Title: Health Care Reform and ACA: Worcester Perspectives
1Health Care Reform and ACA Worcester
- Andrea Mathias, MD, MPH
- Deputy Health Officer
- Worcester County Health Department
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4HCR and ACA in MD
- Maryland focused on three areas of HCR this year
- Insurance reforms.
- Health Insurance Exchange.
- Establishment of Quality and Cost Council.
- Worcester Stats
- Health Provider Workforce
- Preventative Services
- Oral Health
- Mental Health Parity
- Health Service Delivery
6Worcester Workforce Status
- Federal and State Health Provider Shortage Area
(HPSA). - Primary Care, Dental and Mental Health.
- Based on geography, provider ratios, Medicaid
eligible population.
7HPSA Primary Care
8HPSA Dental
9HPSA Mental Health
10MUA/P and FQHC
11Shortage Designations Mean What?
- Workforce Recruitment Retention funds
- Federal NHSC
- Federal and State LARP
- Established Community Health Center/ FQHC- Three
Lower Counties. - J-1 Visa placements.
12ACA Healthcare Workforce
- Invest in training health care professionals.
- Invest in scholarship, loan repayment, and
training grant programs.
13ACA Primary Care Workforce Development Benefits
- Provide 10 Medicare bonus for primary care
services provided by primary care physicians
through 2016. - Increase Medicaid reimbursement.
- 1.5 billion - mandatory spending for the
National Health Service Corps. - 11 billion - building new and expanding existing
community health centers.
14National Health Services Corps
- Worcester has approved sites for National Health
Services Corps service. - Loan repayment for clinicians for years of
service. - WCHD has a physician placement.
15- PCPs
- Worcester 10931
- Maryland 7131
- U.S. 90th percentile 6311
16PCP National Comparison
HSC Research Brief No. 19 March 2011
17ACA Shortage Designation Impact
- Negotiated rulemaking committee to develop NEW
methodology for designating MUA/MUP and HPSA. - Expected date for publication of the new rule is
end of 2011.
18ACA Medicaid Expansion
- Will enable more low income individuals to be
covered. - Recognizes family diversity to include families
with children and without children.
19- Medicaid Enrolled vs. Eligibles per month FY2011
- Worcester 6,700 of 9,000
- Maryland 710,000 of 865,700
MCO Enrollees by Month in Fiscal Year '11
20- Uninsured Adults
- Worcester 21
- Maryland 17
- National 90th percentile 13
21ACA Medicaid Expansion
- Medicaid will be expanded in low income
individuals under age 65. - Newly eligible adults will be guaranteed at least
essential health benefits. - States will receive increased Medicaid funding.
- Medicaid payments in fee-for service and managed
care for primary care services will be increased.
22Physician quality reporting
- Payment to providers will be reduced if data on
quality measures is not submitted by 2015 - 2016
and each year afterward. - Aggressive timeline for rural physicians and
employers. - HITECH law
23ACA Preventative Care
- Refocus nations health care spending
- From clinical medicine and disease treatment.
- To preventative services to help reduce burden
of chronic disease.
24Program Wor. MD US
Diabetic Screening 84 81 89
Mammogram Screening 74 64 74
Obesity 28 27 25
Smoking 21 18 15
25ACA Preventative Health Services
- Increased insurance coverage of preventative
health services - Immunizations, screenings.
- Evidence based guidelines for services.
- Reduced cost-sharing for proven services.
- Medicare coverage of wellness visits.
- Improved payment for Medicaid recipients
- Employer based wellness programs
26Public Health Prevention Services
- Lifestyle balance program and nutrition
counseling. - Diabetes self management education.
- Tobacco cessation program.
- Colorectal, breast and cervical cancer screenings.
27ACA and Oral Health Care
- Children are 2.5 times more likely to be
uninsured for dental than for other medical
conditions. - Tooth decay is the most common disease of
childhood, more common than asthma or hay fever.
28ACA Oral Health Care
- Establish a 5-year national public health
education campaign focused on oral healthcare
prevention and education. - Require coverage and access for oral care for all
children beginning 2014. - Development of expanded workforce and training of
dental and other health professionals.
29Worcester County Dental Center
Opened March 15, 2011
30- Poor Mental Health Days
- (per month)
- Worcester 3.1
- Maryland 3.3
- National 90th percentile 2.3
31Mental Health Parity
- An estimated 22.6 of Americans age 19 and older
suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a
given year. - Insurance coverage - economic disparity for
mental health disorders compared to physical
32Mental Health Parity Act
- Enacted Oct. 3, 2008 benefits equity for
mental health/substance use disorders. - Employers may not apply separate cost sharing
requirements or treatment limitations to mental
health/substance use disorder benefits. - For most plans, effective date began Jan. 1, 2010.
33Mental Health and Addictions Service in Worcester
- WCHD individual, family, group counseling,
psychiatry. - Partnership with AGH at AHC.
- Telemed with Shepherd Pratt.
- School-based and In-Home services.
- Crisis Response and Suicide Prevention.
34Delivery of Public Health Services
- Examine best practices related to prevention.
Focus on areas identified in National Prevention
Strategy or Healthy People 2020. - Identify strategies for organizing, financing or
delivering public health services. - Become more cost effective.
35MedPAC Study
- MedPAC will analyze
- Adjustments in payments to providers and
suppliers. - Access by Medicare beneficiaries to items and
services in rural areas. - Adequacy of payment to providers and suppliers.
- Quality of care furnished in rural areas.
- Institute of Medicine study on appropriateness of
geographic variation.
36Health Disparities
- Ensure ongoing or federally conducted or
supported health care or public health program,
activity or survey collects and reports to the
extent practicable, data on race, ethnicity,
gender, geographic location, socioeconomic
status, language, disability status.
- Andrea Mathias, MD, MPH
- Deputy Health Officer
- Worcester County Health Department