Title: SUSTAINABLE ROOFING cradle to cradle with modified bitumen
1SUSTAINABLE ROOFINGcradle to cradle with
modified bitumen
- AIA Credit Presented by
- _______________
- __________________________________
- Performance Roof Systems Inc./DERBIGUM is a
Registered Provider with The American Institute
of Architects Continuing Education Systems. - Credit earned on completion of the program will
be reported to CES Records for AIA members. - Certificates of Completion for non-AIA members
are available on request.
- This program is registered with the AIA/CES for
continuing education. - As such, it does not include content that may be
deemed or construed to be an approval or
endorsement by the AIA of any material of
construction or any method or manner of handling,
using, distributing, or dealing in any material
or product. - Questions related to specific materials, methods,
and services will be addressed at the conclusion
of this presentation.
4Learning Objectives
- Upon completion of this program, participants
will be able to - Identify some of the reasons why sustainability
has become a hot topic of conversation - Define sustainability as it applies to
development and the roofing industry - Identify the three critical elements of
sustainable roofing - Identify questions that should be asked of a
5Politics of Sustainability
- ...each day brings further evidence that the ways
we use energy strengthen our adversaries and
threaten our planet...We will harness the sun and
the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run
our factories...And to those nations like ours
that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no
longer afford indifference to suffering outside
our borders nor can we consume the worlds
resources without regard to effect. For the world
has changed, and we must change with it. - - President Barack Obama, inauguration speech
(20 January 2009)
6Why Sustainable Buildings?
- Today we are faced with many questions
- Energy Supply
- Reliance on foreign resources
- Economic growth worldwide
- Rising Costs of Energy
- Peak Energy Demands
- Carbon Footprint
- How big a role do Buildings play in this?
7Why Sustainable Buildings?
8Why Sustainable Buildings?
9Why Sustainable Buildings?
- LEED v. Non-LEED Buildings
- 11.33/sf higher rent
- 4.1 higher occupancy
- 171/sf higher sale price
- 25-30 less energy use
- (Source CoStar Group, CoStar Study Finds Energy
Star, LEED Bldgs. Outperform Peers, March 2008)
10Sustainability Defined
- Question
- What is Sustainability in the Building Envelope
and Roofing industry? - What is Sustainable Development?
- What is Sustainable Roofing?
11Sustainability Defined
- Most Common Definition
- Sustainable development is development that
meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs. - The Brundtland Report
12Sustainable Roofing Defined
13Sustainable Roofing Defined
- Organizations Trying to Define
- Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association
- Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing
- National Roofing Contractors Association
14Sustainable Roofing Defined
- Advertising Trying to Define
- Green Roofs?
- White Roofs?
- Black Roofs?
- Longevity?
- Recycled Content?
- Recyclability?
- Alternative Energy Systems?
15Sustainable Roofing Defined
- Couldnt Sustainable Roofing Be All of These
16Sustainable Roofing Defined
17Sustainable Roofingcradle to cradle
- Designing roof systems for future generations
- Evolving concept
- Must address all aspects of the roofing process
and participants business - Maximize waterproofing service life while
minimizing current and future resource usage - Lowest life cycle cost available
18Sustainable Roofingcradle to cradle
Sustainable Production
Sustainable Relationships
Sustainable Systems
19Sustainable Production
Sustainable Production
20Sustainable Productionpractice what they preach
- ISO 14001
- Certifies Manufacturers Practices
- They ask owners to buy in to the green program
but do they? - Environmental Management
- Do they have policies and procedures?
- Minimal Impact on the Environment
- Can you quantify their impact of production?
