Title: Physiology of delivery. Analgesia in labor.
1Physiology of delivery.Analgesia in labor.
Korda I.
- Labor is the physiologic process by which a fetus
is expelled from the uterus to the outside world. - It involves the sequential integrated changes in
the uterine decidua, and myometrium. - Changes in the uterine cervix tend to precede
uterine contractions - Dilatation the enlarging of the cervix to 10
centimeters. - Effacement the thinning of the cervix. cervix
starts out being two inches long, and 50 effaced
would be a 1 inch cervix.
3Cervical effacement and dilation
4Labor - Mechanics
- Uterine contractions have two major goals
- To dilate cervix
- To push the fetus through the birth canal
- Success will depend on the three Ps
- Powers
- Passenger
- Passage
- Uterine contractions
- Power refers to the force generated by the
contraction of the uterine myometrium - Activity can be assessed by the simple
observation by the mother, palpation of the
fundus, or external tocodynamometry. - Contraction force can also be measured by direct
measurement of intrauterine pressure using
internal manometry.
- Generally 3-5 contractions in a 10 minute period
is considered adequate labor
- Passenger fetus
- Fetal variables that can affect labor
- Fetal Lie the relationship of the long axis of
the fetus to the long axis of the mother - longitudinal, transverse or oblique
8Fetal size
- 40 weeks 20.16 inches 7.63 pounds 51.2 cm 3462
grams - 41 weeks 20.35 inches 7.93 pounds 51.7 cm 3597
grams - 42 weeks 20.28 inches 8.12 pounds 51.5 cm 3685
9Fetal presentation
- the part of the fetus that lies closest to or has
entered the true pelvis. Cephalic presentations
are vertex, brow, face, and chin. Breech
presentations include frank breech, complete
breech, incomplete breech, and single or double
footling breech. Shoulder presentations are rare
and require cesarean section or turning before
vaginal birth. Compound presentation involves the
entry of more than one part in the true pelvis,
10- Attitude degree of flexion or extension of the
fetal head
A--Complete flexion. B-- Moderate flexion.
C--Poor flexion. D--Hyperextension
11- Position - the relationship of the part of the
fetus that presents in the pelvis to the four
quadrants of the maternal pelvis, identified by
initial L (left), R (right), A (anterior), and P
(posterior). The presenting part is also
identified by initial O (occiput), M (mentum),
and S (sacrum) - Number of fetuses
- Presence of fetal anomalies hydrocephalus,
sacrococcygeal teratoma
12The Fetal Skull
13Fetal Positions for Labor and Birth
- Left Occiput Anterior (LOA)
14Left Occiput Transverse (LOT)
- Left Occiput Transverse (LOT)
15Left Occiput Posterior (LOP)
16Right Occiput Anterior (ROA)
17Right Occiput Transverse (ROT)
18Right Occiput Posterior (ROP)
19Leopold's Maneuvers
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- Station degree of descent of the presenting
part of the fetus, measured in centimeters from
the ischial spines in negative and positive
numbers. - -5 is a floating baby,
- 0 station is said to be engaged in the pelvis,
- and 5 is crowning.
- Passage Pelvis
- Consists of the bony pelvis and soft tissues of
the birth canal (cervix, pelvic floor
musculature) - Small pelvic outlet can result in cephalopelvic
disproportion - Bony pelvis can be measured by pelvimetry but it
not accurate and thus has been replaced by a
clinical trial of labor
24The Stages of Labor
- First Stage
- Interval between the onset of labor and full
cervical dilation - Two phases
- Latent phase onset of labor with slow cervical
dilation to 4 cm and variable duration - Active phase faster rate of cervical change,
1-1.2 cm /hour, regular uterine contractions
25The Labor Curve
- First stage - A latent phase B C D active
phase B acceleration C maximum slope of
dilation D deceleration E second stage.
Labor NulliG MultiG
1st Stage Active phase
Duration 6-18 h 2-10 h
Dilation 1 cm/h 1.5 cm/h
2nd Stage 0.5-3 h 5-30 min
3rd Stage 0-30 min 0-30 min
- Freidmans curve is a good guideline for expected
progression in labor and therefore helpful to
note abnormal labor patterns.
