Retrospective Dosimetry by Translocation Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Retrospective Dosimetry by Translocation Analysis


Retrospective Dosimetry by Translocation Analysis Lecture Module 5 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Retrospective Dosimetry by Translocation Analysis

Retrospective DosimetrybyTranslocation Analysis
  • Lecture
  • Module 5

  • Recognized drawback of dicentric and cytokinesis
    block micronucleus (CBMN) assays is that damage
    is unstable and therefore is eliminated from
    peripheral blood lymphocyte pool at rate that
    cell renewal occurs
  • It has long been recognized that analysis for
    more persistent types of damage, e.g. stable
    translocations, is needed to address biodosimetry
    for old or long term exposures
  • FISH techniques has made this possible

Approach before FISH
  • To calculate corrected dose taking into account
    the mean life of lymphocytes and exponential loss
    of cells with unstable aberrations
  • There are few data which enable reliable
    correction factor to be deduced
  • depending on factors such as infections,
    depression of aberration yield probably cannot be
    expressed simply as function of time alone
  • Nevertheless, an exponential disappearance rate
    with a half-time of about three years is
    accepted. As a general approximation this seems
    suitable when the sampling delay is long, say
    five or more years

Initial dose x exp(-0.693 x i/3). i elapsed
time in years
years Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)
  2 4
0 2 4
1 1,59 3,17
2 1,26 2,52
3 1,00 2,00
4 0,79 1,59
5 0,63 1,26
6 0,50 1,00
7 0,40 0,79
8 0,32 0,63
9 0,25 0,50
10 0,20 0,40
11 0,16 0,32
12 0,13 0,25
13 0,10 0,20
14 0,08 0,16
15 0,06 0,13
16 0,05 0,10
17 0,04 0,08
18 0,03 0,06
19 0,02 0,05
20 0,02 0,04
After 2 and 4 Gy irradiation expected decrease
in the estimated dose using dicentrics. This
simulation considers an exponential disappearance
rate of lymphocytes carrying unstable aberrations
with a half-time of three years.
How valid is 3 years half life value?
This seems to apply only to people with normal
hematology. There is evidence that following high
acute exposure reduction of dicentrics is
biphasic initially fast and then slower.
Persistence of each phase seems to depend on
initial frequency of aberrations
Data from highly irradiated victims of the
Chernobyl accident. Sevankaev et al., Radiat.
Prot. Dosim. 113 152-161 (2005)
Another approach is to consider the dilution with
time of undamaged cells entering the circulation,
and to estimate the initial dose using the method
applied for partial irradiations. This is not
feasible after long periods.
This approximation gives realistic results only
in some cases
Data from highly irradiated victims of the
Chernobyl accident. Sevankaev et al., Radiat.
Prot. Dosim. 113 152-161 (2005)
After DNA damage by ionizing radiations,
misrepair of broken pieces can produce a
dicentric chromosome, this type of aberration can
easily be visualized using solid stain.
In theory there is the same probability for
radiation to form a dicentric or a reciprocal
translocation. There is experimental evidence
supporting a 11 ratio. Translocations can be
visualized after laborious banded karyotyping or
more easily by FISH
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
techniques using DNA probes that hybridize with
the entire chromosome length produces
multicoloured Chromosome painting
  • Example accident in Estonia (1)

