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George H.W. Bush Republican 1989-1993 (14) Dissolution of USSR 1. 1989 Gorbachev announced that the USSR was adopting a policy of nonintervention in Eastern and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Republican

George H.W. Bush
  • Republican
  • 1989-1993


Political Background
  • 1967-71 U.S. Representative from TX
  • 1971-73 U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
  • 1974-75 director of the CIA
  • 1981-1989 VP under Reagan
  • 1989-1993 41st President

(1) Election of 1988
  • R G. Bush/Dan Quayle
  • D Michael Dukakis/Lloyd Bentsen
  • Election issues the Iran-Contra Scandal and
    growing budget concerns
  • Election Results
  • 1. Popular Vote 48,886,097 (R), 41,809,074(D)
  • 2. Electoral Vote 426 to 111

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(2) Pan Am Flight 103
  • Dec 21, 1988 plane exploded over Lockerbie,
    Scotland, killing all 259 people on board 11 on
    the ground.
  • 189 of the 259 people on board were Americans
    (plane was traveling from London to NYC) this
    shattered the U.S.s sense of security!

  • Suspicions focus on two Libyans it has never
    been decidedly proven, though one of the
  • suspects was given
  • a life sentence.

(3) Osama bin Laden / Al Qaeda
  • Al Qaeda was founded in 1988 by bin Laden to
    consolidate the international network he
    established during the Afghan war.
  • Aim to advance Islamic revolutions and repel
    foreign intervention in the Middle East.

  • Following the first Gulf War, Al Qaeda shifted
    its focus to fighting the growing U.S. presence
    in the Middle East, particularly in Saudi Arabia,
    home to Islams most sacred shrines.
  • This war on the U.S. has continued ever since!

(4) Read my lips No new taxes
  • 1. Early campaign promise of Bush he came to
    later regret this statement
  • 2. Long battles over the budget broke out Bush
    compromised with the Democrats on a federal
    deficit reduction that included tax increases.
  • 3. Conservatives were outraged!

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Economic Recession
  • In spite of the financial growth of the 1980s,
    14 of Americans were still living in poverty.
    The economy stopped growing in the early 1990s.
  • The federal deficit increased. This, coupled
    with a major trade deficit, will cause major
    problems for Bush in 92 when running for

(5) Tiananmen Square, China
  • 1. Pro-democracy reformers (mostly Chinese
    students) protested the Communist govt
  • 2.June 4, 1989 Chinese govt tanks and troops
    moved in killed an estimated 2000 in Tiananmen
  • 3. June 5 Bush suspended arms sales to China

  • The demonstrations in Tiananmen Square have been
    described as the greatest challenge to the
    communist state in China since the 1949

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(6) Fall of Berlin Wall
  • 1. Mass demonstrations against the E German govt
    began in late Sept, 89.
  • 2. Leader was forced to resign on Oct 18.
  • 3. The wall was forced open on Nov 9.

  • 4. Germany was united Oct 3, 1990, as the
    Federal Republic of Germany led by Helmut Kohl
    and the parliament in the Berlin Reichstag.

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(7) War on Drugs / Invasion of Panama
  • 1. Bush declared a war on drugs to stop drug
    smuggling/ illegal drug use.
  • 2. As a first step in this war, U.S. invaded
    Panama to arrest Dictator Manuel Noriega known
    drug lord
  • 3. 24,000 U.S. troops sent in Dec. 89 -
    Operation Just Cause

  • 4. Noriega was captured on Jan 4 after seeking
    asylum from the Vatican embassy on December 24
  • 5. U.S. troops played rock music relentlessly
    over loudspeakers - songs by The Animals, Bobby
    Fuller, and Bruce Springsteen

(8) Exxon Valdez oil spill
  • Prince William Sound, Alaska, United States, on
    March 24, 1989.
  • Considered one of the most devastating man-made
    environmental disasters at sea.
  • Spilled 10.8 million U.S. gallons of crude oil
    into the sea, which eventually covered
    11,000 square miles of ocean

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(9) Hubble Telescope
  • One of the largest
  • space telescopes
  • carried into orbit
  • in April 1990 named for
  • astronomer Edwin Hubble.
  • Although Hubble was not the first space
    telescope, it is one of the most versatile, and
    well known as both a vital research tool and a
    public relations boost for astronomy

(10) Clean Air Act of 1990
  • set new anti-pollution standards for fuel
    burning established specific actions for
    government and private industry to reduce
    emissions from vehicles, factories, and other
    pollution sources.
  • In many ways, this far-reaching law has been a
    great success. Today's cars, for example,
    typically emit 70 percent to 90 percent less
    pollution over their lifetimes than their 1970

(11) Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Prohibits discrimination against people with
    physical/mental disabilities in employment,
  • transportation,
  • telephone
  • services, and
  • public buildings.

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(12) Operation Desert Storm
  • August, 1990 Kuwait was invaded by Iraq, who
    also stationed armies near the borders of Saudi
    Arabia and Iran (Kuwait held 10 of the worlds
    oil reserves, Iran 10, S.A. 25)
  • 2. Bush helped to create a broad international
    coalition against Iraq, which included support
    from most of the United Nations members.

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  • 3. January 1991 secured Congressional authority
    to use all necessary means to expel Iraq from
  • 4. UN imposed economic sanctions began bombing
    campaign on Jan 16, 1991
  • 5. Bush ordered the largest deployment of troops
    (500,000) since the Vietnam War

  • 6. February 1991, ground forces pushed Iraqi
    soldiers out of Kuwait (in less than 100 hours)
  • 7. Gulf war was over in less than 2 months about
    150 Americans were killed
  • estimates of Iraqi deaths range from 20,000
  • 8. Saddam Hussein remained in power

Saddam Hussein 1990s
(13) Supreme Court Appointments
  • 1. David Souter
  • 2. Clarence Thomas was a very controversial
    appointment. Thomas was accused of sexual
    harassment of Anita Hill, a former co-worker at

David Clarence Souter
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(14) Dissolution of USSR
  • 1. 1989 Gorbachev announced that the USSR was
    adopting a policy of nonintervention in Eastern
    and Central Europe - Soviet republics began to
    issue declarations of independence
  • 2. 1990 Boris Yeltsin was elected the chairman
    of the Russian Republic Parliament
  • 3. Attempted coup to overthrow Gorbachev after he
    refused to support military law

  • 4. Military units were met by protest from
    Yeltsin and other republics
  • 5. December 25, Gorbachev resigned new flag was
    raised on December 31 (Russian Tricolour)

(15) LA Riots/ Rodney King
  • April, 1992- 4 white policemen were acquitted of
    the beating of a black motorist
  • LA responded to this with 6 days of riots
  • 50 dead.

(16) 27th Amendment
  • Ratified in 1992
  • Any change in the salary of Congressmen will take
    effect only after the next election.
  • This way, lawmakers cannot guarantee themselves
    an unfair raise!

Legacy of President Bush
  • a. His handling of the Gulf War was regarded as
    his finest accomplishment
  • b. Continued to remain politically active through
    his son George W. Bush
  • c. Was appointed co-ambassador with Bill Clinton
    to help with relief efforts after the Indonesian
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