Lesson 14 - The Un-TV Experiments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson 14 - The Un-TV Experiments


Lesson 14 - The Un-TV Experiments Robert Wonser – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lesson 14 - The Un-TV Experiments

Lesson 14 - The Un-TV Experiments
  • Robert Wonser

TV and the Social Construction of Reality
  • What is the purpose of TV? To entertain or to
    sell us stuff? Does the content depend on what
    you answer is?
  • Who is in charge of what is on TV?
  • The Technical Events Test (T.E.T.) dramatically
    reveals the functions of the political
    institution of television (far seeing or seeing

Technical Events Test
  • The T.E.T. reveals TVs purpose
  • A) training us to shorten our attention span
  • B) making ordinary life appear dull
  • C) injecting a hypnotic quality into our ordinary
  • D) coercing us into its reality.

Shorten Our Attention Span
  • What were we talking about? Or right
  • The creation of the jumpy, volatile, scattered
    and hyper, monkey-mind is reinforced because it
    is believed to be optimal in generating the
    consuming type of lifestyle
  • people use the consumption levels and patterns
    portrayed in TV advertising to elevate their
    levels of personal well-being while those same
    consumption patterns are simultaneously
    devastating the environmental and resource base
    on which our future depends. (Elgin 199010)

Ordinary Life is Made Dull
  • When you watch TV you are seeing images that are
    utterly impossible in nature.
  • TV changes the way we experience reality.
  • We become so conditioned into believing what is
    shown on TV as real, we become skeptical of that
    which we only personally experience.
  • TVs power lies in disguising its true purpose in
    our lives
  • People on TV become our reference groups.
  • Most important message from TV? That you need
  • TV is saturated with what our lives are not sex,
  • TV never gives us an opportunity to be bored like
    real life does.

Hypnosis Unlimited
  • Hypnosis turning off thought
  • How many of you noted the hypnotic quality of TV?

Coercing us into reality
  • Our culture conditions us to need reassurance
    from the media to reinforce our actions and
    feelings, our self-perceptions.
  • When we do this we both acknowledge and assume
    that our personal experiences are not qualified
    as reality any longer.
  • We no longer do, we watch, and reality is someone
    elses creation. Not ours.
  • Have you noticed its not until an event flashes
    across the TV that it becomes reality?

TV without Sound
  • TV programs us not to notice the technical
  • Not to notice the details, not to pay attention
  • To watch TV is to become programmed.
  • The TV is an object not a communicator.
  • It is not communicating, but programming.
  • We do not perceive/experience the TV as a device,
    which it is, but as a reality, which it is not.

The Nature of News Why No News is Good News
  • Newscasters are no more real than characters on
    other entertainment shows.
  • Only unusually tragic or triumphant is shown not
    the mundane (i.e. newsworthy), ordinary
    routines of our daily lives.
  • The news has fewer technical eventsfor good
  • Fewer technical events makes the news show appear
    more realistic relative to other TV shows.
  • It appears super-realistic compared to
  • In TV, technical events weave a narrative, in the
    news we witness the reduction of worldly news
    events into a narrative. Whose narrative?

So what?
  • The problem not that TV presents us with
    entertaining subject matter, but that TV presents
    all subject matter as entertaining.
  • Spills over into post-TV life.
  • In any event or person we seek the entertainment
    in them, not the social significance, beauty,
  • In the absence of entertainment we usually
    entertain ourselves with plans for future
  • What do you do in class? Why do you get bored?
    Are you seeking entertainment while ignoring
  • While watching the TV while off how many of you
    thought about what TV you were missing or how
    boring it all was?
  • As a result, do we devalue the ordinary? Real

TV and the Illusion of Knowing
  • We love TV because it brings us a world in which
    television does not exist (Ehrenreich 1992).
    Have you ever noticed how little you see people
    watching TV on TV?
  • Overall and cumulative effect of TV heighten our
    insensitivity to reality.
  • Instead of actually leaving the Platonic cave and
    going up into the sunlit reality, we merely watch
    an image of ourselves doing thisand think that
    that is the same as doing it.

Watching TV with the TV off
  • We have been trained to be bored if we dont have
    something entertaining us.
  • TV creates the fantasy of intimacy. Youre
    there while always also being in your familiar
  • We identify with the persons in the show not our
  • We each lock into what TV creates, not each
    other. We are an audience of one.
  • We are, as a community and as a mass audience,
  • We do not experience ourselves as a member of an
    audience, or as a member of a community. We have
    no sense that millions of us are simultaneously
    engaged ?
  • Our relationship to the TV replaces our
    relationship with other spectators.
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