Title: Neuropsychology%20of%20Memory
1Neuropsychology of Memory
- Types of memory problems
- a pure amnesia is relatively rare
- memory problems commonly occur after a traumatic
brain injury (TBI) - TBI results in brain damage of two sorts
- lesions
- twisting and shearing of brain structures and
damage from bony protuberances of brain,
particularly of the temporal lobes
2Neuropsychology of Memory
- Memory problems following TBI
- post-traumatic amnesia
- retrograde amnesia
- anterograde amnesia
3Neuropsychology of Memory
- Memory problems following TBI
- post-traumatic amnesia
- after severe TBI, individuals typically lose
consciousness - after they begin to regain consciousness, there
is often a gradual recovery during which patients
have difficulty keeping tracking of and
remembering ongoing events, though there may be
islands of lucidity and memory
4Neuropsychology of Memory
- Memory problems following TBI
- retrograde amnesia
- refers to difficulty remembering events that
occurred prior to injury - the duration of amnesia varies but can extend
back for several years - duration of retrograde amnesia typically shrinks
as time passes
5Neuropsychology of Memory
- retrograde amnesia
- duration of retrograde amnesia typically shrinks
as time passes - e.g., Russell (1959) described case of TBI as a
result of a motorcycle accident - 1 week post accident patient had lost 11 years of
memory extending back from injury - 2 weeks post accident patient had last 2 years of
memory - about 10 weeks post injury memories of the last
two years gradually returned
6Neuropsychology of Memory
- Memory problems following TBI
- retrograde amnesia
- this pattern of results suggests that retrograde
amnesia is a retrieval problem - the pattern of damage/recovery -- from most
distant to most recent -- has been argued by some
to reflect a failure of consolidation (Ribots
7Neuropsychology of Memory
- Memory problems following TBI
- retrograde amnesia
- formal testing of amnesics using famous
faces/famous events has shown that there appears
to be recall and recognition for old faces/events
8Neuropsychology of Memory
- retrograde amnesia
- Butters Cermak (1986) reported a case study of
an eminent scientist (born 1914) who had written
his autobiography only two years prior to
becoming amnesic - tested him by asking him questions all drawn from
his autobiography
9Neuropsychology of Memory
10Neuropsychology of Memory
- retrograde amnesia
- the pattern of results in some individuals appear
to depend upon the nature of the retrieval cue
presented - Warrington and McCarthy (1988) showed that an
amnesic patient was impaired when shown faces of
famous people and asked to recall them - however, performance was normal when tested using
recognition procedures
11Neuropsychology of Memory
- retrograde amnesia (RA)
- pattern of memory gradient varies across patients
(See Moscovitch et al. 2006) - If lesion restricted to hippocampus, RA extends
back a few years only - When lesion includes entire hippocampal formation
or extends to adjacent regions, severe ungraded
RA (ungraded means that memory loss is equivalent
at all time periods since acquisition) some labs
have reported graded retroactive amnesia (recent
memories are poorer than more remote memories)
12Neuropsychology of Memory
- Memory problems following TBI
- anterograde amnesia
- refers to problems of learning new facts
- although sometimes amnesia is specific to
learning of verbal material (following LHD) or
visuo-spatial material (following RHD) amnesia
usually affects learning of many types of new
13Neuropsychology of Memory
- Amnesic syndrome
- dense form of memory deficit (as assessed by
standardized testing) - relatively spared performance in other domains
14Neuropsychology of Memory
- Causes of amnesia
- Korsakoffs syndrome drinking too much, eating
too little, resulting in a thiamine deficiency
and brain damage - damage to brain following viral infection (e.g.,
viral encephalitis) - lesion to critical brain regions -- e.g., HM
- anoxia following heart attack, suicide attempt,
15Neuropsychology of Memory
- Korsakoffs syndrome
- History
- 1881, a neurologist Carl Wernicke described a
syndrome involving ataxia, oculomotor problems
(gaze palsies and nystagmus), peripheral
neuropathy, and confusion. This condition came
to be known as Wernicke's encephalopathy - Korsakoff identified several patients with
confusion, confabulation, sensory loss
(especially of the feet), and anterograde amnesia
16Neuropsychology of Memory
- Korsakoffs syndrome
- Terminology
- Ataxia problems of muscular coordination e.g.,
people duck walk, feet apart, stiff-legged - oculomotor problems (gaze palsies and
nystagmus) abnormal eye movementspalsy
paralysis nystagmus involuntary rapid eye
movements - peripheral neuropathy functional disturbance
of peripheral nervous system
17Neuropsychology of Memory
- Korsakoffs syndrome
- History
- 1901 Bonhoffer realized Korsakoffs patients had
passed through the Wernicke's encephalopathy
stage - today syndrome is called alcoholic Korsakoff
syndrome. There are seven primary defining
features of this disease
18Neuropsychology of Memory
- Defining features of alcoholic Korsakoff syndrome
- a. a retrograde amnesia with a temporal gradient
(i.e., better preserved memories from the remote
than from the more recent past) - b. anterograde amnesia, meaning a nearly complete
inability to learn new information from the time
of the disease onset onward.
