Title: The Progressive Era: Late 1800
1The Progressive Era Late 1800s to World War I
2Focus Question
From the 1900 to 1915 three progressive
presidents held office. During these years what
role did the national government play in the
lives of the average citizen? Was the role
3There were many reasons for the progressive
Perhaps the best reasons were captured by the
late 1800s early 1900s photographers.
Most notable among these photographers was Jacob
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28What clues in this picture may tell a story well
beyond the borders of this photo. Surmise what
that story may be.
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30- The progressive movement sought to change many of
the conditions depicted in the previous photos.
31Before there were the Progressives there were the
- Rural
- Poor and uneducated
- Radical
32The Progressives worked to improve on the
Populists experiences
- Networked
- Urban labor
- Middle Class
- Educated
- Mainstream
The Progressive Movement was a broad and
sometimes unorganized reform group. Although
they were not suffering themselves, they
sympathized with those who were.
33The Progressive EraEarly Progressive Voices
The Muckrakers
34The Progressive EraEarly Progressive Voices
Robert M. La Follette
- Fighting Bob
- Wisconsin Idea
- 1st state income tax
- corporate tax
- railroad rate commission
- Utilized professors to aid with complex issues
35The Progressive EraProgressive Reforms
- Australian Ballot Secret vote
- Initiative People introduce legislation
- Referendum People vote on legislation
- Recall People can get someone out of office
- Direct Primary People narrow down the field of
candidates - Amendments 16,17,18,19
36The Progressive EraAmendments
- 16 Progressive income tax
- 17 Direct election of senators
- 18 Prohibition
- 19 Women can not be denied to vote based on
37The Progressive EraProgressivism in the Courts
- Holden v. Hardy (1898) - For the first time the
Supreme court upheld a law limiting working hours
in hazardous industries. - Lochner v. New York (1905) - Limiting work hours
for bakers was not upheld by the Supreme Court as
bakeries were not viewed as dangerous places to
work. - Muller v. Oregon (1908) - the Supreme Court
upheld laws limiting the working hours for women
in hazardous industries.
38The Progressive Presidents
Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
39The Progressive EraPresident Roosevelt
President Roosevelt championed many progressive
40The Progressive EraRoosevelt and the 1902 Coal
Miners Strike
In 1902 Pennsylvania Coal Miners (many of whom
were children) went on strike over terrible
working conditions, low wages, frequent layoffs,
and living conditions in company towns.
41Healthy Lung
Miners Lung
42The Progressive EraRoosevelt and the 1902 Coal
Miners Strike
The coal miner owners refused the Presidents
suggestion of impartial arbitration. In reaction,
President Roosevelt threatened to have the
military take over the mines.
43The Progressive EraRoosevelt and the 1902 Coal
Miners Strike
For the first time the federal government had
stepped into a labor controversy to protect the
interest of all concerned.
44The Progressive EraPresident Roosevelts Actions
President Roosevelt was known for his square
deal, trust busting, and consumer protection
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47The Progressive EraProgressivism and the Taft
While considered by some to be not as
progressive as Roosevelt, under President Taft
the government continued to be very involved in
many causes.
48The Progressive EraTaft and the Payne-Aldrich
Progressives supported lower tariffs because they
opened American businesses to foreign competition
which tended to lower prices for consumers.
49The Progressive EraTaft and the Payne-Aldrich
However, Rhode Island Senator Nelson Aldrich, who
wanted tariffs higher, rewrote the bill in the
President Taft supported the bill disappointing
50In addition to working conditions and tariffs,
the government also became involved in
environmental issues during the Progressive Era.
There was much public support for this issue as
the Pinchot-Ballinger conservation issue showed.
51The Progressive EraTaft Problems
The environmental issue, or at least peoples
understanding of the issue, hurt Taft politically.
When Roosevelt returned from his manly exploits
around the world, he challenged President Taft
for the presidency.
52In the end, neither fared well.
Woodrow Wilson would be selected the next
progressive president.
53The Progressive EraPresident Wilson Involvement
with the Economy
1907 The United States experienced a Panic
(economic depression.)
The Aldrich Commission found three major
- Lack of banking stability Not enough money on
reserve for withdrawals Little cooperation
between banks
- Currency was Inflexible Could not control
flow of money
- No Central Control of Banks
54The Progressive EraThe Federal Reserve Act
- 12 Federal Reserve Banks
- Banks for Banks
- Provide reserves
- Move funds for investment
- Independently owned banks
- Federal Reserve Board
- Government Regulation
- Washington D.C. power base
55Focus Question
From the 1900 to 1915 three progressive
presidents held office. During these years what
role did the national government play in the
lives of the average citizen? Was the role