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Part 5 Genetics and Fisheries Management Genetic variation in fish stocks; Use of molecular tools Estimation of effective population size and population dynamics ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Part 5 Genetics and Fisheries Management
  • Genetic variation in fish stocks
  • Use of molecular tools
  • Estimation of effective population size and
    population dynamics' parameters

1 - Overview of the applications of population
genetics to marine resources management
Fisheries Management the application of
scientific knowledge to the problems of providing
the optimum yield of commercial fisheries
products or angling pleasure (Everhart Youngs
Historical Perspective
  • Vast majority of fish stock harvested through
    fisheries is wild a conservation problem
  • Until recently there was very limited application
    of basic genetics principles to fisheries
  • Field dominated by taxonomists that care little
    about differences between individuals
  • Fish are more difficult to observe and so the
    study of the relationships between phenotype and
    genotype is more difficult
  • Fish are the last major food source captured
    from wild stocks, with hard to define boundaries
  • The amounts of phenotypic variation found in fish
    are very wide when compared with other food
    source animals
  • First genetic results often contradicted
    ecological and ethological understanding of
  • So, the long-term perspective that genetic
    analysis provides has been missing from Fisheries
    Management theory
  • The result is that many fisheries stocks were the
    victim of over-exploitation

Genetic and Phenotypic Variation in Fish Species
Heritability in Fish Species
Genetic Divergence Between Populations
  • Classic problem in Fisheries Management
  • FROM the identification of a fishing stock
  • BECOMES the identification of genetically
    meaningful management units
  • Many ecological and behavioral differences are
    due to environmental differences
    (freshwater/seawater, different spawning times
    and places, etc.)
  • A considerable part of the difference between
    populations is also due to environmental
    differences - similar environmental conditions
    mold variation within populations and so the
    differences between populations tend to be due to
    differences in the environment of each one The
    role of genetics in the differentiation has been
    unclear until recently
  • Markers not available until the mid 70s

First Biochemical Studies
  • Identification of previously unrecognized
    systematic groups
  • Population units of Pacific herring in the
    Alaskan peninsula (Grant Utter, 1984)
  • Reproductively isolated sympatric populations of
    brown trout (Ferguson Mason, 1981)
  • Identification of new species of rockfish (Seeb,
  • Inconsistencies with previous assumptions of
    genetic divergence
  • Conspecificity of anadromous and landlocked forms
    of char in North America (Kornfield et al., 1981)
  • No apparent genetic divergence between Fall and
    Spring spawning Atlantic herring (Ryman et al.,
  • Conspecificity (and local random breeding) of
    distinct morphological types of Ilyodon
    previously considered separate species (Turne
    Grosse, 1980)
  • Conspecificity of sympatric but trofically
    specialized forms of Mexican cichlids (Kornfield
    et al., 1982)

Management Goals
  • Conservation of genetic variation between and
    within natural populations
  • Maintenance of the genetic characteristics of
    stocks that are artificially propagated in
    hatcheries (e.g. Pacific salmon species in the
    Northwest USA)
  • Stock enhancement
  • Selective breeding for production traits

The Role of Genetics in Fisheries Management
  • Differential Harvesting Among Populations
  • Differential Harvesting Within Populations
  • Hatchery Populations
  • Release of Hatchery Fish

2 - Basic concepts in population and molecular
Gene Frequencies and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
  • Simplified model for character determination
  • Applicable to simple traits, such as blood groups
    or disease resistance
  • We will assume diploidy

Phenotypes and Genotypes
  • Phenotypes are the appearances of characters
  • Genotypes are the genetic compositions that cause
    the phenotypes
  • Often one phenotype is the product of many genes
    For example FCR depends on digestive enzymes in
    the gut, on hundreds of metabolic enzymes in
    cells, etc., in total it is estimated that
    hundreds or thousands of genes will determine FCR
    (a phenotype we can measure)

Recessive, Dominant and Codominant Alleles
  • In diploid organisms each gene (locus) is present
    in two copies (alleles)
  • If both are equal we say the locus is homozygous,
    otherwise it is termed heterozygous
  • Recessive alleles do not express themselves in
    the presence of a dominant one. Difficult to
    detect the problem with disease carriers
  • Codominance means that to a degree the phenotype
    of the heterozygote is the product of the
    expression of both alleles

Describing the Genetic Make-up of a
PopulationGenotype Frequencies
  • When we know the relationship between phenotypes
    and genotypes we can estimate the genotype
    frequencies in a population
  • E.g. blood group typing, eye color in fruit
    flies, etc.

