetings through New Pentecostalism
IV. 1940s 1950s Billy Graham
2nd trip Oct 31, 1739
1300 miles N/S
50 miles width
1,000,000 population 150,000 negro slaves
What did Whitefield preach?
Thus he had come to a position in which not
denominational adherence but evangelical
soundness was the criterion, and his work had
become non-denominational in character AD, Vol
1, pg 438
The 1st Great Awakening
1720s - The Middle Colonies
1730s The New England Colonies
1740 1750s The Southern Colonies
God graciously intervened in the affairs of man
  • Authority of scripture
  • Necessity of new birth
  • Intent to spread the gospel
  • True conversion worked out in the believers life

Results of the Great Awakening
1. Conversions
2. Increase in churches and church membership
3. Increase awareness of the necessity of the
new birth
4. No tolerance for an unconverted minister
  • Building of new evangelical schools
  • Princeton
  • Dartmouth
  • Rutgers
  • Brown

6. Calvinism strengthened and preserved in
American churches for another hundred years
Why did religious fervor fade after the 1st Great
The Disruption of the American Revolution
The Rise of English Deism French Skepticism
Western Migration
Mass Migration to the Continent
The 2nd Great Awakening
Western Frontier
East Coast
New England
The East Coast
Hampton- Sidney College 1787, students pry for
Yale 1802, Timothy Dwight
Princeton 1813 Daniel Baker, Pry Mtg 1813
1815 40 converted
Harvard, Bowdin, Brown, Dartmouth, Middlebury,
Williams, and Andover
Frances Asbury
The Frontier
Camp Meeting
Logan, KY - 1797
Cane Ridge, KY - 1801
The Frontier
Camp Meeting
Logan, KY - 1797
Cane Ridge - 1801
Presbyterian Split
The Cumberland Presbyterian ChurchThe Christian
Church The Church of Disciples
Methodist Circuit Riders
The Circuit Riders went after the frontier people.
Francis Asbury/Peter Cartwright -
Farmer/Sunday Preacher
The Results of the 2nd Great Awakening
The American Revolution established a new context
for the churches, in whichvoluntary patterns for
survival and growth had to be established.
The Rise of revivalism the idea that revivals
could be planned.
The Democratization of Christianity Christian
organizations based upon theindividual. Away
from creeds, confessions. We will see divisions
and the riseof denominations and para-church
The Decline of Calvinism it will be replaced by
Arminian Evangelization
The 2nd Great Awakening will delay the dissent
into paganism
Union of Separate and Regular Baptists
1776 United Baptists Churches of Virginia
North Carolina
Separates Sandy Creek Association 1758
Kehukee Association 1765
1775-1800 Period of Unusual Growth
1800 48 Associations
1775 1 in 264 a Baptist
1800 1 in 53 a Baptist
Why such growth?
1. The granting of religious liberty
2. Missionary activity of pioneer preachers
3. Harmony between democratic spirit among the
people and congregational polity of the Baptists
Tennessee 1765 first church in Nashville area
1790 18 churches 900 members
Kentucky 1790 42 churches 3100 members
1801 Union of Elkhorn and Separates of South
And that the preaching Christ tasted death for
every man shall be no bar to communion 9th
What did Baptists in the South look like?
1. Associational
2. Confessional
Abstracts rather than full confessions
3. Calvinistic Soteriology
4. Committed Congregationalists
5. Evangelistic
John A. Broadus The American Baptist Minister
of 100 years ago
1. Felt inward call to the ministry
2. Endured hardships
3. Erred about ministerial support
4. Generally favored ministerial education
5. The character of their preaching was
eminently Biblical
it suffices to add that the preachers of that
day depended much on the aid of the Holy Spirit
to give them liberty in speaking and the hearts
of their hearersAnd it is a great fundamental
truth, to which we must cling, that God will help
us in preaching, and himself giveth the
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