Student Centered ODS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Student Centered ODS


Student Centered ODS ETL Processing – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Larry361
Tags: ods | centered | student


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Student Centered ODS

Student Centered ODS
  • ETL Processing

  • Search for rows not previously in the database
    within a snapshot type for a specific subject and
  • Check for duplicates
  • Identify test
  • Lookup metadata
  • Create Unique Test Event identifiers
  • Load data
  • Copy Previous Year Test details

How the effective date is determined before /
after noon
In some rare cases, a row is found to be inserted
that has already been end dated. In that case it
will be added to the database and be effective
for one day.
  • Search for changes to rows already in the ODS
    from Staging within a snapshot type for a
    specific subject and year that occurred since the
    last run of the update ETL
  • No need to check for duplicates
  • Identify test
  • Lookup metadata
  • Load data
  • Determine how to apply update
  • Normally end date prior version of row and insert
    new row
  • On some occasions rows that had been previously
    end dated may be reintroduced to the ODS
  • Sometimes the only action is to end date the
    current row
  • Copy Previous Year Test details


How the effective date is determined before /
after noon
Update Logic
  • Read updated row from Staging
  • Read current record from ODS
  • If row in ODS is end dated
  • Add new row to ODS
  • If row in ODS is not end dated
  • Compare columns Staging ltgt ODS
  • If the columns are different
  • End date ODS row
  • Add Staging row to ODS
  • If the columns are the same and the end date in
    the ODS row is not set and the end date from the
    Staging record is set
  • End date ODS row

Delete (soft)
  • For the subject / year table search for rows in
    the ODS that are no longer in Staging
  • The examinee table is not checked for end dated
    rows, only the subject / year table is used to
    determine if a delete is needed per Assessment
  • A Cascaded update is performed end dating the
    entire test event and all related rows from the
    following tables
  • Event
  • EventInst
  • EventInd
  • BnchLvl
  • Score
  • RaterScore
  • PaperPencilData
  • CmptrBasedData
  • EventClsRm
  • The end date is determined the same way as in the
    insert and update ETL

The affects of source tables on Student Centered
Not all tables are loaded for all tests
  • Score, Benchmark Level and Rater Score are not
    loaded for Virtual tests
  • Presently only Writing has Rater Scores (possibly
    ELPA in the future)
  • Paper / Pencil tests load to Paper Pencil Data
    and Event Class Room
  • Computer based tests load to Computer Based Data
  • Writing has only total Benchmark Level scores
    while other subjects have Benchmark Level scores
    at the category (aka strand) level

Some tables are only loaded if there are values
  • Only non-blank scores are loaded to the Benchmark
    Level table
  • Only non-null scores are loaded to the Score and
    Rater Score tables
  • Only non-null institution identifiers are loaded
    to the Event Institution table

Example of applying updates
Row is inserted
Update to Subject / Year table
ltlt Changes to an Institution and an indicator
end date current rows
ltlt Insert new current rows null end date
Update to Subject / Year table
ltlt Changes to student demographic data end date
current row
ltlt Insert new current row null end date
  • Occasionally there may be the need to make
    corrections or to reload portions of the ODS
  • After a few years there may also be the need to
    remove some lower level of detail from the ODS
  • In any case as maintenance is needed
    communication will be made to inform clients of
    what changes are coming and some suggestions on
    how to deal with those changes

How to store the Extracted ODS Data
  • It is recommended that the extract layout be used
    as a guide for the staging database
  • A data model is available in this format for your
  • The model is in power designer 12.5 and available
    in html format for review

Considerations for your local ODS
  • The ID column from each table is sufficient for a
    primary key
  • Columns ending in _ID are foreign keys from other
    tables and should be indexed
  • The SMFConfig_ID can be used for vertical
    partitioning of the Core Content data
  • Additional indexes are in the data model and you
    may want to tune and add more based on your needs

Loading data to your local ODS
  • If you follow the suggested database design, the
    process of loading data is simple
  • On your schedule you will receive data
  • Rows that match by ID are updated
  • Rows not found by matching on ID are inserted
  • The Security tables are replaced on each load in
  • Thats all there is to keeping your local ODS up
    to date.