Blood group Blood group Blood group Number of individuals
M MN N Number of individuals
Frequency () Greenland 83.5 15.6 0.9 569
Frequency () Iceland 31.2 51.5 17.3 747
Mourant(1954) in Falconer 1989
Describing the Genetic Make-up of a
PopulationGene Frequencies
Gene Gene
Frequency () Greenland 91.3 8.7
Frequency () Iceland 57.0 43.0
MN blood Group Genotypes
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
  • Assumes
  • Large population
  • Random mating
  • No selection
  • No migration
  • No mutation
  • Predicts
  • Stable gene frequencies from generation to
  • Simple relationship between gene frequencies
    (allele frequencies) and genotype frequencies.

H-W Equilibrium
Genes in parents Genes in parents Genes in progeny Genes in progeny Genes in progeny
A1 A2 A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
Frequencies p q p2 2pq q2
Applications of the H-W Law
  • Determination of the gene frequency of a
    recessive allele
  • Frequency of carriers
  • Test of H-W equilibrium

Changes in gene frequency
  • Random drift
  • Migration
  • Mutation
  • Selection
  • Assortative Mating
  • Computer simulation - PopG

Assortative Mating
  • When mated pairs are of the same phenotype more
    often than expected by chance (common in humans,
    e.g. stature, intelligence, etc.)
  • The opposite is called disassortative mating
    (common in plants with self-sterility systems)
  • Increases frequency of homozygotes (although
    most characters are multiple loci coded)

  • Thus teh rate of change depends on
  • Immigration rate
  • Difference of gene frequencies between immigrants
    and natives

q1 m qm (1 m) q0 m (qm q0) q0 ?q
q1 q0 m (qm q0)
  • Non-recurrent mutation low chances of mutant
    allele survival
  • Recurrent mutation more relevant
  • If u is mutation rate from A1 to A2
  • and v is mutation rate for reciprocal mutation
    (A2 to A1)
  • and p0 and q0 are frequencies of A1 and A2
  • then
  • The change in gene frequency in one generation is
  • ?q up0 vq0
  • And at equilibrium
  • q u / (u v)

  • Occurs when some genotypes are more fit than
  • Degrees of dominance with respect to fitness
  • No dominance
  • Partial dominance
  • Complete dominance
  • Overdominance.

Changes in Gene Frequency Under Selection
If s is the selective advantage of the A1
dominant allele (p), then the frequency of A2
after one generation (q1) is
So, the change of gene frequency from one
generation of selection ?q q1 q is
and substituting p (1 q)
Polymorphism Possible Causes
  • Heterozygote advantage
  • Frequency-dependent selection
  • Heterogeneous environment
  • Transition stages in evolution (due to
    environment changes, for example)
  • Neutral mutation (allele)
  • Heterozygosity a measure of the amount of
  • Proportion of polymorphic loci
  • Frequency of heterozygotes averaged over all loci
    tested average Heterozygosity

Small Populations
  • Random drift
  • Sampling effects
  • Variance in the change of gene frequency
  • Variance of gene frequency among lines

Random Drift and N
  • The mating together of individuals that are
    related to each other by ancestry.
  • In a bisexual population the number of ancestors
    of a individual t generations ago is 2t
  • So, in a small population the relatedness of
    individuals will be greater than in a large

Measuring Inbreeding
  • The coefficient of Inbreeding is F
  • F1 is the inbreeding coefficient of generation 1
    and F2 that of generation 2

Probability that a gamete pairs with another of
different sort
Probability that a gamete pairs with another of
the same sort
General Inbreeding Coefficient for individuals in
generation t

New Inbreeding or the rate of inbreeding
Effective Population Size Ne
  • Real-life populations are not ideal
  • Structured
  • Assortative / disassortative mating
  • Breeding structure
  • Etc.
  • Ne is the number of individuals that in an ideal
    population would give rise to the calculated
    sample variance or rate of inbreeding.
  • So, in an ideal population Ne1/(2 ?F)

Formulas for Ne
  • Self-feritilization
  • Sib-mating
  • Diferent numbers of males and females
  • Unequal numbers in successive generations
  • Non-random distribution of family size

Complicating Matters
  • In real-life populations populations are far from
  • Small effective sizes, various mating structures,
    mutation, selection and migration, all act
    together to produce the phenotypes and genotypes
    we see or measure.