21Sustainable Productionpractice what they preach
- Recycled Content
- Materials
- Virgin Polymers
- Recycled Content
- Materials
- Recycled Polymers
22Sustainable Productionpractice what they preach
- Recycled Content
- Resources
- Post Industrial
- (Pre Consumer)
23Sustainable Productionpractice what they preach
- Recycled Content
- Resources
- Post Consumer
24Sustainable Productionpractice what they preach
- Recycled Content
- Leadership in Energy Environmental Design
- Materials Resources
- Credit 4.1 - 4.2 Recycled Content
- 10, 20 (30 for ID) Post-consumer ½
Pre-consumer - Intent Increase demand for building products
that incorporate recycled content materials,
thereby reducing impacts - resulting from extraction and processing of
virgin materials.
25Sustainable Productionpractice what they preach
- Raw Material Selection
- High Quality Bitumen High Quality Polymers
Positive Properties of Polymers - High Percentage Phase Inversion
- On-site Laboratory Testing Throughout
Manufacturing Process - Results
- Increased Resistance to Heat Ultraviolet
Penetration - Superior Cold Temperature Flexibility
26Sustainable Productionpractice what they preach
- Recycled Content
- Production Waste
- High Quality Control to Decrease Waste
- Recycling Capability On-Site
- Certified Disposal Program
27Sustainable Systems
Sustainable Systems
28Sustainable Systemshigh performance design
- Critical Design Factors
- Investment in Design vs. Correction later
- Building green can have minimal affectif anyon
construction costs if sustainability goals are
discussed and integrated early in the design
process. - Report by the cost management firm Davis Langdon
29Sustainable Systemshigh performance design
- Critical Design Factors
- Thermal Design
- Energy Cost (Efficiency / Conservation)
- Multiple Layers
- Eliminates Pre-mature Tear-Off
30Sustainable Systemshigh performance design
- Critical Design Factors
- Slope
- Positive
- Adequate Drainage
- Ponding (in some cases) accelerates the aging
31Sustainable Systemshigh performance design
- Critical Design Factors
- Details (Roof Area)
- Flashing
- Penetrations
- Examples
- Removable
32Sustainable Systemshigh performance design
- Critical Design Factors
- Membrane
- Durability
- Proven Performance
- Surface Characteristics may or may not be
33Sustainable Systemshigh performance design
- MFG Choice
- Product Design
- Proven Performance
- System
34Sustainable Systemshigh performance design
- MFG Choice
- Product Design
- Bitumen/Polymer Blend
- Reinforce
- Dual vs. Single
- Top vs. Mid
35Sustainable Systemshigh performance design
- MFG Choice
- Approved Application
- Planned Specification Review
- Trained Contractors
- Supervision (MFG Approved Quality Control)
- Quality Assurance Audit
36Sustainable Systemstraditional roofing process
- Wastes in original cost of insulation, tear-off
labor disposal - Wastes original natural resources
- Requires greater amount of new non-renewable
37Sustainable Systemssustainable roofing process
- Closed loop is the goal for material flow
- Maximum roof service life for minimal resources
- Saves original investment in roof insulation
- Eliminates cost for tear-off labor and disposal
- Minimizes life cycle costs
38Sustainable Relationships
Sustainable Relationships
39Sustainable Relationshipspartnering with
- Join USGBC Local Chapters
- GreenBuild International Conference and Expo
- Attend local meetings
- Green Drinks
- Develop relationships with installers and
contractors building green
40Sustainable Relationshipspartnering with
- Sustainable Guarantee
- Promise Upfront
- Consistency / Accountability
41Sustainable Relationshipspartnering with
- Inclusive Maintenance Program
- Proactive
- Comprehensive
- Moisture
- Cleaning
- Relationship / Partnership Owner MFG Contractor
42Sustainable Relationshipspartnering with
- Recover Options
- Landfill / Tear off Costs
- Recyclability / Material Reuse
- Natural Resource Conservation
- Minimal Disruption
43Sustainable Roofing Defined
- Couldnt Sustainable Roofing Be All of These
44Sustainable Roofing Defined
45Sustainable Roofingcradle to cradle
Sustainable Production
Sustainable Relationships
Sustainable Systems
46Thank You!!