How to retrieve data from your local ODS
  • Generally there are two types of queries
  • Current data
  • Data as of a date
  • For current data select where the end date is
  • select
    from Event

    UnqTstEvent_ID 500
    and Enddt is null
  • For data as of a date a query such as this will
  • select
    where EffDt lt
    2008-11-19 105700.000
    and (EndDt is null or EndDt gt
    2008-11-19 105700.000)
    and UnqTstEvent_ID 500

Formal and Inferred Registration System (FIRS)
  • FIRS makes it possible for ODE to give the proper
    data for each of the students served by your
  • Spring and Fall Membership, all state assessments
    and any student transfers through OSTX since
    2004-2005 are used by FIRS to form a chronology
    of which institutions a student was related to
    and when
  • This information is used by the extract process
    to provide the most complete data possible
  • In the coming year the new Consolidated ADM data
    collection will begin providing information to
    this process as well
  • The tables FIRS and DistUnqTstEvent provided in
    your extract are taken from this system

Extract Process
  • Regions must provide a list of districts in order
    to receive the extract
  • The ODE helpdesk will setup the relationships
    between the Region and their districts
  • The first extract will be a full
  • The next extract will change to an incremental
  • An incremental extract includes changes for
    continuing students plus full extracts for
    students new to the client districts
  • Each time an extract is performed the last
    extract date in the Regions configuration is set
  • The next extract will contain all changes since
    the last extract date

Extract Process (continued)
  • Data is extracted into the formats specified by
    the StudentCenteredExportFormat.xls
  • One file is produced per table described in the
  • The files are in CSV format with text delimited
    by quotes
  • Files will only be produced if there are rows
    qualifying for the extract
  • The file Manifest.txt contains a list of the
    files extracted with the count of rows and when
    it was produced
  • The CSV files and the Manifest.txt are compressed
    into a .zip file and placed on ODEs secure FTP
    site for pickup by the Region

File Transfer and Scheduling
  • When the districts the Region serves are
    communicated to the ODE Helpdesk ODE will also
    make sure security is setup for connecting to the
    secure FTP server
  • Instructions for connection will be provided
  • The ODE helpdesk can schedule which days the
    Region will receive files
  • The same scheduling system is already in use for
    extracting data from Student Centered Staging

Requested extracts
  • At times it may be necessary for the Region to
    receive a full extract to repopulate your local
    ODS or the Region may have missed some extracts
    produced previously
  • Full extracts can be scheduled by the ODE
  • The number that can be done in one day is limited
  • Full extracts may have to wait until the weekend
  • Full extracts will not be provided on a regular
  • For missed extracts, the ODE Helpdesk can set the
    date as of which the extract will pull
    information and provide a larger incremental
  • The date as of which the extract will pull
    information is cleared after the run of the
  • Processing will return to normal automatically

Limiting Access
  • Each extract will provide a new copy of the
    security files (FIRS and DistUnqTstEvent)
  • The FIRS file contains the district related to
    the student with the end date provided for review
    if needed
  • The DistUnqTstEvent relates the district to the
    specific test events available to that district
  • By simply joining through this table when
    providing access to your clients you can restrict
    access to just the information they are allowed
    to access
  • Declare _at_DistInstID int
  • Set _at_DistInstID 2082
  • select e.
  • from Event e
  • join DistUnqTstEvent d
  • on e.UnqTstEvent_ID d.UnqTstEvent_ID
  • and d.DistInstID _at_DistInstID

Data Model
  • Follows the same definitions provided by the
    StudentCenteredExportFormat.xls spreadsheet
  • Organized around the document as well providing
    different color coding for the same major
    subjects as the spreadsheet
  • Core Content Data
  • Score Data
  • File Processing Control Data
  • Metadata
  • Security
  • plus
  • Possible changes
  • The model show how the tables are related to each
    other and provides useful information about the
  • The model is in Power Designer 12.5 an html
    version is available to review the model that
    contains table create statements as well

Pulling it all together
  • The SMFConfig table is essentially a link to the
    subject and year that the data belongs with
  • Most of the metadata is contained in a Table of
    Tables / Master Codes scheme which houses virtual
    tables and related code values
  • Each row in the Table of Tables represents a
    virtual table
  • Rows in the Master Codes table relate back to the
    Table of Tables for rows that represent the
    values stored in the virtual table of tables
  • The Ctgry table is used to indicate the score
    reporting category (aka strand) related to score
  • The Ctgry table also contains entries for total
  • Review samples

Student Centered ODS
  • Thanks for coming!
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