After the accident the frequency of dicentrics
decreases clearly as time passes
Data from Lindholm, Int.J. Radiat. Biol. 70
647-656 (1996) Lindholm et al., Int.J. Radiat.
Biol. 74 565-571 (1998) Lindholm and Edwards,
Int.J. Radiat. Biol. 80 559-566 (2004)
Example accident in Estonia (2)
But the frequency of translocations remained
relatively constant
Data from Lindholm, Int.J. Radiat. Biol. 70
647-656 (1996) Lindholm et al., Int.J. Radiat.
Biol. 74 565-571 (1998) Lindholm and Edwards,
Int.J. Radiat. Biol. 80 559-566 (2004)
Main steps of the FISH technique
Cocktail of DNA probes labelled with
Fixed cells on slides
Denaturation of probe and target
Hybridization and post-hybridization washes
Counterstain with a fluorescent dye, and analysis
using fluorescence microscopy
FISH techniques have many applications in
medicine and in fundamental cytogenetics and can
be applied to metaphases and nuclei
Binucleated lymphocytes hybridized with
centrometric specific probes for chromosomes 4
(green and red labelled DNA probes, resulting in
a yellow signal), chromosome 7 (green labelled)
and 18 (red labelled).
Human metaphase with monocoloured painted
chromosomes 1, 4 and 11 labeled with Cy3
(red), centromeres highlighted with a
pancetromeric probe labeled with FITC (green),
and the rest counterstained with DAPI.
With range of probes and fluorochrome
combinations now commercially available it is
possible to highlight all chromosomes by method
known as multicolour FISH (mFISH). This permits
full karyotyping and thus scoring all
inter-chromosomal translocations. Centromeres and
telomeres of all chromosomes can be separately
highlighted too.
Left picture using pan-telomeric (red signals)
and pan-centromeric probes (green signals), white
arrows indicate centric-chromosome fragments
lacking telomeric signals at one end (indicating
an incomplete aberration) yellow arrows indicate
two acentric fragments, and the red arrow a
tricentric. Right picture an mFISH karyotype
where each chromosome pair can be analyzed
individually white arrows indicate an exchange
between chromosomes 6 and 11, and the yellow
arrows between 11 and 12.
For biological dosimetry purposes most common
technique is to paint several chromosomes with
one or more fluorochromes, and to detect
aberrations between painted and unpainted
genomic material
Human metaphase with coloured painted chromosomes
2 (FITC, green), 4 (Texas Red) and 8
(FITCTexas Red, yellow), and the rest
counterstained with DAPI. An apparently simple
translocation, or two-way translocation
t(Ba),t(Ab) involving chromosome 2 is
Because the aberrations detected are those
between painted and unpainted material,
efficiency in detecting translocations depends on
number of painted chromosomes
Using a mono-coloured cocktail of chromosomes,
and according to the Lucas formula, the
efficiency in detecting bicoloured aberrations is
2.05fp(1-fp). The maximum efficiency will be
with painting 50 of the genome.
Routine FISH analysis
  • Generally, painting three of larger chromosomes
    (i.e. 1 to 12), representing about 20 of
    genome, leads to about 33 efficiency in
    detecting translocations when single colour is
    used. Percentage of the genome that each cocktail
    paints is related to total genome considering
    the physical lengths of chromosomes
  • It is advisable not to include chromosomes 7 or
    14 in probe combinations, as translocations and
    other aberrations involving these chromosomes can
    arise in vivo during immunological development
    and may thus confound quantification of radiation
  • For retrospective biological dosimetry single
    colour FISH for triple cocktail of target
    chromosomes appears to be sufficient. Multiple
    colour painting of triplet increases detection
    efficiency (if chromosomes 1, 4 and 12 are
    highlighted from about 31 to about 34) and
    gives better detection of complex translocations
    that can be encountered following high recent

Scoring criteria
There is consensus on which metaphases should be
scored. Well-spread metaphases are considered
suitable for scoring if cells appear to be
intact, centromeres are morphologically
detectable and present in all painted
chromosomes, and fluorochrome labelling is
sufficiently bright to detect exchanges between
Human metaphase with coloured painted chromosomes
1 (FITC, green), 4 (FITCCy3 yellow) and 11
(Cy2, red), centromeres highlighted with
pancentromeric probe labelled with Cy3 (red), and
rest counterstained with DAPI. Simple
translocation, or two-way translocation
t(Bc),t(Cb) involving chromosomes 1 and 11 is
To describe the chromosome aberrations detected
by painting two specific nomenclature systems
were developed independently and descriptions
based on the conventional terminology of routine
cytogenetic scoring were also used.
Protocol for Aberration Identification and
Nomenclature Terminology (PAINT) was developed to
be purely descriptive of each aberrant painted
object in the metaphase, without cross-reference
to other aberrant objects in the cell. Each
colour is designated by a letter, starting
alphabetically with the counterstain. Capital
letters designate the component that bears a
centromere, and multiple coloured painting is
accommodated by including further letters in the
nomenclature. Tucker et al., Cytogenet Cell
Genet. 68211-221 (1995).
a A
Painted 1 colour
b B
Painted 2 colour
c C
Painted 3 colour
d D
Savage and Simpson (SS) proposed a terminology
comprising numerals and letters describing each
exchange in its entirety. The exchanges were
classified according to the number of chromosomes
(C), the number of arms (A) and the number breaks
(B) involved (CAB families). This so-called SS
system applies only to single paint patterns.
However, it can be used with dual and triple
paint patterns but each painted chromosome has to
be scored in isolation irrespective of the
colours of partners. This nomenclature has
considerable uses in mechanistic studies,
particularly, for example, in understanding
complex rearrangements.
Number of breaks needed
The nomenclature contains aberrations from CAB
2/2/2 to 5/5/5, and it is difficult to handle.
So, for retrospective studies is not suitable.
But has a lot of interest for mechanistic studies.
Name of the exchange
A more conventional terminology may be employed
that names translocations as reciprocal or
terminal. Reciprocal has also been called
complete or two-way, and terminal is also called
incomplete or one-way.
Incomplete, or one-way translocations
Complete, or two-way translocation
Nomenclature used in practice
  • Nowadays most widely used method for recording
    data is to describe each abnormal metaphase as a
    unit using PAINT nomenclature but in slightly
    modified way that considers underlying
    mechanisms of formation of aberrations
  • Abbreviations of PAINT system are used but a
    note is made of associations between objects in
    metaphase, thereby incorporating aspects of the
    conventional terminology too
  • Chromosome aberrations are classified as simple
    or complex, latter being when three or more
    breaks in two or more chromosomes are needed to
    produce observed abnormality. Aberrations are
    considered complete when all broken pieces are
    rejoined and as incomplete when one or more
    pieces appear unrejoined

