Bioinspired Computing Lecture 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bioinspired Computing Lecture 3


Bioinspired Computing Lecture 3 Collective Behaviour and Swarm Intelligence – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bioinspired Computing Lecture 3

Bioinspired ComputingLecture 3
  • Collective Behaviour and
  • Swarm Intelligence

  • This Time
  • command control vs. self-organisation
  • the sophisticated abilities of insect colonies
  • stigmergy
  • algorithms inspired by insect intelligence
  • Foraging
  • Clustering Sorting
  • Building
  • Swarming Flocking
  • Next Time
  • insect-like social robots
  • sorting clustering
  • cooperative transport
  • Applications
  • sport
  • education
  • entertainment

Amazonian Categorisation
  • Imagine you are faced with the task of
    organising a huge number of Amazonian species.
    There are hundreds of ways in which these species
    might be divided up colour, size, etc.
  • Your boss tells you that your categorisation
    will have to match that of his customers over a
    very long time scale, so it must be flexible,
    because not only will customers change, but
    species may also change (colour, size,
    prevalence, etc.).
  • One approach to this knowledge management
    problem is to interview customers, devise a
    general-purpose, explicit categorisation scheme,
    pay someone to keep it up to date, and hope
    customers and species change little and slowly.
  • solve an analogous problem like this
  • Customers who bought this book, also bought

Collective problem-solving
  • "Problem-solving can occur at a level above a
    collection of idealized agents, without
    "intentional solving" on the part of the
  • N.L. Johnson, Collective Problem Solving, LANL
    tech-report, 1998.
  • In other words, the individual agents do not know
    they are solving a problem, but their collective
    interaction so solves the problem.
  • Emergent functionality

Amazonian Self-Organisation
  • Why is this automatic categorisation approach
  • no need to interview customers
  • no need to discover explicit categories before
    using them
  • adapts to changing trends automatically as they

In contrast, command and control approaches
suffer from the problem that explicit,
hand-designed categorisations
  • may be hard to discover through customer
  • will require constant updating and may still be
    out of date
  • may sometimes require a radical overhaul

In the next few lectures, we will learn that
simple, self-organising systems such as
amazon.coms often enjoy advantages over their
command and control cousins
  • These systems tend to involve many partially
    independent entities working together to solve a
    problem without a central executive. Each entity
    may be unaware of many or all of its colleagues,
    attending to only its local environment.
  • Such systems are
  • parallel systems of simple agents
  • robust to noise damage
  • dynamic
  • flexible
  • self-organising
  • adaptive
  • possibly complex
  • hard to build?
  • hard to understand?
  • fast, cheap, out of control?
  • intelligent?

Ants, Termites, Bees, etc.
  • Some of the most impressive natural
    self-organising systems are to be found in the
    world of colonial insects
  • Such species
  • forage for food, dividing colonial resources
  • construct complex hives, nests, etc.
  • efficiently dynamically divide labour amongst
    the colony
  • sort and cluster different objects (eggs,
    corpses, etc.)
  • cooperate in moving objects, defeating enemies,
    etc. that would be impossible for a single
    individual to deal with

with no central planning and very little
communication complicated, coordinated,
goal-directed behaviour often seems to arise
spontaneously from the interactions of many
simple insects.
Ant Algorithms and Bee Bots
  • Recently software engineers and roboticists have
    begun to exploit our understanding of social
    insect behaviour to design new kinds of algorithm
    and new kinds of robot.
  • These systems idealise insect behaviour in much
    the same way that ANNs idealise the behaviour of
    neurons (topic 3)
  • Researchers pick and choose aspects of natural
    systems in the hope that the artificial systems
    they inspire will share some of their desirable
  • Of course, ants and bees are not designed to
    solve the problems of todays software engineers
    or roboticists.
  • A piece of software or a robot will not perform
    well just because it behaves like an ant colony
    the trick is to find aspects of insect behaviour
    which can be profitably exploited.

Foraging for the Shortest Route
  • A particularly striking result from ant
    experimentation concerns the ability of a colony
    to discover the shortest routes to the resources
    it requires

As ants forage they deposit a trail of slowly
evaporating pheromone.
Those that reach the food first return before the
  • One pheromone trail is now stronger than the
    other, directing the ants to the food via the
    shorter route.
  • It is not just ants that need to find optimal
  • Traffic on telecommunications systems, the
    internet, roads, rail, and sea would all benefit
    from the reduction in congestion that efficient
    routing algorithms could provide.

Ant-Inspired Routing
  • Consider an in-car system that suggests the best
    route to take for any journey from A to B across
    a road network.

An ant traverses the network following the
strongest pheromone trails from A to B. At the
end of the journey the ant lays down pheromone
along the path taken, leaving less pheromone at
nodes that were congested.
In this way, routes via congested nodes are
gradually weakened, prompting ants to take
alternative paths.
Since many ants traverse the network constantly
and their pheromone evaporates gradually, the
system automatically adapts to the current load
on the road network.
How Good Is It?
  • In their book Swarm Intelligence, Eric Bonabeau,
    Marco Dorigo Guy Théraulaz claim that work on
    ant-based routing is only beginning but in all
    tested situations it appears that ant-based
    routing with agents patrolling the network
    outperforms all other routing algorithms.
  • France Télécom and BT are developing algorithms
    for their systems, but the application of
    ant-based routing is potentially much wider
    e.g., routing internet traffic.
  • Like, these algorithms rely on
    constant user traffic to build an up-to-date
    picture of what is going on (whether it be trends
    in book shopping, jams on the Otley Road, or
    congestion at telecom hubs). The power of these
    algorithms is their simplicity and their ability
    to direct traffic and build this picture

Sorting, Clustering Building
  • Many species of ant cluster corpses into
    cemeteries, gradually piling them up together.
    Brood sorting is also observed, with larger
    larvae lying further from the brood centre. In
    addition, some species are able to construct
    walls, arches and other architectural structures.
  • These behaviours are yet to be fully understood,
    but have all been modelled as the result of
    simple probabilistic rules
  • Clustering relies on two rules concerning the
    ants local environment
  • items are more likely to be picked up when they
    differ from those around them, and
  • items are more likely to be put down amongst
    similar items.
  • Wall building, etc., is slightly more complex,
    relying on chemical templates to direct what are
    essentially the same basic processes.

