The Progressive Era - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Progressive Era


The Progressive Era 1896-1919 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Progressive Era

The Progressive Era
  • 1896-1919

The Election of 1896
  • The Republicans selected William McKinley who ran
    on a platform of the gold-standardThe Democrats,
    and supporters of silver, nominated William
    Jennings Bryan who had campaigned strongly
    against Cleveland's inactivity during the
  • Bryan, from Nebraska and a staunch free-silver
    advocate, won the nomination with his cross of
    gold speech at the Democratic convention
  • In nominating Bryan the Democratic party

  • The pro-Cleveland Democrats nominated their own
    candidate Senator John Palmer who then said
    he would not be disappointed if the Republicans
  • The Populists could nominate their own candidate
    or support Bryan they chose Bryan but selected
    their own vice-president (Bryan disagreed)
  • McKinley conducted a front porch campaign
    talking only to certain groups with pre-arranged
    answers. They also portrayed Bryan as a radical
    who sympathized with communists

William Jennings Bryan
  • In the end Bryan lost to a better organized and
    financed Republican party
  • He was successful in the South and West, but very
    unsuccessful in the North and East
  • His defeat signaled the end of the Populist
    party, but most of their agenda was actually
    implemented by others during the Progressive era
  • The Democratic party became a party more
    dedicated to reform and against big business

William McKinley
  • The election of 1896 proved that big business
    really controlled politics
  • One of McKinley fist acts was to pass the Dingley
    Tariff of 1897 which raised tariffs to a new high
  • In 1900 the government passed the Gold Standard
    Act, which ended any threat from the silverites
  • But it was not internal problems that were going
    to beset McKinley it was foreign events and
    even though the Populist movement had died away
    there was still a different way of looking at old

The Election of 1900
  • The Democrats once again nominated William
    Jennings Bryan who wanted to make imperialism the
    main issue of the election
  • The Democrats condemned American action in the
  • The Republicans supported imperialism and
    re-nominated McKinley and named Theodore
    Roosevelt as his running mate
  • After Cuba, Roosevelt was a national hero
  • The Republicans won (292-155)

The Progressive Era
  • Much of Roosevelts tenure became known as the
    Progressive Era
  • It was a time of social, political, and economic
    change when people believed the government should
    be an agent for human welfare
  • The reform movement had actually started after
    the Civil War with the Greenback labor party, but
    it had gained the most with the Populists
  • In 1894 Henry Demarest Lloyd attacked Standard
    Oil with his book, Wealth Against Commonwealth

Social Gospel
  • People were getting tired of unrestrained big
    business and the richer getting richer
  • Jacob Riis showed people how Americans really
    lived in his book How the Other Half Lives
    published in 1890. The book was focused on the
    dirt and squalor of the New York slums
  • Thorstein Veblen wrote The Theory of the Leisure
    Class in 1899 and attacked the conspicuous wealth
    of the robber barons
  • This social gospel caused people to demand better
    housing and care for the poor

The Square Deal
  • Roosevelts agenda for the country a Square
    Deal for all involved progressive
    legislationcontrol corporationsconsumer
    protectionconservation of natural resources
  • In 1902 Roosevelt ordered the break up of the
    massive Northern Securities Company and in 1904
    he was supported by the Supreme Court which
    ordered the company dissolved
  • When coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike
    in 1902 Roosevelt called both sides to a
    conference at the White House

  • Roosevelt was not going to let the coal shortage
    affect the country
  • The mine owners refused to talk to the unions a
    move which only angered the president
  • Nothing was decided at the meeting so Roosevelt
    threatened to take over the mines and run them
    with the army
  • It is questionable if Roosevelt had the authority
    to use the army, but the threat was more than
    enough to break the impasse
  • The strike ended later that year

  • Exposing social problems became a common practice
    after the turn of the century especially in
    magazines like Colliers and Cosmopolitan
  • These writers were dubbed muckrakers
  • Despite criticism from the White House the sale
    of books and magazines that exposed filth, crime,
    and corruption boomed
  • In 1902 a reporter, Lincoln Steffens wrote in
    McClures about the seedy connections between big
    business and local government in The Shame of
    the Cities

  • The majority of Progressive were middle-class
    people who felt stuck between the rich and the
  • They represented all political affiliations and
    all regions of the country
  • One of their first moves was to take the
    political power away from the party bosses
  • They demanded voter referendums so legislation
    could be passed without input from the
    often-corrupt legislatures
  • The Seventeenth Amendment (1913) established
    direct elections for the Senate to eliminate the
    influence of big business