27Fig 1 An idealized labor pattern. The normal
patterns of cervical dilation (solid line) and
descent (broken line) as they are traced against
elapsed time in labor. The distinctive phases of
the first stage are shown. The active phase
comprises the interval from the onset of the
acceleration phase to the beginning of the second
28Labor Second Stage
- Interval between full cervical dilation to
delivery of the infant. - Characterized by descent of the presenting part
through the maternal pelvis and expulsion of the
fetus. - Indications of second stage
- Increased maternal show
- Pelvic/rectal pressure
- Mother has active role of pushing to aid in fetal
29Labor Second Stage
- Molding is the alteration of the fetal cranial
bones to each other as a result of compressive
forces of the maternal bony pelvis. - Examining the fetal head during the second stage
may become difficult due to molding - Caput is the localized edematous area on the
fetal scalp caused by pressure on the scalp by
the cervix. - PrimiG 0.5-3 h mulitG 0-30min
30Cardinal Movements of Labor
- This refers to the movements made by the fetus
during the first and second stage of labor. As
the force of the uterine contractions stimulates
effacement and dilatation of the cervix, the
fetus moves toward the cervix. - When the presenting part reaches the pelvic
bones, it must make adjustments to pass through
the pelvis and down the birth canal
31Seven distinct movements
- Engagement
- Descent
- Flexion
- Internal rotation
- Extension
- External rotation/restitution
- Expulsion
32Descent As the fetal head engages and descends,
it assumes an occiput transverse position because
that is the widest pelvic diameter available for
the widest part of the fetal head.
33Flexion While descending through the pelvis, the
fetal head flexes so that the fetal chin is
touching the fetal chest. This functionally
creates a smaller structure to pass through the
maternal pelvis. When flexion occurs, the
occipital (posterior) fontanel slides into the
center of the birth canal and the anterior
fontanel becomes more remote and difficult to
feel. The fetal position remains occiput
34Internal Rotation With further descent, the
occiput rotates anteriorly and the fetal head
assumes an oblique orientation. In some cases,
the head may rotate completely to the occiput
anterior position
35Extension The curve of the hollow of the sacrum
favors extension of the fetal head as further
descent occurs. This means that the fetal chin is
no longer touching the fetal chest.
36- External Rotation The shoulders rotate into an
oblique or frankly anterior-posterior orientation
with further descent. This encourages the fetal
head to return to its transverse position. This
is also known as restitution.
- Delivery of the fetus
- After delivery of the fetal head, descent and
intraabdominal pressure by mother brings shoulder
to the level of the symphysis - Downward traction allows release of the shoulder
and the fetus is delivered.
38- Suctioning the nasopharynx
39Labor Third Stage Placental separation and
- The time from fetal delivery to delivery of the
placenta - Signs of placental separation
- a. The uterus becomes globular in shape and
firmer. - b. The uterus rises in the abdomen.
- c. The umbilical cord descends three (3) inches
or more further out of the vagina. - d. Sudden gush of blood.
40Labor Third Stage
- Placenta is delivered using one hand on umbilical
cord with gentle downward traction. Other hand on
abdomen supporting the uterine fundus. - Risk factor for aggressive traction is uterine
inversion. - Obstetrical emergency!!
- Normal duration between 0-30 min for both PrimiG
and MultiG
41Inspect the placenta for completeness
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43Labor Fourth Stage
- Refers to the time from delivery of the placenta
to 1 hour immediately postpartum - Blood pressure, uterine blood loss and pulse rate
must be monitor closely 15 minutes - High risk for postpartum hemorrhage from
- Uterine atony, retained placental fragments,
unrepaired lacerations of vagina, cervix or
perineum. - Occult bleeding may occur vaginal hematoma
- Be suspicious with increased heart rate, pelvic
pain or decreased BP!!!!!!
44Analgesia in labor Discomfort during Labor and
- Pain and discomfort experienced during labor have
- two neurologic origins visceral and somatic
- Neurologic origins
- Visceral pain from cervical changes, distention
of lower uterine segment, and uterine ischemia - Located over the lower portion of abdomen
- Referred pain originates in uterus, radiates to
abdominal wall, lumbosacral area of back, iliac
crests, gluteal area, and down the thighs - Somatic pain pain described as intense, sharp,
burning, and well localized - Stretching and distention of perineal tissues and
pelvic floor to allow passage of fetus, from
distention and traction on peritoneum and
uterocervical supports during contractions, and
from lacerations of soft tissue
45Expression of pain
- Pain results in physiologic effects and sensory
and emotional (affective) responses - Emotional expressions of suffering often seen
- Increasing anxiety
- Writhing, crying, groaning, gesturing (hand
clenching and wringing), and excessive muscular
excitability - Cultural expression of pain varies
46Factors influencing pain response
- Physiologic factors
- Culture
- Anxiety
- Previous experience
- Childbirth preparation
- Comfort and support
- Environment
47Distribution of labor pain
- A. Distribution of labor pain during first stage
- B. Distribution of labor pain during later phase
of first stage and early phase of second stage - C. Distribution of labor pain during later phase
of second stage and during birth - (Gray shading indicates areas of mild
discomfort light-colored shading indicates
areas of moderate discomfort dark-coloredshadin
g indicates areas of intense discomfort.)
