Title: Promoting a Smoke-Free Environment (3:23)
1Promoting a Smoke-Free Environment (323)
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2Secondhand smoke is harmful, but there are ways
to reduce exposure.
3- environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
- mainstream smoke
- sidestream smoke
- Healthy People
4Health Risks of Tobacco Smoke
Tobacco smoke can harm nonsmokers.
Nonsmokers who breathe air containing tobacco
smoke are also at risk for health problems.
5Health Risks of Tobacco Smoke
- Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is also called
secondhand smoke.
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke
6Health Risks of Tobacco Smoke
- Environmental tobacco smoke is composed of
- mainstream smoke and
- sidestream smoke.
7Health Risks of Tobacco Smoke
- Because mainstream smoke has been exhaled by a
smoker, it contains lower concentrations of
carcinogens, nicotine, and tar.
Mainstream smoke
The smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker
8Health Risks of Tobacco Smoke
- Sidestream smoke is more dangerous than
mainstream smoke.
Sidestream smoke
The smoke from the burning end of a cigarette,
pipe, or cigar
9Health Risks of Tobacco Smoke
- ETS from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes contains
more than 4,000 chemical compounds. - Â
- More than 50 of those chemicals are
cancer-causing carcinogens.
10Health Risks to Nonsmokers
- ETS causes eye irritation, headaches, ear
infections, and coughing. - Â
- It worsens asthma and other respiratory problems,
and it increases the risk of lung cancer and
coronary heart disease.
11Health Risks to Unborn Children and Infants
impaired fetal growth
spontaneous miscarriage and prenatal death
Smoking during pregnancy reduces blood oxygen
levels, increasing the risk of
premature delivery
low birth weight
12Health Risks to Unborn Children and Infants
- Infants exposed to ETS after birth are twice as
likely to die of SIDS. - Â
- They may have severe asthma attacks, ear
infections, or respiratory tract infections.
13Health Risks to Young Children
- The children of smokers are more than twice as
likely to smoke themselves. - They also have a higher incidence of
- sore throats
- ear infections
- upper respiratory problems
14Health Risks to Young Children
- Parents protect the health and development of
their children by staying tobacco-free.
15Reducing Your Risks
You can take action to reduce the effects of ETS.
Express your preference wherever you can for a
smoke-free environment.
16Reducing Your Risks
Encourage smokers to quit.
17Reducing Your Risks
stay outside or in a different room as much as
When visiting a home in which someone smokes
ask to open the windows to provide fresh air.
suggest meeting elsewhere, such as in your home
or at a library.
18Creating a Smoke-Free Society
In most states, it is illegal to sell tobacco to
teens under the age of 18, and it is illegal to
smoke in public places.
In the United States, efforts to create a
smoke-free society continue to grow.
19Creating a Smoke-Free Society
- Smoking is prohibited in many restaurants, and
some restaurants are required to have a
nonsmoking section.
20Supporting National Health Goals
- One of the goals of Healthy People 2010 is to
reduce tobacco use and the number of
tobacco-related deaths. - Â
- States and local communities are also supporting
the efforts to create a smoke-free society.
21Supporting National Health Goals
- Laws restrict where people may smoke, as well as
who can buy tobacco products.
22Supporting National Health Goals
Laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors
have been enacted.
Some states have successfully sued tobacco
companies to recover the costs of treating
tobacco-related illnesses.
Community activities that promote a healthy
lifestyle provide everyone with the opportunity
to practice healthful behaviors.
23After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary
- What is environmental tobacco smoke, and what
chemical does it contain?
Air that has been contaminated with tobacco
smoke mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke
contain more than 4,000 chemicals.
24After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary
- List three ways that ETS affects children.
Sample answer It increases a childs risk of ear
infections, respiratory problems, and sore
25After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary
- What are two public policies aimed at reducing
Sample answer Prohibiting smoking in public
places and banning smoking on flights
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