Robert La Follette
  • A leading figure in the Progressive movement was
    Robert La Follette of Wisconsin
  • As governor La Follette had made the state a
    laboratory of reform
  • He took on the lumber and railroad companies and
    created the Wisconsin Idea
  • His main aim was to create a government of
    experts who would then run the state based on
    progressive principles

Regulating Industry
  • The Interstate Commerce Commission (1887) had
    proved inadequate to regulate the railroads
  • Equally the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) did
    little to stop the power of the major industries
  • Roosevelt created the Department of Commerce in
    1903, which was authorized to investigate
    businesses which involved interstate commerce
  • In 1903 the Elkins Act imposed fines on railroads
    that gave and offered rebates and special deals
  • The Hepburn Act of 1906 removed the free passes

  • In 1881 Congress created the Division of Forestry
    as part of the Department of agriculture
  • Roosevelt appointed Gifford Pinchot as forestry
  • To help protect the environment and maintain the
    forests Roosevelt added fifty wildlife refuges
    and five national parks
  • Roosevelt vehemently opposed industrialists who
    wanted to strip the country of natural resources

Upton Sinclair
  • In 1906 Upton Sinclair published The Jungle which
    exposed the atrocious problems faced by the
    workers and the unsanitary conditions in the
  • When Roosevelt read the book he was sickened and
    appointed a special commission to investigate the
    meatpacking plants
  • In 1906 he passed the Meat Inspection Act, which
    required meat that was shipped over state line to
    be inspected before shipping
  • The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was to prevent
    mislabeling of foods and drugs

Panic of 1907
  • As Roosevelt called for more legislation against
    big business so he became less desirable as a
    presidential candidate for the Republicans
  • In 1907 an economic crisis hit Wall Street as
    banks closed and people defaulted on their loans
  • The crisis was blamed on Roosevelt who had
    interfered with the workings of Wall Street
  • In return Roosevelt blamed wealthy individuals
    who, he said, had manipulated the situation
  • Thankfully the crisis was short but it did allow
    some fiscal reform

  • The crisis made everyone aware that money needed
    to be available to prevent future panics
  • In 1908 Congress passed the Aldrich-Vreeland Act,
    which gave the national banks the power to issue
    emergency currency

The Election of 1908
  • Roosevelt probably would have won in 1908 if he
    had chosen to run, but he had promised in 1904 to
    step aside
  • Roosevelt selected William Howard Taft as his
    successor, confident in the fact that Taft would
    simply continue his agenda
  • The Democrats nominated the twice-beaten William
    Jennings Bryan
  • Both men tried to persuade the public that they
    were progressives
  • The Socialist picked Eugene V. Debs who came
    third but gained nearly half a million votes

Progressive Legislation
  • Social justice was a main thrust of the
    Progressive movement
  • Social justice including helping children and
    women workers, establishing settlement houses,
    and fighting the evils of liquor
  • In the Muller v. Oregon (1908) case the Supreme
    Court upheld a ten-hour day for women
  • In Bunting v. Oregon (1917) the Courts accepted a
    ten-hour day for men and women
  • In 1911 the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Company
    fire in New York, in which 146 people died led to
    the enforcement of stricter building codes

William Howard Taft
  • Taft was Roosevelts handpicked successor
  • Once out of office and still young only 50
    Roosevelt went big game hunting in Africa
  • A big problem was that Taft did not like
    politics. Most of his advice came from his
    energetic wife, but she suffered a stroke after
    the election and couldnt help her husband
  • Tafts policies split the Republican party
    especially over the Ballinger-Pinchot controversy
  • Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger
    wanted to allow industrialists access to
    resources in the northwest

  • Roosevelt had placed the millions of acres of
    water off-limits by making them part of ranger
  • Ballinger and Taft both agreed that Roosevelt had
    gone too far
  • Ballinger gave federal coal reserves in Alaska to
    a Seattle business group who were then going to
    resell the land
  • When Chief of Forestry Pinchot reported the
    dealings to Taft he was ignored. In 1910 when he
    went public he was fired
  • A congressional committee found Ballinger not
    guilty of collusion, but he resigned soon after

  • In 1910 Roosevelt returned to the United States
    to hear reports of what Taft had, or had not done
  • Roosevelt felt betrayed
  • Roosevelt started addressing the public and
    advocating his policy of New Nationalism
    demanding more regulatory reform, social welfare,
    and direct democracy
  • Many Republicans were willing to back Roosevelt
    if he entered the race in 1912, but others
    supported La Follette