48Nonpharmacologic Managementof Discomfort
- Nonpharmacologic measures often simple, safe, and
inexpensive - Provide sense of control over childbirth and
measures best for woman - Methods require practice for best results
- Try variety of methods and seek alternatives,
including pharmacologic methods, if measure used
is not effective
49Nonpharmacologic Managementof Discomfort
- Childbirth education
- Dick-Read method(recommended the need for
education and his teaching method included
lectures, exercise, and a focus on breathing and
relaxation techniques. - Lamaze method
- Bradley method
- Relaxing and breathing techniques
- Relaxation
- Imagery and visualization
- Music
- Touch and massage
- Breathing techniques
- Effleurage and counterpressure
- Water therapy (hydrotherapy)
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
50Pharmacologic Managementof Discomfort
- Nerve block analgesia
- and anesthesia
- Local perineal infiltration anesthesia
- Prudendal nerve block
- Spinal anesthesia (block)
- Disadvantages
- Medication reactions (allergy)
- Hypotension
- Ineffective breathing
- Headache
- Autologous epidural blood patch
- Sedatives
- Analgesia and anesthesia
- Anesthesia
- Systemic analgesia
- Opioid agonist analgesics
- Opioid (narcotic) agonistantagonist analgesics
- Co-drugs
- Ataractics
- Opioid (narcotic) antagonists
51Pain Pathways and Sites of Pharmacologic Nerve
- A. Pudendal block suitable during second and
third stages of labor and for repair of
- B. Epidural block suitable during all stages
of labor and for repair of episiotomy
52- Membranes and spaces of spinal cord and levels
of sacral, lumbar, and thoracic nerves
- Cross section of vertebra and spinal cord
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55Levels of Anesthesia Necessary for Cesarean and
Vaginal Births
56- Administration of medication
- Intravenous route
- Intramuscular route
- Spinal nerve block
- Maternal fluid balance is essential during spinal
and epidural nerve blocks - Maternal analgesia or anesthesia potentially
affects neonatal neurobehavioral response - Use of opioid agonist-antagonist analgesics in
women with preexisting opioid dependence may
cause symptoms of abstinence syndrome (opioid
withdrawal) - General anesthesia rarely used for vaginal birth
- May be used for cesarean birth or when needed in
emergency childbirth situation
57- Expected outcome of preparation for childbirth
and parenting is education for choice - Nonpharmacologic pain and stress management
strategies are valuable for managing labor
discomfort alone or in combination with
pharmacologic methods - Gate-control theory of pain and stress response
are bases for many of the nonpharmacologic
methods of pain relief - Type of analgesic or anesthetic used is
determined in part by stage of labor - and method of birth
58Regarding Labour
- the latent phase may last for more than four
hours - the active phase should be associated with
cervical dilatation at a rate of at least 1 cm.
per hour - the active phase starts when the cervix is
effaced and 2 cm. dilated - involves artificial rupture of the membranesÂ
- is best charted using a partogramÂ
- epidural anaesthesia has an adverse effect on the
rate of progress in the 1st. stage of labour
59- the latent phase may last for more than four
hours - the active phase should be associated with
cervical dilatation at a rate of at least 1 cm.
per hour - the active phase starts when the cervix is
effaced and 2 cm. dilated - involves artificial rupture of the membranesÂ
- is best charted using a partogramÂ
- epidural anaesthesia has an adverse effect on the
rate of progress in the 1st. stage of labour
60- During delivery, what comes next after
Engagement, Descent, and Flexion? - Â
- 1. Internal Rotation.
- Â
- 2. Extension.
- Â
- 3. External Rotation.
- Â
- 4. Expulsion.
61- During delivery, what comes next after
Engagement, Descent, and Flexion? - Â
- 1. Internal Rotation.
- Â
- 2. Extension.
- Â
- 3. External Rotation.
- Â
- 4. Expulsion.
62In Summary
- Know the different stages of labor
- Know the labor curve
- Know the cardinal movements of labor
- Know the causes of postpartum hemorrhage
- MD must understand medications, expected effects,
potential adverse reactions, and methods of
63Thank you for your attention!