1(No Transcript)
2Saludos greetings
Hola! Buenos días! Buenas tardes! Buenas
noches! Cómo está usted? (Muy)
bien. Regular. Así Así. (Muy) mal.
Cómo te llamas? Whats your name? Me llamo
____Name___, Y tú? My name is _______, and
you? Me llamo ____Name___, Mucho Gusto My name
is ________, pleased to meet you De dónde es
usted? / De dónde eres tú? Where are you
from? Soy de Australiana I am from Australia
Pablo Picasso
3Giving it All
You are the author of Life Just one word and I am
free You are the Savior and I need Your grace to
rescue me So I surrender....
4Giving it All
We're giving it all to You We're giving it all to
You Our hearts cry out, we need You now We're
giving it all to You
5Giving it All
You are the fountain of life just one drop and I
am filled You are my joy and desire I resign to
Your will So I surrender....
6Giving it All
We're giving it all to You We're giving it all to
You Our hearts cry out, we need You now We're
giving it all to You
7Giving it All
Just one drop and we are filled Just one word and
we are free
8Giving it All
We're giving it all to You We're giving it all to
You Our hearts cry out, we need You now We're
giving it all to You
9(No Transcript)
10Historia Camino a entregarse
11One day, in sheer desperation and sorrow, Nilu
approached Jesus in prayer, head bowed. Lord, I
am helpless and very tired. My heart is restless.
Please, come into my life and fill my heart,
because I cannot do it alone. Ive tried so many
times. And from his heart, Jesus shone his
revealing light on Nilu, and she is able to see
parts of her life as heavy rocks on her back,
crushing and weakening her slowly. Control, fear,
pride and regret are but some of these rocks.
Then the Lord gently said, Child, surrender all
these rocks to me.
12Nilu closed her eyes. Slowly, one at a time, she
offers each rock to the Lord. Some rocks,
especially the one that represented control, are
very hard to let go of, but the light from Jesus
encourages her to trust in him. When Nilu felt
she had surrendered everything to the Lord, she
noticed she still felt restless and empty, as if
part of her was now missing. She slowly opened
her eyes and was surprised to see that her rocks
had formed a path leading away from her feet.
Jesus had built a path between the two of them
with the rocks she had surrendered.
13Jesus smiled. Child your heart is still
restless, because you need to surrender one last
thing to me. Nilu looked at Jesus, confused.
Jesus opened his arms wide. Will you now come
to me? Child, will you cross this path and
surrender your entire life to me? And Nilu
smiled with tears of joy, as she proceeded to run
across the rocks to Jesus. Never did she take her
eyes off the Lord, until she had crossed the path
and became filled up with the overflowing love of
his embrace.
14 15(No Transcript)
16Testimony on Surrender Nihal DSilva(Separate
17Reflection PowerPoint (separate file)
18Walking the Path of Surrender (already setup in
19(No Transcript)
20Group Discussion
How was your tile item over the last fortnight?
- Where is God missing in your life?
- What are your guitars
- Surrender ? Sacrifice receiving
- Time - the most precious thing to surrender
- Emptying to be filled
21Tools of the Journey Ignatius thing
Tools of the Journey Examination of Conscience
22The world of
World Youth Day
What we do best.
Keep Loretta Brinkham in our prayers.
What does unite mean? Often we think only of
separate pieces forming a whole. But what about
uniting through a prayer, a song, a vision, a
purpose? How does World Youth Day unite? How
might you unite with the worldtoday?
23- Jesus said to them, Very truly, I tell you, the
Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he
sees the Father doing. Jn 519
24Giving it All
You are the author of Life Just one word and I am
free You are the Savior and I need Your grace to
rescue me So I surrender....
25Giving it All
We're giving it all to You We're giving it all to
You Our hearts cry out, we need You now We're
giving it all to You
26Giving it All
You are the fountain of life just one drop and I
am filled You are my joy and desire I resign to
Your will So I surrender....
27Giving it All
We're giving it all to You We're giving it all to
You Our hearts cry out, we need You now We're
giving it all to You
28Giving it All
Just one drop and we are filled Just one word and
we are free
29Giving it All
We're giving it all to You We're giving it all to
You Our hearts cry out, we need You now We're
giving it all to You
30The Lords Prayer (Spanish)
- Padre Nuestro,
- Our Fatherque estás en el cielo.
- Who art in HeavenSantificado sea tu nombre.
- Hallowed by thy nameVenga tu reino.
- Thy Kingdom comeHágase tu voluntad en la
tierra como en el cielo. - Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
31The Lords Prayer (Spanish)
- Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.
- Give us this day our daily breadPerdona
nuestras ofensas, - And forgive us our trespassescomo también
nosotros perdonamos a los que nos
ofenden. - As we forgive those who trespass against usNo
nos dejes caer en tentactión y libranos del
mal. - And lead us not into temptation but deliver us
from evilAmén.
32Despedidas (Leaving-takings)
- Adiós
- Chao
- Hasta luego
- Hasta manana
- Hasta pronto
- Hasta la vista
- Nos vemos
Pablo Picasso self portrait
33(No Transcript)
34Next Sweet n Sour CourseWednesday 8th June,
Taize Prayer Night Song RehearsalWed 16th June
at CCC.
Youth Committee Nominations (e-form)