Title: Sustainable%20Living
1Sustainable Living
A global and personal perspective
Think globally act neighborly
2Sustainability is.
- providing for the NEEDS of ALL people alive
today, without jeopardizing future generations. - and we know that.
3.we know that
- there is a difference between human wants and
human needs. - Gandhi said that the world could surely provide
for the needs of the many but not the greed of
the few.
4Okay, but Im a sinner..
- How do I know if something is sustainable?
5The Sustainability Triangle
Social Equity
The quest for sustainability
6Sustainable Living..
So, what is the problem?
7World Population
8Two problems.
- Too many people
- Impact per person
9Ecological Footprint A measure of the load
imposed by a given population on nature, or the
land necessary to sustain resource consumption
and waste discharge.
Our Ecological Footprint, by M. Wackernagel and
W. Rees
10Water Shortages
- Major global problem areas
11And the big one!
- Humankind expends in one year an amount of fossil
fuel that it took nature roughly a million years
to produce.
12What do we do with all the stuff?
13What do the scientists say?
- 1972 Limits to Growth is published by
- D. Meadows et al.
- MIT systems modelers take a look at the future
resulting in lots of debate
14World3 MIT Computer Model
- A computer model of the world including data on
- Population
- Food production
- Pollution
- Natural resource use
- Industrial growth
15The standard run
- What happens (according to World 3) if we just
keep on keeping on. -
- well, then.
16World 3 the standard run
17World 3 the standard run
18But what if resources double
19The doubled resources run
20Other what ifs
- Increasingly effective pollution controls
- Increasing agricultural production/acre
- Effective soil erosion controls
- More efficient resource use (technology)
- All these help, by either delaying or softening
the pain somewhat.
21Results of other what ifs..
22What works?
- Three major changes make huge differences
- Two children per family and,
- Reasonable industrial output (stuff) or, enough
is enough! - We invest in new sustainable technologies.
23Well, then.
24Well, then.
25What do the scientists say now?
- 1972 Limits of Growth lots of debate!
- 2004 Limits to Growth 30 Years later
- The model is mostly correct, so far.
- And, we still have a choice!
26So, what do we need to do?
- Two children per family
- Enough is enough!
- Appropriate and efficient new sustainable
technologies - Is this possible?
- What prevents us from making the shift?
27 maybe selfishness maybe greed maybe ??????
28One of the problems is the way we think about the
world!Our mental models
29 - The problems that we have created cannot be
solved at the level of thinking that created
them. - -Albert Einstein
30Why do we continue to make the same mistakes over
and over?
- The iceberg model of systemic relationships is
a simple tool to understand root causes. - Lets look deeper..
31Systems thinking looks below events and patterns
of behavior
Patterns of Behavior
Systemic Structure
Mental Models
32We need to look deeper than events.
Non-sustainable action Non-sustainable Pattern
Non-sustainable structures
____ Non-sustainable Mental Models
Patterns of Behavior
Systemic Structure
Mental Models
33We need to look deeper than events.
Plastic water bottle that is used once
Convenience, non-responsibility Systems that
make plastic bottles cheap ____ The world is
organized as a linear throughput of material!
Patterns of Behavior
Systemic Structure
Mental Models
34Heres a mental model...
The world is organized as a linear throughput
of material
35Water bottles that we use onceand will last for
a thousand years
Non-sustainable action
36Non-sustainable action
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
37Like lots of water bottles!
Non-sustainable patterns
38Create NS Structures
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Non-sustainable Structures
39Non-sustainable structures
40Create NS Mental Models
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Non-sustainable Mental Models
Non-sustainable Structures
41Which creates a Reinforcing Feedback Loop
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Non-sustainable Mental Models
Non-sustainable Structures
42Feedback loops are powerful
- We know about vicious cycles
- You hit me. I hit you harder. You hit me
harder. I hit you - Hate breeds hurt - hurt breeds hatehate breeds
hurt. - I feel bad so I take something I feel better
for a while, but then.. I feel bad, so. -
43Reinforcing feedback loops are powerful
- But, with these loops, eventually
44Something always happens..
45Lets call it something to learn
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Non-sustainable Mental Models
Non-sustainable Structures
Something to Learn
46It is often painful!
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Pain and Confusion
Non-sustainable Mental Models
Non-sustainable Structures
Something to Learn
47We can get stuck here!
Defensive behavior
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Pain and Confusion
Non-sustainable Mental Models
Non-sustainable Structures
Something to Learn
48The way out is through acceptance followed by
wonder and awe.