Ants for Catering
  • Imagine youre want to seat many guests. Its
    best if you group guests that know each other
    together. But how?
  • First draw a graph that represents which of your
    guests know each other.

Then apply an algorithm
inspired by ant clustering
scatter the nodes of the graph
and a load of ants on a page
let an ant pick up a node, i, if
it is surrounded by nodes to which i is not

let an ant drop i if it is surrounded by graph
neighbours of i

let the ants wander about at random picking
up and dropping nodes.
Slowly, clusters of acquainted guests will form
on the page.
This graph-partitioning technique has
applications in chip design (where connected
components must be placed close together on a
chip) and load balancing on parallel processor
Partitioning a Graph
  • Here we see a random graph being partitioned by

After the ant algorithm of Kuntz, Layzell
Snyers (1997) has been at work, a few clear
clusters have emerged. Cluster members are more
connected to each other than to members of other
This technique can be used to efficiently load
the processors of a parallel machine minimising
the amount of communication required.
Ants for Architecture
  • How can insects in a colony coordinate their
    behaviour in order to build highly complex
    architectures? Ants and termites dont appear to
    have blueprints in their heads they seem to
    follow simple rules in an almost random manner.

If the blueprint isnt in the insects heads, it
may be in their environment
ants appear to use their own
previous work to stimulate their behaviour
building of arches, towers, etc., appears to be
governed by the structures themselves.
The worker does not direct his work, but is
guided by it
  • Stigmergy is a slippery concept. At its root is
    the ability of agents to influence each other and
    their future selves by altering their environment
    often seemingly unknowingly.
  • Some examples
  • pedestrians crossing a park make paths in the
    grass the most popular will guide future
    walkers and be reinforced
  • customers buy books their purchases
    change the descriptions of the books, guiding
    future customers
  • cells divide differentiate during morphogenesis
    according to chemical gradients that they
    themselves influence

In these examples, the behaviour of individual
walkers, shoppers, cells, etc., is shaped by
their environment, which in turn was shaped by
their own prior activity.
Artificial Architects
  • Bonabeau and Théraulaz have demonstrated these
    ideas in action through simple artificial paper
    wasp architects.

Wasps wander at random over a 3-d grid of cells
and follow a simple set of microrules that govern
building behaviour. Depending on the contents of
the 26 cells that surround the wasp, it can
deposit one of two types of brick, or leave the
cell alone thus wasps are reactive agents with
no memory.
BT show that starting from a single brick,
swarms of these wasps following simple sets of
microrules can construct complex structures that
resemble natural paper wasp nests layered,
cellular combs with internal cavities and a
surrounding envelope.
Could sets of these microrules be evolved to
build human habitation or useful artefacts? - cf
work on urban planning by Georg Vrachliotis, ETH
Swarms for Data Mining
  • We have already seen how swarms of insects are
    able to cluster similar objects together.
    Software engineers have exploited similar ideas
    to cluster database records, discovering trends
    in, say, financial information (which customers
    are likely to default on their loan), or health
    data (which patients are most likely to develop
    heart disease).

James MacGill has developed an approach to
spatial data mining inspired by insect
swarming. Consider a map of the UK with every
case of CJD marked. Eyeballing the map will
reveal the existence of clusters. But most of
these are probably just over the major UK cities,
thats where most of the people live, after
all We need to spot anomalous clusters where
there are more cases than you would expect
Swarms for Data Mining
  • Imagine a flock of agents flying across the CJD
    data set

Each agent is aware of nearby agents and of the
data that passes under it, constantly comparing
the number of CJD cases in its vicinity to the
local population size.
Agents that are excited slow down, agents that
are bored speed up and agents that are dead dont
move at all.
In addition, agents are attracted to nearby
excited agents and repelled by any nearby
deceased agents.
How does such a system behave?
Self-Organising Data Foragers
  • The swarm adaptively scans the data set focusing
    on the interesting parts and ignoring the boring
  • The swarm quickly isolates parts of the map with
    no cases of CJD, littering them with dead agents
    which dissuade further exploration of those
  • Areas where CJD cases are in line with local
    population density are boring and are quickly
    passed over.
  • Areas where the number of CJD cases in abnormally
    high or low attract more and more agents of
    different sizes, scanning the area at different
    scales and resolutions.

In comparison with exhaustively scanning the map
at many different spatial scales, the flocking
approach is faster, but perhaps slightly less
reliable MacGill suggests a hybrid approach
combing both methods.
Issues in Insect Algorithms
  • The development of swarm intelligence is only
    just beginning. Many open questions exist
  • how can we design individual agents such that en
    masse, they are able to achieve a desired
    swarm-level behaviour?
  • should they be complex or simple?
  • should they differ from one another?
  • should they be reactive or non-reactive?
  • should they learn? How?
  • should they communicate? How?
  • should they utilise stigmergy? How?
  • should we worry that swarms are not

As yet we have few answers what would a theory
of swarm intelligent systems look like?
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