The Election of 1912
  • Roosevelt won most of the presidential primaries,
    even in Tafts own state of Ohio
  • But the Republican nominating committee selected
    Taft, who was after all still president
  • Roosevelt was outraged and turned to the
    Progressive party (Bull Moose party) and pushed
    La Follette aside
  • The Democrats nominated governor of New Jersey
    and former president of Princeton University,
    Woodrow Wilson
  • The Socialists nominated Eugene Debs

  • During the campaign Roosevelt was shot by a
    fanatic, but continued to campaign
  • The issue was Roosevelts New Nationalism or
    Wilsons New Freedom
  • Wilson won the election, Roosevelt came second,
    and Taft came third
  • Wilson won the election with slightly more than 6
    million votes. Taft and Roosevelt together had
    7.5 million votes
  • The electoral college vote was a landslide
  • Taft left politics to teach law at Yale before
    being selected chief justice of the Supreme Court
    in 1921

Woodrow Wilson
  • After the election of 1912 in which all the
    candidates had expressed some progressive
    sentiment - the idea of progressivism started to
  • It was also the first time the Democrats had held
    the White House and Congress since the Cleveland
  • Wilson was not the political force of Roosevelt,
    but he was knew how to be a politician and how to
    talk to the people and Congress
  • He rewarded his friends with appointments

  • His first big issue was the tariff
  • He called Congress to a special session and
    addressed them himself and asked for tariff
  • In 1913 the Underwood-Simmons Tariff became law
    and reduced import tariffs from 37 to 29, the
    tariff did not include some 300 products mostly
    natural resources
  • Congress also approved the Sixteenth Amendment
    (1913) which implemented the first income tax
  • The Glass-Owen Federal Reserve Act created a new
    national banking system with Federal Reserve Banks

Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
  • Breaking the trust was a major part of the New
    Freedom plan, which had continued to grow despite
    the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
  • Wilson made the Federal Trade Commission the
    watchdog over trusts and empowered the Commission
    to act
  • The Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) prohibited price
    discrimination, interlocking directorates of
    large companies, and companies from purchasing
    stock in competing industries

Foreign Policy
  • Wilson lacked international experience, yet
    ironically his tenure would be dominated by
    foreign affairs
  • Wilson did believe that the United States had a
    moral obligation to protect and spread democracy
  • Prior to 1914 Secretary of State Bryan was busy
    negotiating with countries to avoid conflict
  • In 1914 two conflicts exploded that changed

  • President Porfirio Díaz dominated the politics of
    Mexico, but the country had been on the verge of
    revolution for several years
  • In 1911 a revolutionary army led by Francisco
    Madero captured Mexico City and the president
  • Madero proved weak and in 1913 he lost power to
    General Victoriano Huerta
  • In response to the dictator, Wilson announced the
    United States would not recognize his authority

  • In 1914 Wilson sent weapons to insurgents led by
    Venustiano Carranza and placed American ships off
    Vera Cruz
  • In April 1914 a group of American sailors were
    arrested in Tampico. Although they were quickly
    released and an apology issued the American
    government demanded the Mexican salute the
    American flag
  • Wilson persuaded Congress to grant him the
    authority to make Huerta comply
  • Wilson sent a small force to Vera Cruz and on
    April 21, the Americans occupied the town 19
    Americans and over 200 Mexicans were killed

  • Most countries disapproved of the American
    occupation and Huerta tried to organize
    opposition from allies
  • Wilson accepted an offer from the ABC powers
    (Argentina, Brazil, and Chile) to mediate
  • The ABC power proposed the United States remove
    its soldiers, the removal of Huerta, and the
    establishment of a provisional government
  • Huerta refused
  • Trouble in Mexico allowed bandits like Pancho
    Villa to gain power
  • In 1915 Villa began fighting the American-backed
    insurgents known as the Carranzistas

  • In 1916 Villa captured a train and killed 16
  • In March he crossed into new Mexico and murder
    more Americans
  • Wilson had grown tired of waiting and ordered
    General John Pershing to capture Villa
  • For almost a year Pershing chased Villa across
    northern Mexico, before being ordered home in
  • The Carranzistas continued fighting the rebels
    and in 1917 they passed a liberal constitution
  • Mexico eventually settled down as other issues
    loomed on the horizon

World War One
  • In August 1914 World War One erupted in Europe
    with the assassination of the heir to the
    Austro-Hungarian Empire by a Serb patriot in
  • The Austrians with the support of their German
    allies declared war on Serbia
  • Within weeks most of Europe was at war
  • Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria
    faced Britain, France, Russia and later Italy
  • But this war involved other counties not just

