Silicon Tracker - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Silicon Tracker


BaBar Silicon Tracker Perspective at High Luminosity G. Calderini – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Silicon Tracker

BaBar Silicon Tracker Perspective at High
G. Calderini
Which will be the performance of the BaBar SVT
when the lumi increases?
Main issues radiation damage, occupancy
Performance of the present SVT with minor
modifications (Short term perspective n x 1034)
Strategy to cope with future physics programs
(Long term perspective n x 1035 to 1036)
Present detector Short Term extrapolation
Extrapolation for the short term is based on
expectations for currents
Step 1
Currents are used to calculate instantaneous
dose rates, by using background studies
Instantaneous dose
Step 2
Integrated dose (radiation damage)
Occupancy (performance)
G.Rizzo, G.C.
Occupancy (performance)
Step 3
extrapolated hit efficiency
extrapolated hit resolution
Extrapolations suggest that a detector like it is
now, can work well up to a 2-4 x 1034
Which are the limits imposed to the tracker by
more aggressive physics programs?
The 1035 scenario
The 1036 scenario
The (1-2) x 1035 and 1036 scenarios present
similar concerns
Machine-related background (continuous injection!)
Radiation damage
Physics backgrounds
But they are completely different worlds
In a 1035 world, a BaBar-like tracker with
SVT-DCH is somehow possible
More phase-space for solutions!
In a 1036 world, life is different, more effort
necessary in the design
100 Occupancy
Vertexing and Tracking at high luminosity
The beam-pipe
The beam-pipe radius is a big issue, the choice
may depend strongly on the machine design
KEK-B plans on 1cm ? more performing PEP-II plans
on 1.5-2 cm ? safer
The inner tracker
One or two layers of pixels very close to
beam-pipe mainly required for background
suppression, integrated by a few additional
layers of silicon strip detectors (vertexing,
impact parameter resolution, low-P tracking)
The central tracker two options
a) More silicon layers b) Small cell/fast gas
drift chamber, combined with normal drift
Some keypoints
Radiation hardness possible using LHC technology
Material budget current hybrid pixel layers are
thick the all-silicon solution can get pretty
Rate capability effects on silicon segmentation
and drift chamber cell size
Babar possible approach to tracking
  • All silicon tracker, with lampshade shaped
    modules to reduce material
  • Start to explore different options
  • Main issue is material
  • Need RD on thinDSSD and pixels

Pixel (2 layers)
Intermediate DSSD(3 layers)
Central Silicon Tracker(4 layers) R(outer) 60 cm
Pixels (I)
A) Hybrid pixels
In hybrid pixel systems the readout chip is
connected to the sensor through solder or Indium
Separate development of readout electronics and
Use best available technology for each component
Complexity and reliabilityissues in assembly
Material budget is high dueto overlap of sensor
andreadout chip.
Example Pixels at LHC
LHC experiments use hybrid pixels
  • Radiation hardness and rate capability are high
  • They should be OK for a Super B-factory as well.
  • Material budget is serious
  • At least 1-2 X0 per layer (current Babar Si is
    around 0.4 X0)
  • Overlap of
  • Sensor
  • Front-end chip
  • Flex hybrid with control chip, caps
  • Mechanical structure and cooling

What dominates resolution?
Here material budget is critical !
s(point)2 s(mult.scatt.)2 s(detector)2
Typical SVT detector resolution at BaBar is s
12 - 14 mm at 90
For p1 GeV/c, for R3 cm, X(beampipe1st layer)
1.4 X0 s(mult. scatt.) 50 mm at 90
Impact parameter resolution is dominated by
resolution on first hit
Model for resolution
  • We can model the SVT performance using a
  • resolution-weighted average of the detector

1 GeV?58mm 3 GeV?25mm
1 GeV?55mm 3 GeV?23mm
Where can we gain ?
We could gain a lot by reducing the beam pipe
radius and the detector beam pipe
thickness. The point resolution can be improved
1 GeV?12mm 3 GeV?7 mm
Pixels (II)
B) Monolithic Active Pixels (MAPS)
Sensor and electronics on the same substrate.
Possible approaches
Integrate electronics on the high resistivity
substrate usually employed for sensors
Active components are not of the best quality
The fabrication process is highly non-standard
with large feature size (gt1-2 mm)
Signal is high quality, and large
Use the low resistivity substrate of standard
CMOS process as sensor
Standard sub-micron process with state-of-the-art
  • Proven by the success of CMOS video cameras,
    replacing CCDs.

Small signal due to the collection mechanism
Use epitaxial layer of CMOS low-resistivity
substrate to collect charge (thermal diffusion)
Potential for low cost and very small thickness
(reduced substrate).
Radiation hard if using sub-micron CMOS process
Low power-consumption (circuitry active only
during read-out)
Until now miniscule pixel size (a few um)
prevents usage in large system
Pixel ongoing RD
Conventional hybrid pixels
Reduce thickness
It doesnt seem possible to reduce too much
preserving also the mechanical stability
Develop large-area detectors (already some
Development on-going in several places LEPSI,
LBNL, Japan, Perugia
Project launched by Pisa-Pavia-Bergamo-Trento-Trie
ste-Modena to the Italian Ministry for Education
and Scientific Research
- Main goal is to develop a submicron CMOS MAPS
that can be used on large area systems
- Time frame is 2-3 years
In the central silicon tracker momentum
resolution dominated by material budget
1) Reduce the thickness of the active silicon
Signal reduction (1 MIP 8000 e/100um Si)
Mechanical issues silicon greatly contributes
to module stiffness
2) Reduce the amount of inactive material
Bring the signal out of the active tracking volume
Done already for the present SVT
The same technique cannot be used in the larger
volume Central Silicon Tracker
Need some local signal amplification
Reduce thickness of readout electronics
For the chip themselves is mainly a mechanical
problem, could be solved.
It is harder to do for the hybrids (capacitors,
traces, etc.,)
Reduce power dissipation (ie cooling)
Very hard if one has to improve the S/N ratio to
be able to readout smaller signals
One more reason to go for sub-micron process
All-silicon performance
  • Momentum resolution at low-p is dominated by
    multiple scattering in silicon material
  • To keep a reasonable performance we need 100um
    thick silicon, which isnt quite ready yet
  • RD on thin silicon modules
  • On this large area it will be impossible to keep
    all the electronics outside the active volume
  • RD on thin, low power electronics
  • How much the requirement
  • on momentum resolution
  • at low momentum can be
  • relaxed ?
  • More physics studies

Summary and conclusions
Pixel layers
Current LHC pixel would work, but too much
Develop monolithic pixels
Large structures, thickness (back-thinning),
radiation damage
Central tracker
Most likely it wont be possible to achieve the
same performance of current systems at low
It would require a lt100um equivalent thickness
for a 9 layers (total) all Si tracker.
Explore the possibility of gaseous detectors,
such as a small-cell DCH.
Some RD has started, but we need to proceed fast
if we want to design a realistic system in 2-3
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