Main Tools Available
  • Allozymes
  • Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
  • Nuclear DNA (nDNA)
  • Microsatellites and minisatellites

  • Allozymes are electrophoretically distinguishable
    protein variants
  • First used in fish stocks in late 60s
  • Needs relatively large amounts of tissue in order
    to yield enough proteins for visualization
  • Many enzyme systems available (gt75) although for
    each study usually only a small fraction shows
  • Potentially subject to selection pressures
  • Simple to use and applicable to all species (just
    needs a source of soluble proteins)
  • Standard protocols that require only minor
    adjustments from species to species

(No Transcript)
Mitochondrial DNA
  • First studies (80s) revealed high levels of
    sequence diversity
  • Useful for inter and intra-specific analysis
  • Occurs in multiple copies per cell (gt1000)
  • Uniparental transmission, no recombination
  • Transmitted via the maternal line useful in the
    analysis of sex-specific gene-flow patterns
  • Evolves faster than coding regions of nDNA

Techniques to Analyze mtDNA
  • RFLPs
  • Restriction fragment length polymorphisms
  • Uses restriction enzymes to cut mtDNA in pieces
    and the separates them using agarose or
    acrylamide gel electrophoresis
  • PCR
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction
  • Amplification of the number of copies of a target
    sequence defined by two flanking primers
  • DNA sequencing

Nuclear DNA
  • RFLPs
  • nDNA sequences
  • Tandemly repeated DNA
  • VNTRs -DNA fingerprints (minisatellite sequences)
  • STRs - Microsatellites
  • RAPDs
  • Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA
  • AFLPs
  • Amplified fragment length polymorphisms
  • QTLs
  • Quantitative trait loci

Summary of the Common Genetic Markers Used for
Fisheries Management Studies
Information Provided by Molecular Tools
  • Population structure
  • Deviations from H-W Law
  • Inbreeding, migration, selection, mating
    structure, demographic history, phylogeographic
    history, etc.
  • Genealogical and phylogenetic relationships

Statistical Methods Used
  • Allozymes, RFLPs, AFLPs, DNA sequences, mini and
    microsatellites all provide us with allele
    frequency data (with different levels of
  • Most statistical analysis are based on the
    analysis of genetic variation and its partition
    into the various hierarchical levels of
    structure, from families to demes, to
    sub-populations and the population as a whole.
  • Most are base in Wrights F-statistics (FST),
    adapted by Nei for molecular data (GST) and
    further adapted to newer markers.

  • Usually measured by polymorphism (P, the
    proportion of polymorphic loci) and
    heterozygosity (H, the proportion of heterozygous
  • If the population is in H-W equilibrium then H
    can be calculated as

Where NAa is the number of heterozygote
individuals in the sample and N is the sample
size and n is number of loci, including the
monomorphic ones
Where xi is the frequency of the ith allele
Genetic Distance
  • It is a measure of the gene diversity between
    populations expressed as a function of genotype
  • According to Nei,
  • For 2 populations X and Y, the probability of
    identity of 2 randomly chosen genes at a single
    locus (jk) is
  • The probability of identity of a gene at the same
    locus in populations X and Y is
  • The normalized identity between populations X and
    Y with respect to all loci is
  • The Genetic Distance between populations is then

Inter-Population Diversity
  • Determine jk for each population and then the
    gene identity within all populations (JS)
  • The average gene diversity within populations is
  • The gene identity for the total population is
  • And the inter-population gene diversity is
  • The coefficient of differentiation can be defined

Demographic History
  • Aims at uncovering past population bottlenecks or
  • Uses DNA sequence data and plots histograms of
    pair-wise differences between sequences
  • Needs estimate of molecular clock in order to
    time events

Genealogy Theory
  • Uses genealogy data, mainly from DNA sequences
    but also from microsatellites, RFLPs etc., to
    reconstruct the genealogies of alleles.
  • Can provide information about population
    structure as well as past demographic events

Analysis of Phylogeny
  • Using different data types but preferably DNA
    sequences together with specific algorithms for
    grouping the data (maximum likelihood, parsimony,
    etc.), it estimates the relationships between
    samples or alleles
  • Software
  • PAUP Phylogeny Analysis Using Parsimony
  • MacClade
  • TreeView
  • CAIC - Comparative Analysis of Independent
  • Etc (http//

Some Applications
Determining Family Relationships and Ne
  • Herbinger, C.M., R.W. Doyle, C.T. Taggart, S.
    Lochmann, A.L. Brooker, J.M. Wright and D. Cook.
    1997. Family relationships and effective
    population size in a natural cohort of cod
    larvae. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54
    (Suppl-1)11-18. Abstract
  • Sibship relationships within a naturally spawned
    cohort of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae on
    the Western Bank of the Scotian Shelf were
    investigated by a likelihood ratio method that
    estimates relationships is among individuals
    using microsatellite (DNA fingerprint)
    information. We found no evidence of any temporal
    or spatial family structure among the larvae from
    seven different sample collections taken at
    sequential time intervals during a 21-d period of
    sampling the larval cohort. There was no evidence
    that larvae were more related within sample
    collections than across sample collections.
    Within each sample collection, there was no
    evidence of a family structure within or among
    the depths sampled. Similarly, there was no
    apparent change in the potential occurrence of
    sibship with time (successive sample
    collections), or in association with the passage
    of a storm during the sampling period. This
    cohort of cod larvae appears to have been a
    fairly homogeneous mixture of larvae that were
    not siblings and came from a large genetic pool.
    The minimum estimate of the inbreeding effective
    population size is 2800 individual spawners.

