Title: Improving Memory
1Improving Memory
- Different Types of Memory Aid
27323629 34327725 738743825 7746229
333328 36263464
3Recency rehearsal retrieval Primacy
effect encoding
4Memory Aids
- BATs
- Describe and use various strategies for improving
memory (cues, mnemonics, imagery, mind maps) (D) - Apply memory aids to real life situations
- (B/C)
Homework use at least one of the memory aids
you have learned about today to help you revise
for a test next lesson.
5 Try an experiment
You will be given a number from 1-4
Daffodil Plum Nose Weather Copper Flowers Brass Fo
ot Tulips Pansy Sleet Orange Toe Snow Flute
- Procedure
- Learn word list for 11/2 minutes
6 Try an experiment
Daffodil Plum Nose Weather Copper Flowers Brass Fo
ot Tulips Pansy Sleet Orange Toe Snow Flute
- Procedure
- Group 1- keep chewing
- Group 2 -remove your chewing gum
- Group 4 start chewing
- Now everyone write down as many words as possible
(in any order)
How many did you get right?
7Analysing Data
Condition 1 Chew, chew Condition 2 Chew, no chew Condition 3 No chew, no chew Condition 4 No chew, chew
Number of words correct
8Use of Cues
- Cues act as a trigger to help recall memory.
- Context The place or situation you are in.
- Baker et al (2004) Chewing gum expt,
What difference do you think it would make if you
did an exam in a different room to where you
learnt it? Does this have implications for Grange
9Use of Cues
- Cues act as a trigger to help recall memory.
- State
- Miles and Hardman (98),
- Goodwin (69) Alcohol and keys
10Using cues
- To improve recall ..
- Context and state cues need to be as similar as
possible to the original learning situation. - So to perform best in exams
- Context revise with a mascot or favourite pen
- State stay calm whilst revising and during exam
(easier said than done!!)
11Verbal Mnemonics
- Acronyms E.g
- Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
- Good when remembering the order of something
12 Verbal Mnemonics
- Rhymes E.g
- i before e except after c
- 30 days hath September ..
Also good when remembering the order of something
13Visual Imagery Mnemonics
- Method of Loci items put in locations in a
familiar place
Good for visual learners!
14Visual Imagery Mnemonics
- Key word technique
- Associating a word with a picture
- E.g baguette
- french stick in a bag
Very good when learning another language
15Visual Imagery Mnemonics
Mind maps
Giving each page of revision notes an unique,
distinctive visual appearance
16Watch the film clip
- What Memory Improvement technique is used by Andy
and Prof Winstone?
Method of Loci
- What advice would you give to the rest of year
10 to help them with their revision for exams?
Lesson 2 is in the Bath Spa room in Science Meet
you there in 5 mins MAX
18Memory Aids 2
Pear Clarinet Hail Rain Rose Hand Iron Gold Harp P
iano Metal Apple Body Fruit instruments
- Are you up for a challenge?!
- Use one of the methods you have learnt today to
learn this list of words - The person who remembers the most in the correct
order at the end of the lesson gets a prize!
19Memory Aids 2
- You will do activity 2.11 p28
- Extension - 2.12 p28 or design a test to see
which memory aid is best see p28-29
Merit for all those who get onto an Extension
Pear Clarinet Hail Rain Rose Hand Iron Gold Harp P
iano Metal Apple Body Fruit instruments
- Who can win the challenge
- Recall your words now!!
- How many?
- In the right order?
Homework use at least one of the memory aids
you have learned about today to help you revise
for a test next lesson.