Title: International Fixed Income
1International Fixed Income
- Topic IIIA
- Stylized Facts and Their Implications
- Explaining the Term Structure
- The Effect of Currency Movements
3I. Explaining Term Structure Movements
- What factors explain movements in the term
structure across countries? - Case study
- G7 countries (US,UK,JPN,CAN,GER,ITA,FR)
- 1996-1999
- Weekly movements in zeroes of 1yr-30yr maturities
4Principal Components Analysis
- Find the principal component that explains most
of the variation in term structure movements
across the maturities. - How much does it explain?
- Are there additional components
- How correlated are these components across
countries? - How much does the U.S. explain of movements in
foreign term structures?
5How Many Factors?
6What Do These Factors Look Like?
7What Do These Factors Look Like?
8What Do These Factors Look Like?
9What Do These Factors Look Like?
10What Do These Factors Look Like?
11What Do These Factors Look Like?
12What Do These Factors Look Like?
13Worldwide Principal Component Analysis
14 of Worldwide Movements in Term Structure
Explained by Factors
15Implications Continued...
Whats the exposure of the foreign bonds value
to US rates?
In other words, the change in the foreign
bond to a change in US rates is just the US bond
change times the sensitivity of foreign rates to
US rates.
16Implications of Factor Analysis
- Most of the movements in the term structure,
e.g., 90, can be explained by one factor. - Caution Ignoring short-term rates here and
focusing on 1-30 yr zeroes. - This factor looks like a parallel shift in rates.
(The second less important factor looks like a
17Sensitivities of Foreign Factor to US Interest
Rate Factor (i.e., b)
18Sensitivities of Foreign Factor to German
Interest Rate Factor (i.e., b)
- Consider from earlier in class, the 1.5-year and
30-year zeroes with durations of 1.46 and 29.26,
respectively. - If these were the durations of the foreign bonds,
and you had them in your portfolio, what does
that say about their durations in your
portfolio? (That is, your exposure to US rates,
not currencies).
20Durations of Foreign Bonds
21II. Currency Movements
- Introduction about bond price variation
- Facts about currency and interest rate
22Rates of Return on Zeroes
Consider a T-period zero in a foreign government
bond. What is its US rate of return?
Taking logs of the above and rearranging gives us
This is approximately equal to zero rate -
dur x (Dr) - DS(Fn/)
23Rates of Return Summary
- The return on a foreign bond has three
components - Its yield (e.g., coupon, or imputed yield) in
the foreign currency. - Its duration component in the foreign currency.
- Its exchange rate exposure.
- The first two components are always true, while
the second is unique to international fixed
24Rates of Return Summary Continued...
- The risk associated with this return can be
broken up into two pieces - interest rate risk (i.e., duration and maybe
convexity) as the first component (i.e., the
coupon) is fixed. - exchange rate risk.
Of course, if there is no exchange rate risk, we
just get the usual result that the volatility of
a bond is its duration times the volatility of
25Interest Rate Currency Factoids
- Correlation between interest factor in foreign
country and the F/ exchange rate. - Volatility of interest rate factor.
- Volatility of change in exchange rate.
26Correlation Between Foreign Interest Rate Factor
and Exchange Rate Changes
27Volatility of Interest Rate FactorWeekly in
Basis Points
28Volatility of Change in Fn./ Exchange
Rates(Weekly Terms)
29Estimate of Volatility of US bond -adjusted
Foreign Bonds
30 of Volatility of -adjusted Foreign Bond Due to
Currency Risk