  • Russia joined Britain as did Japan
  • Wilson called on Americans to be neutral in
    thought and deed
  • Britain expected the United States to become an
    ally because of their shared tradition
  • Germany expected the United States to become an
    ally based on the number of immigrants from
    Eastern and Southern Europe
  • Most Americans favored the British
  • In 1914 the United States was in a recession so
    war orders from Britain and France helped relieve
    some of the problems

  • The Germans protested the trade between the two
    countries as violating the neutrality
  • Since the British controlled the Atlantic Ocean
    any trade between Germany and America would have
    been very risky
  • In 1915 Germany announced it would use submarines
    to sink ships that violated the laws of
    neutrality, they promised to try and not sink
    American ships
  • Wilson continued to claim neutrality while hoping
    American ships would not be sunk
  • The German U-boats proved deadly

  • At the start of 1915 almost 100 ships were sunk
  • On May 7, they sank the British passenger liner
    Lusitania with the loss of over a thousand lives
    128 Americans
  • The ship did have some ammunition on board which
    the Germans used as justification
  • The American people demanded war and revenge but
    Wilson stood firm and remained neutral
  • After another passenger ship was sunk the Germans
    promised not to sink passenger ships without

Sussex Pledge
  • In 1916 the Germans sank the French passenger
    ship Sussex
  • Wilson was furious and said that if the Germans
    did not stop sinking merchant ships immediately,
    he would break off diplomatic relations the
    first step on the road to war
  • The Germans agreed not to sink merchant ships
    without warning, but America would have to
    persuade Britain to change its naval blockade
  • Wilson accepted the pledge but without the
    strings attached

The Election of 1916
  • The Progressives re-nominated Teddy Roosevelt,
    but he did not want to split the Republican vote
    again and give the election to the man he hated
  • The Republicans nominated Charles Evans Hughes,
    the liberal Supreme Court justice from New York
  • Hughes was anti-German in anti-German regions of
    the country, but in other regions he portrayed
    himself as an isolationist
  • Wilson was re-nominated on the slogan He Kept us
    Out of War

  • After the election it looked like Hughes would
    win he was even proclaimed the winner by some
    New York newspapers
  • In the West and Mid-west Wilson gained ground
    the final result depended upon California
  • Wilson barely won (277-254)
  • In January 1917 Germany announced unrestricted
    submarine warfare all ships in the war zone
    would be targets
  • Now the man who kept America from war would have
    no choice but war

  • Wilson called for the arming of merchant ships to
    try an keep America neutral
  • But in March 1917 a telegram from Germany to
    Mexico was discovered
  • The Zimmermann note was from German foreign
    secretary Arthur Zimmermann and included vague
    promises of returning Texas and Arizona back to
    Mexico if there could be a German-Mexican
  • With the overthrow of the Tsar in Russia the
    American government could now claim to be
    fighting for democracy
  • In 1917 Wilson asked Congress for a declaration
    of war

American Expeditionary Force
  • In 1917 the Bolshevik Revolution succeeded and
    Russia dropped out the war
  • Now the Germans and their allies were free to
    focus all their power against the tired Allies in
    on the Western front
  • Early in 1918 the Germans launched a series of
  • But by May there were over 1 million American
    doughboys in Europe led by General Pershing
  • By July the Germans were exhausted
  • The end of the war was in sight

War Legislation
  • Selective Service Act (1917) - Required all males
    between 21 and 30 to register for military
  • Committee on Public Information (1917) - Created
    by Congress under the control of George Creel to
    mobilize public support for the war effort
  • War Industries Board (1917) - Created to the
    economic effort. Developed new industries and
    controlled prices. Companies that cooperated
    were exempt from antitrust legislation

  • Espionage Act (1917) - A 10,000 fine or 20 years
    imprisonment for those interfering with the draft
    or encouraging disloyalty
  • Sedition Act (1918) increased the penalties for
    people who tried to stop or said anything
    negative about the sale of Liberty Bonds and for
    saying, writing, or printing anything disloyal
    about the government, the Constitution, or the
    armed forces

  • Schenck v. United States (1919) The Supreme
    Court upheld the conviction of a man charged
    anti-draft leaflets to members of the armed
    services. The man had claimed free speech.
    Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes stated that free
    speech does not protect a man from falsely
    shouting fire! in a theatre the act applied
    when there was a clear and present danger
  • In Abrams vs. United States (1919) the Court
    confirmed the conviction of a man for passing out
    leaflets opposing American intervention in the
    Bolshevik Revolution
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