International%20Fixed%20Income - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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International Fixed Income Topic IVA: International Fixed Income Pricing - Hedging – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: International%20Fixed%20Income

International Fixed Income
  • Topic IVA
  • International Fixed Income Pricing -
  • Hedging

  • Review of foreign bond investments
  • Hedging and its consequences
  • Empirical evidence
  • Concluding remarks

I. Review Rates of Return on Bonds
Consider a a foreign government bond. What is
its US rate of return?
Taking logs of the above and rearranging gives us
This is approximately equal to yield - dur
x (Dr) - DS(Fn/)
Rates of Return Summary
  • The return on a foreign bond has three
  • Its yield (e.g., coupon, or imputed yield) in
    the foreign currency.
  • Its duration component in the foreign currency.
  • Its exchange rate exposure.
  • The first two components are always true, while
    the second is unique to international fixed

Rates of Return Summary Continued...
  • The risk associated with this return can be
    broken up into two pieces
  • interest rate risk (i.e., duration and maybe
    convexity) as the first component (i.e., the
    coupon) is fixed.
  • exchange rate risk.

Of course, if there is no exchange rate risk, we
just get the usual result that the volatility of
a bond is its duration times the volatility of
  • Positive covariance between FN/ exchange rate
    and FN interest rates
  • Interest rates FN/ - the investor
    loses money on the bond, and loses money in the
    currency market (i.e., minus the exchange rate).
  • Why? Suppose inflation in the foreign country
    goes up, then (I) interest rates rise, leading to
    a bond price fall, and (II) the currency
  • Negative covariance between FN/ exchange rate
    and FN interest rates
  • Interest rates FN/ - the investor
    loses money on the bond, but makes money in the
    currency market (i.e., minus the exchange rate).
  • Why? Suppose monetary policy is tightened,
    raising interest rates (with corresponding bond
    market losses), but attracts foreign capital
    (with appreciation in the foreign currency).

II. Hedged Returns
  • The previous slides showed unhedged returns, that
    is, -adjusted returns on foreign bonds, without
    any hedging of currency risk.
  • In practice, it may be worthwhile hedging the
    currency risk using forwards, futures, or
    options. Here, we will concentrate on forwards.

Hedging Mathematics
Recall the unhedged return on -adjusted foreign
Two strategies (I) Buy foreign bond at price P,
and sell all future coupon and principal payments
in exchange for . (This is like a currency swap,
and transforms the foreign bond into a bond via
interest rate parity). We will see that next
class. (II) Alternatively, sell a one-period
forward currency contract equal to next periods
estimated value of the bond (plus interest if
Hedging continued
If the investor guesses right, and the estimate
of next periods bond price, , is close to
the true price, , then the hedge will be
The value of his foreign bond will be
The new, hedged return has two components (I)
the return on the bond in foreign currency terms,
just like before, which includes the yield and
capital gain component. (II) the one-period
forward premium weve talked about before.
Hedging continued.
  • Since the forward premium is known today, the
    volatility of the hedged -adjusted return just
    reflects the volatility of the bond, i.e., its
    duration times foreign interest rate volatility
    (at least for small changes).
  • What are we assuming here?

Hedging continued.
  • We are assuming that the investor perfectly
    predicts the price next period. Suppose this does
    not occur. Then what?
  • Define the prediction error as

Hedging continued.
  • If e was too large, then our hedge amount was too
    small and the unexpected excess value of the bond
    is valued at St1. If e was too small, then our
    hedge was too large and we need to buy additional
    funds at at St1.
  • We can therefore measure the return on the
    foreign bond in , hedged but not perfectly.

Hedging formula.
Three components (I) the return from the
investors predicted price change in the foreign
bond (II) the forward premium (III) the
unpredicted price change of the foreign bond that
is valued at the FUTURE uncertain exchange rate.
The volatility now involves two parts (I) the
component from before, and (II) the new
unpredictable component which depends on the
volatility of the error, as well as the
exchange rate.
III. Empirical Evidence
  • Two cases
  • Monthly data 10 year-period during 1980s G7
    countries, plus global portfolio.
  • Weekly data 1996-1999 G7 countries, as previous
  • Comparison of unhedged and hedged returns.

Mean -adjusted Annualized Return on Foreign Bond
Portfolios (1980s)
Volatility of -adjusted Annualized Return on
Foreign Bond Portfolios (1980s)
Mean -adjusted Annualized Return on Foreign Bond
Portfolios (1996-99)
Vol. -adjusted Annualized Return on Foreign Bond
Portfolios (1996-99)
Recall of Volatility of -adjusted Foreign
Bond Due to Currency Risk
Concluding Remarks.
  • Is hedging having your cake and eating it too?
  • As a long-run matter, the interest rate
    differential should offset exchange rates, so
    passive strategies should produce the same level
    of returns.
  • Here, most of the correlations between interest
    rates and exchange rates moved in the opposite
    direction of this theory (except Canada), so
    their were ex-post gains to hedging.
  • Alternatively, what we have shown is that hedged
    -adjusted foreign bond returns subjects you to
    foreign interest rate movements.
  • These foreign-based movements depend on real
    economic and central bank risk in those
    countries. By diversifying across countries in
    terms, you can reduce your overall exposure to
    country-specific risks.
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