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Wonder and Awe
Pain and Confusion
Non-sustainable Mental Models
Non-sustainable Structures
Something to Learn
49Wonder and awe allows us to try something new
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Wonder and Awe
Pain and Confusion
Non-sustainable Mental Models
Non-sustainable Structures
Something to Learn
50A new reinforcing feedback loop
Sustainable Action
Sustainable Pattern
Wonder and Awe
Sustainable Mental Models
Sustainable Structures
51We have a choice!
- We can find our way out of these loops through
- pain and confusion - and eventually we will!
- or.
- We can choose to create sustainable reinforcing
feedback loops through - voluntary small actions
- and
- 2. changes in mental models.
52We can begin either with action or mental models
Change this
Non-sustainable Action
Non-sustainable Pattern
Non-sustainable Mental Models
Non-sustainable Structures
Or This
53Because thoughts create actions create thoughts
54Heres the good news!
- We can choose to create a new world through
sustainable reinforcing feedback loops... - But how?
55Virtuous feedback loops can be just as powerful
as the vicious ones
- Through small actions, like
- Adding worms to your compost
- Smiling
- Holding the door open for someone
- Changing a light bulb
- Making salt (April 6, 1930)
56Spirals of change begin with small acts
57Change a light, save the world!
SMALL acts can begin a journey toward.
58..big shifts in consciousness..
59Can small ideas or actions cause big effects?
- Well, how about a single word, like.
60 61Spirals of change
Cycles of hope
62Whats this got to do with me?
- Well the truth is, you and I choose to live in a
way that will eventually result in collapse.
63We are the problem.
- I belong to the 20 percent of the worlds
population that uses 67 of the planets
resources and generates 75 percent of its
pollution and waste. - Barbara
Kingsolver - Small Wonder
64But what can I do?
65Choose your own action
66Lets start with food.- Eat local foods- Take
kitchen wastes to a compost- Make a worm compost
in your kitchen (or dorm room)- Recycle and
reuse what you can- Join a CSA (a what?)
67Community Supported AgSomewhere near you, Im
sure is a farmer who desperately needs your
From Small Wonder
68It takes a village.
Community Supported Agriculture
69Food.The average food item set before a U.S.
consumer traveled 1300 miles to get
there.Transporting 5 calories worth of
strawberry from California to New York costs 435
calories of fossil fuel.
So, what do I do?
70Grow a garden!
71 using ecological principles
PLNTSOIL 398 P Permaculture Class - Summer
72Chickens in my backyard?
73Start small.
74(No Transcript)
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77The unheated hoop house
78Bees are very busy
79And while you are a student ?- Demand local
foods in the dining halls- Dont take more than
you can eat- Avoid fast foods and.- Join a
student garden.
80What else could I do?
- Change a light bulb
- Turn off the water when you brush your teeth
- Return the packaging to the store
- Turn off the lights when you leave the room
- Ride a bike or walk
- Learn to listen
- Join the Great Turning!
81Okay, so what else?
- Well, why not do one simple thing?
- Like.
82Compact Fluorescents save energy
83Turn off the computer!
84Fair Trade Coffee
85What about hemp?
86Plastic Bag Drier
87Waste Food
88Worms in the basement
89The worms love it here
90And even here.
.the dorm room model
91The new worm condo
92And outdoor compost too
93Compost collection in my office
94And wood heat
95Energy Efficient Appliances
96Use the sun to dry your clothes
97Returning the milk bottles
98The big decision!
99Spirals of change begin with small acts
100Sustainable Living
- Joanna Macy invites us all to join in the great
101Do I really care?
102The surveys say we care!We say we care about
family, people, nature, and good food butwe
eat fast food and toss out the wrapper.
103Lack of sanity is Saying one thing and doing
anotherWhen our core values are inconsistent
with our daily actions we are no longer sane.
- I know..
104Who will lead the way?
- Politicians?
- Corporate leaders?
- People!
105Who thinks and acts in sustainable time frames?
Who will lead the way?
106Time horizon for thinking and planning
- Corporate Leaders
- 3 months
- Politicians
- 2 - 4 years
- Child born in 1980
- 75 years
107But, Im only one person.
108And ..
I am awesome
109- Perhaps.
- it is not necessary
- to do great things.
110- ..just small things
- with great love.
- Mother Teresa
111Barbara Kingsolver wrote in Small Wonder
- Our revolution will have dancing and excellent
112To learn more.. join us!
HONORS 397I Leadership for Social Change -
Winter PLSOILIN 265 Sustainable Ag
Fall PLSOILIN 285 Sustainable Living
Spring PLSOILIN 298G GardenShare year
round PLSOILIN 397S Dialogue on Ag
Issues PLSOILIN 389P Permaculture -
Summer PLSOILIN 597S Ag Systems Thinking
Australia Brazil India Mexico Scotland Senegal Shu
tesbury, MA
114Please call me to chat. jgerber_at_psis.umass.edu
- http//people.umass.edu/jgerber/