Title: Eastern Europe 1520-1796
1Eastern Europe 1520-1796
Expansion and Consolidation
2The Ottoman Empire
Capital at Istanbul.
3Suleiman the Magnificent1520-1566
- Suleiman codified and institutionalized the
classic structure of the Ottoman state and
society, making his dominions into one of the
great powers of Europe. - Very tolerant of non-Muslims.
- Conquered Iraq, Hungary, Albania.
4Romanov Dynasty in Russia
5Mikhail Romanov was elected tsar by the Zemsky
Sobor in 1613.
6Empire Building in Russia
- Michael Romanov becomes Czar at age 17.
- Expanded Russia through military conquest.
- Made internal improvements like bridges,
hospitals, schools, and roads.
7Without a shepherd sheep are not a flock.
8Peter the Great 1689-1725
- Modernized Russia.
- Expanded Russias borders west to gain a Baltic
Sea port at St. Petersburg.
9Peter the Great
10Modernized Russia
- reorganized government along the lines of Swedens
11Opened Russia to the West
- traveled to the West with a diplomatic mission
when still a young man - ended Russias isolation
- imported Western technology and specialists
12Peter created an army like the Prussians and a
modern navy like the Dutch.
13He built St. Petersburg as Russias window to
the West.
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15Peter the Great?
- Built St. Petersburg.
- 100,000 peasants died during the construction of
St. Petersburg. - Built on a swamp.
- Every building made of stone.
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18Summer Palace, Petrodvorets
19Peter required the people at court to wear
European-style clothing and had the men shave-off
their beards.
20He allowed women to attend parties and other
public gatherings, and required the court to use
21Catherine the Great,(1729-96)
- reigned 1762-96
- a German-born princess
- at age 16 she married the weak and incompetent
heir to the Russian throne - -deposed and later murdered him
22Enlightened Despot
- continued to adopt Western-European ways
- -court grows isolated from the rest of Russia
23Catherine corresponded with leading Western
intellectuals of her day.
- Voltaire, the French writer and philosopher.
24Catherines accomplishments
- expanded and modernized the army and navy
- expanded Russian territory
- -captured the Crimea peninsula without firing a
shot (1783) - -annexed large portions of Poland and Lithuania
25Expansion of Russia1796-1914
26Catherine gave a charter to Russian nobles
exempting them from taxes and state service.
This allowed her to consolidate power.
27Frederick the Great of Prussia1712-1786
- Great military leader.
- Over 20 successful campaigns.
- Started the Seven Years War by capturing the
Austrian province of Silesia. (1756-1763)
28Frederick the Great
- An accomplished flute player.
- Involved in the partition of Poland.
- Champion of religious liberty.
- Composed his own music.
29Castel Del Monte. Built by FTG.
30Battle of Leignitz
31Prussia During the Enligntenment
- No seaports.
- Poor mineral resources.
- Very strong military. Third largest army in
32The Partition of Poland
- Causes
- 1 Chaotic political structure.
- 2 Weak king.
- 3 Divided nobles.
Poland taken by Austria, Hungary, Russia.
33Western Europe in Enlightenment, while Russia
34The Age of Enlightenment
- Reason was seen as the highest form of
learning. - Many artistic, social, and scientific
advancements were discovered. - Famous learners John Locke, Francis Bacon, Isaac
Newton, Copernicus, Galileo
35 Venice
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