This metaphase contains a dicentric between two
painted chromosomes and a dicentric between two
unpainted chromosomes. So a dic (BB)ace (b) plus
and dic (AA)ace(a)
dic(BB) ace(b)
dic(AA) ace(a)
More examples
What is stable? This metaphase contains
dicentric between unpainted chromosomes and
translocation between painted and unpainted
chromosomes. So, dic(AA)ace(a) plus and
t(Ba)t(Ab). It is important to consider that
translocation is stable aberration, but this cell
is unstable due to presence of dicentric and its
t(Ba) t(Ba)
Dic(AA) ace(a)
Dose-Effect Curves
Similar to dicentrics, for dose estimations with
translocations detected by FISH, each laboratory
needs to establish its own curves. Curve should
be made with same FISH probe cocktail that is
routinely used for case investigations. Doing
this removes need to convert to genome
equivalence which could introduce some extra
It is recommended to score all aberrations
detected in entire chromosome set, not just those
affecting the painted material, but also those
affecting unpainted material. This allows one to
establish dose-effect curves for translocations
in stable cells (cells without dicentrics, rings
or acentrics)
Dose-Effect Curves
However, it should be pointed that for low-LET
radiations, when calibration curves for
translocations have been constructed taking into
account stable or total cells, there were no
differences in the fitted coefficients if only
apparently simple translocations were considered
Dose effect curves for all simple translocations
observed in all cells, or those only in stable
two-way translocation
one-way translocations

All simple translocations
Data Handling
  • When only translocations between painted and
    unpainted chromosomes material are scored it may
    be necessary to convert observed frequency to
    full genome equivalence
  • Conversion is recommended procedure to use when
    data have to be combined or intercomparisons have
    to be made between results from various studies
    where different combinations of whole chromosome
    painting probes have been used
  • Assumption, sometimes referred to as Lucas
    formula, is that probability of the involvement
    of particular painted chromosome in aberration is
    proportional to its DNA content. This assumption
    gives reasonable approximation. However, there is
    consensus that when using the (DNA content) in
    Lucas formula, larger chromosomes may tend to be
    overestimated in their participation in simple
    exchange aberrations compared to smaller ones
  • Therefore, use in Lucas formula of (DNA
    content)2/3 rather than (DNA content) gives more
    accurate results. Some authors have argued that
    this kind of proportionality could be symptomatic
    of interchanges involving primarily chromatin
    near boundary of chromosome territories

Genomic equivalence- painting with one colour
fp is the fraction of the genome covered by the
DNA probes, and 1-fp the remainder unpainted
All possible exchanges are between painted and
painted Can not be detected painted and
unpainted Can be detected unpainted and
painted unpainted and unpainted Can not be
detected Intrachromosomal exchanges, that can
not be detected 0.026. This number depends on
the number of human chromosomes and the relative
DNA content of them.
If the total exchanges is FG, and the the
fraction of all exchanges than can be detected is
Fp then
The genomic equivalent frequency of translocation
is calculated using this formula
If chromosome pairs 1, 2 and 4 are painted. Their
respective DNA contents (male) are 0.0828, 0.0804
and 0.0639. 2743. Therefore, fp 0.2271, so
that FP/FG 0.360 This combination of
chromosomes painted is 36 efficient in measuring
bicoloured translocations. Therefore, to obtain
the full genome translocation yield the observed
yield is divided by 0.36
Control Level of Translocations (1)
  • Control levels of translocations are higher
    than for dicentrics, and to some extent this is
    due to translocations being a persisting type of
  • It is therefore important to take the
    translocation background into account,
    particularly after low doses, when attempting
    retrospective biodosimetry

Control Level of Translocations (2)
  • Comprehensive meta-analysis currently provides
    best international database, broken down by age,
    gender, race and smoking habits (Sigurdson et al.
  • It is clear that age is major factor that
    determines background frequency of translocations

Age-control relationship
From number of translocations observed in
individual, it is important to subtract the
generic background frequency expected for his or
her age
This is genomic equivalent frequency
Data from Sigurdson et al., Mutat. Res
652112-121 (2008)
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