A%20History%20of%20Campaign%20reform - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Money in US Elections Author: Office:Mac User Last modified by: ... Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) (1971) What is the Federal Election Commission (FEC)? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A%20History%20of%20Campaign%20reform

A History of Campaign reform
  • Money in US Elections
  • PART 1

Scandals have led to the need to reform the way
politicians obtain money.
  • Teapot Dome scandal (1925)
  • Cabinet members illegally leased federal lands in
    exchange for bribes from private oil development
  • Watergate scandal (1972)
  • People from Nixons campaign broke into the
    Democratic Party headquarters to steal campaign
    documents and install listening devices

Three Basic Strategies were implemented to stop
abuse in political contributions
  1. Impose limits on giving, receiving, and spending
    political money
  2. Require public disclosure of the sources and uses
    of political money
  3. Give government subsidies to presidential
    candidates, campaigns, and parties to reduce
    their reliance on campaign contributors

Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) (1971)
  • Limited the amount that federal candidates could
    spend on advertising
  • Required disclosure of donor information
  • how they are spent
  • Required PACs to register with the government and
    report all major contributions and expenditures
  • PACS can contribute only 5,000 per election
  • Created the Federal Election Commission (FEC)

What is the Federal Election Commission (FEC)?
  • Administers new campaign spending laws
  • Provides for partial public funding for
    presidential primaries
  • The FEC matches small individual contributions up
    to 250 as long as the candidate agrees to remain
    within spending limits
  • Not all candidates choose to do this (ex George
    W. Bush John Kerry).
  • Provides grants to major party presidential
    candidates running in the general election, if
    they also stop their own fundraising
  • Both 2004 presidential candidates got 75 million
    from the FEC
  • Even allowed grants to minor parties that polled
    5 of the total vote in a previous election
  • And where did this money come from?
  • You!
  • Taxpayers can choose to allocate 1-3 of their
    income by checking off a box on their tax forms

BUT, The Supreme court case of Buckley v. valeo
(1976) changed A few things
  • The Supreme Court made a distinction between
    campaign spending and campaign contributions
  • Congress can limit how much people contribute to
    somebody elses campaign
  • Individual contributions
  • to candidates per two year cycle 2,000
  • to PACs per year 5,000
  • to National Party Convention 5,000
  • BUT, it cannot limit how much of their own money
    people spend on their own campaigns (1st
  • Thus, candidates can spend as much as they want
    on advertising as long as the money is theirs
    (ex wealthy Ross Perot can fund his own campaign
    with his own money without restrictions of FECA)

Nonetheless, FECA, For 20 years, was successful
in limiting fundraising campaign spending
  • By placing limitations, it helped to de-emphasize
    the chances of winning based on money
  • All presidential candidates from 1974 to 2000
    accepted the matching funds provided by the
  • In the election of 2000, George W. Bush became
    the first to DECLINE the public funds for his
    campaign in the primary election
  • However, he accepted government funds in the
    general election (67.5 million)

However, there was still a few kinks in the
system. To get around this limitation, people
started raising soft money
  • Soft money are contributions to a state or local
    party for party-building purposes.
  • By doing this, they avoided giving money directly
    to candidate and gave it to political parties
  • Hard money thus became known as money that was
    given directly to candidates
  • Soft money was money donated to political
  • There was no limitation on how much soft money
    could be raised at any given time. Soft money was
    not regulated by FECA.

However, The aggressive raising of soft money
funds created confusion and possible corruption
  • Parties at first used it for voter registration
    drives, mailings, and generic party advertising
  • But then they began transferring funds to state
    parties, which then ran ads for or against
  • In the 1996 election, the Democratic Party
    offered their donors perks for their soft money
  • The party offered donors free rides with Clinton
    on Air Force One air plane the chance to spend
    the night in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White
  • It was hard to distinguish soft money from hard
    money when the parties purchased advertising

This led to the passage of the Bipartisan
campaign reform act (BCRA) (2002)
  • Aka McCain-Feingold bill, named after its two
    chief sponsors in the Senate
  • Banned soft money in federal campaigns completely
  • It INCREASED the amount of hard money
  • Individuals could give candidates 2,100 for each
    primary general election
  • Individuals could give federal candidates up to
    40,000, national party committees up to 23,900,
    and PACS up to 37,500
  • Contribution limits were indexed to inflation
  • Prevented corporations and labor unions for using
    general treasury funds for electoral purposes
  • Provided an increase in contribution limits for
    candidates running against an opponent who was
    spending substantial amounts of his own money

Politicians began to wonder was the BCRA
  • In the Supreme Court case McConnell v. FEC
    (2004), the BCRA was deemed constitutional
  • The Court felt that soft money should be banned
    because it purchased access to elected officials,
    and with that access came influence and the
    possibility or appearance of corruption
  • Limited amounts of soft money could still be
    raised in state and local party committees for
    voter registration and get-out-the vote efforts

Then Came the Supreme Court Case Citizens United
v. FEC (2010)
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