 Mixed Stock Management
To determine what impact the winter fishery that
takes place in the 3Pn and 3Ps regions has on
migratory groups (4T,4R,4S,4Vn and 4Vs) we are
looking at the genetic makeup of fish from 3Pn
and 3Ps areas during the mixed period and
comparing this to the genetic make up of the
stocks that are thought to migrate here. From
these comparisons it will be possible to
determine the level of exploitation of the
migratory stocks and to have some estimate of the
impact the winter fishery has on the migratory
stocks and how this will effect their ability of
these stocks to recover. The graphs below
illustrates two possible mixing profiles as they
may exist. In Figure A the outcome of the fishery
would be a harvest which would be mostly focused
on fish which come from the inner Gulf region
(4T,4R and 4S) Figure B would be a fishery which
was mostly focused on resident populations from
3Pn and 3Ps. With either case, consideration of
the winter fishery impact must be taken and
adjustments made as to how the affected stocks
are managed.
Assigning Individuals to Populations- Forensics
  • Enormous expense is currently incurred by
    enforcement officers while patrolling the fishing
    grounds with boats and aircraft. This method of
    enforcement is inefficient in terms of time,
    money, and the amount of catch actually
    monitored. With MGPL's DNA Fingerprinting
    capabilities, catch restrictions can be enforced
    at the dock instead of at sea on the basis of
    forensic analysis of the catch.
  • The genetic information carried by the animals
    themselves will identify the stock from which
    they were taken.

Estimating changes in population size
  • Use of coalescent theory and of pair wise
    sequence comparisons in order to study and date
    demographic events
  • Use of gene diversity estimates in order to
    detect past bottlenecks in populations
  • Etc.

Estimating gene flow among populations
Brief summary of computer programs and data
analysis approaches
LAMARC - Likelihood Analysis with Metropolis
Algorithm using Random Coalescence
Lamarc is a program for doing Likelihood Analysis
with Metropolis Algorithm using Random
Coalescence. Lamarc estimates effective
population sizes, population exponential growth
rates, a recombination rate, and past migration
rates for one to n populations assuming a
migration matrix model with asymmetric migration
rates and different subpopulation sizes. This
version can use DNA or RNA sequence data, SNPs,
microsatellites, or electrophoretic data. The
program can produce estimates of recombination
rate, migration rates between each population
pair, population sizes (assuming constant
mutation rates among loci), population
exponential growth rates, profile likelihood
tables, and percentiles.If you know that there is
no recombination in your data (for example in
mtDNA) you might look also at the other programs
Fluctuate or Migrate.
Whichrun 4.1 A computer program for population assignment of individuals based on multilocus genotype data. Microsatellite DNA provides essentially limitless, highly varied information within species.  That this provides a means for distinguishing not only among populations but also individuals has not escaped current theoretic interest (Smouse and Chevillon 1998, Waser and Strobeck 1998).  Here, we present a C computer program named WHICHRUN that uses multilocus genotypic data to allocate individuals to their most likely source population.
Genetic Mixture Analysis (GMA) Software for
estimating the stock proportions within mixed
stock fisheries
BOTTLENECK version 1.2.02  (16.II.1999)
Bottleneck is a program for detecting recent
effective population size reductions from allele
data frequencies.
Structure The program structure is a free
software package for using multi-locus genotype
data to investigate population structure. Its
uses include inferring the presence of distinct
populations, assigning individuals to
populations, studying hybrid zones, identifying
migrants and admixed individuals, and estimating
population allele frequencies in situations where
many individuals are migrants or admixed. It can
be applied to most of the commonly-used genetic
markers, including microsatellites, RFLPs and
SNPs. This method was described in an article by
Pritchard, Stephens Donnelly (2000). Extensions
to the method were published by Falush, Stephens
and Pritchard (2003). An interesting example from
the original paper is shown here.
- RST Calc A program to calculate unbiased
estimates of Slatkin's RST and Goldstein et
al's (delta-mu)2 distance for microsatellite data
GENEPOP is a population genetics software package
originally designed by Michel Raymond
( and Francois
Rousset (, at the
Laboratiore de Genetique et Environment,
Montpellier, France.
  • Duration 15, groups of 2-3 (all should
  • When Friday 17th, 14.00 h
  • What Results of selection programs in
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Nile Tilapia
  • Catfish
  • Oyster
  • Shrimps
  • Structure
  • The species and its farming
  • Important traits
  • Heritabilities
  • Structure of selection program
  • Performance (response) of program
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