19Neuropsychology of Memory
- c. confabulation, which is a tendency to "fill in
the gaps" of one's memories with plausible
made-up stories. - confabulations are rare among chronic Korsakoff
patients who've had the disease for more than 5
years. Patients in the chronic stage are more
likely to say "I don't know" or remain silent
when faced with memory failures rather than to
invent stories.
20Neuropsychology of Memory
- d. generally preserved IQ, including a normal
digit span. - e. personality changes, the most common of which
is apathy, passivity and indifference - inability to formulate and follow through a
series of plans - f. lack of insight into their condition.
- How can someone with a shattered memory remember
that he has become unable to remember?
21Neuropsychology of Memory
- Korsakoffs syndrome
- worst impairments are on episodic memory tests,
including list learning of words, figures, or
faces, paragraph recall. - relatively preserved semantic memory, including
normal verbal fluency, vocabulary, rules of
syntax, and basic arithmetic operations - intact sensori-motor memory (mirror tracing,
mirror reading, pursuit rotor) - intact performance on implicit memory tests
22Neuropsychology of Memory
- Neuropathology of Korsakoffs syndrome
- most sources attribute the amnesia to combined
lesions in two diencephalic structures regions
of the thalamus and the mammillary bodies of the
23Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- prototype of amnesia attributable to hippocampal
damage - bilateral mesial temporal lobe resection
extending 8 cm. back from the temporal tips,
including the uncus and amygdala, and destroying
the anterior two-thirds of the hippocampus and
hippocampal gyrus, for the treatment of
intractable epilepsy in 1954. - surgery led to a permanent, severe anterograde
amnesia, limited retrograde amnesia, and normal
24Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- Perceptual, motor, and cognitive functioning
- IQ above average language function intact,
speech fluency slightly impaired spelling poor - Appreciation of puns and linguistic ambiguities
- Difficulty with some spatial tasks (e.g., could
not use spatial floor plan to navigate through a
novel building, but could reproduce a floor plan
of family home)
25Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- Memory
- Almost no capacity for new learning regardless of
materials (short stories, word lists, pictures,
etc.) - But there are certain tasks requiring memory that
are intact in H.M. - Mirror drawing
26Neuropsychology of Memory
- Multiple memory systems perspective
- HM also has a retrograde amnesia that is, he
forgets events that occurred prior to surgery - His retrograde amnesia is temporally graded The
closer the event to surgery the less likely he is
able to recall it - This finding suggests that the medial temporal
lobes are not always required to retrieve
memories (One possibility is that some process
occurs that makes it possible to retrieve
information that does not rely on medial temporal
lobes) - Long-term memory consists of all the different
types of memory shown in the previous slide - Explicit (declarative) memory refers to memory
that can be declared or described to other people - It includes episodic memory, memory for events in
our personal past. Episodic memories are
temporally dated, spatially located, and
personally experience - semantic memory, our general knowledge about
things in the world
27Neuropsychology of Memory
- Multiple memory systems perspective
- In 1962 Milner and colleagues showed that HM
improved on tasks requiring skilled movements - HMs improvement was comparable to controls
- Skill was called mirror tracing because it
requires participants to draw the outline of a
star while looking at the reflection of his hand
and the star on the mirror - HM from had no conscious recollection of having
done this task in the past - This is now viewed as a form of non-declarative
or implicit memory tasks
28H.M.s skilled learning performance
29Encoding and Retrieval from long-term memory (LTM)
- Multiple memory systems perspective
- Other forms of implicit memory include priming
effects that were reported by Warrington
Weiskrantz (1968) - In this study amnesics shown list of words (e.g.,
absent) at test participants were given word
stem completion task (e.g., abs_____), and
instructed to complete with first word that comes
to mind - Results showed that amnesics (and controls) were
more likely to complete word stems with
previously studied words
30Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- Gollins partial picture task
- Task involves recognition of fragmented line
drawings of 20 objects - 5 cards for each object with each card showing
more and more fragments of the completed drawings - Participants are shown the 20 most difficult
cards, then the next-most-difficult cards etc.
31Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- Gollins partial picture task (Warrington
Weiskrantz, 1968 Nature, 217, 972-974 - HM and normal controls performed this task, and
then after an hour of intervening activity
performed the task again - Results shown in next figure show that H.M. and
controls made fewer errors on immediate tests as
figures became more complete and when tested
after a 1 hour delay there was memory retention - Conclusion. Perceptual memory is intact in H.M.
perceptual memory does not appear to be mediated
by medial temporal structures
32(No Transcript)
33Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- Dot pattern study (Gabrieli, 1990,
Neuropsychologia, 28, 417-427) - H.M. and controls were shown a series of 5 dots
arranged in a unique pattern - Baseline draw. Participants (Ps) were instructed
to draw any pattern they wanted (to control for
pre-existing biases) - Experiment. Ps were shown a target pattern
copied that pattern on dots - After 6 hour delay, Ps were shown dots and were
instructed to draw on dots any pattern they
34Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- Dot pattern study (Gabrieli, 1990,
Neuropsychologia, 28, 417-427) - Implicit memory percentage of target figures
drawn that were identical to the copied target
pattern (dots drawn in the baseline condition
were not scored) - Explicit memory Recognition memory Ps were
shown 4 dot patterns that drawn on the dots and
selected the dot pattern that had been copied
35Dot pattern
- Top figure shows dot pattern and target stimuli
- Left panel of bottom figure shows explicit
performance and right panel shows implicit
performance of H.M. and Controls
36Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- Dot pattern study (Gabrieli, 1990,
Neuropsychologia, 28, 417-427) - Implicit memory dot pattern priming equivalent
for H.M. and controls - Explicit memory H.M. impaired on recognition
memory test compared to controls
37Neuropsychology of Memory
- HM, Hippocampal man
- Dot pattern study (Gabrieli, 1990,
Neuropsychologia, 28, 417-427) - Gabrieli and colleagues argued that this finding
cannot be attributable to activation of a
pre-existing memory (e.g., a semantic
representation) - Proposed that it is attributable to a type of
perceptual priming, perhaps of a non-semantic
structural description of a pattern
38Artificial grammar learning
- Amnesics can have intact capacity for learning
certain cognitive skills - E.g., artificial grammar such as shown in Figure
- Participants were shown novel letter strings one
at a time and were asked to classify the strings
as grammatical or nongrammatical
39Artificial grammar learning
- Participants were then tested to determine
whether they could distinguish between
grammatical and nongrammatical letter strings - Results showed that amnesics and normal controls
could classify correctly about two-thirds of the
letter strings -
40Artificial Grammar
- Top panel shows an example of an artificial
grammar - Bottom panel shows examples of grammatical and
nongrammatical strings - Knowlton et al. (1992). Psychological Science, 3,
41Types of memory
- Declarative versus procedural memory What is
different? - Early ideas
- Amnesics have intact motor skills, but other
types of memory are impaired false e.g.,
because amnesics have intact perceptual learning
(repetition primining) - Amnesics intact memory for simple tasks false
e.g., grammatical reasoning
42Types of memory
- Declarative versus procedural memory What is
different? - Early ideas
- Amnesics intact on tasks that involve slow,
incremental learning, but impaired on quickly
acquired tasks false e.g., repetition priming
occurs after a single trial
43Types of memory
- Moscovitch (1984)
- Proposed that memory preserved in amnesia when
- 1. task structured so that its goal and means to
achieve it are apparent - 2. means to achieve at are in repertoire of
participant - 3. Success does not require memory for a
particular event
44Types of memory
- Schacter explicit versus implicit memory
- Amnesics impaired on tasks that require explicit
memory unimpaired on implicit memory tasks - Explicit memory. Conscious recollection generated
by direct access to memory - E.g., what were the words on the list?
- Implicit memory. Unconscious changes in
performance influenced by previous experience - Note measures are indirect
45Types of memory
- Tulving episodic versus semantic memory
- Episodic memory representations of specific
personal experiences episodic memories have a
unique spatial/temporal context - Semantic memory ones world knowledge memories
that are not bound to a specific experience
46Types of memory
- Tulving episodic versus semantic memory
- Some evidence to suggest amnesics have spared
semantic memories (acquired prior to neurological
insult) e.g., K.C., HM - Amnesic learning of new facts impaired
- Note semantic and episodic memories may be
entangled - E.g., when asked to recall a previous memory KC
and HM were only able to recall general aspects
of memory not the details
47Types of memory
- Tulving episodic versus semantic memory
- Summary episodic memory versus semantic memory
distinguished on basis of content - Episodic memory is autobiographical semantic
memory is factual
48Types of memory
- Relational memory (Eichenbaum Cohen)
- Declarative memory is relational memories are
related to each other - Nondeclarative memories lack relational
organization - Episodic memory relational because events have
spatial, temporal, as well as other relations - Semantic memories are also relational because
they represent associated facts about the world
49Types of memory
- Relational memory (Eichenbaum Cohen)
- Proposed that relational memories can be compared
and contrasted - Relational memories enable inferences and
50Recognition memory dual-process models
- Several lines of evidence support the idea that
two distinct processes (recollection,
familiarity) mediated by different brain regions
underlie recognition memory - Example. See face of a person you recognize the
person as familiar but are unable to recollect
anything about the person, when or where you met
that person - Recollection you recognize that person and can
recollect details about that person -
51Recognition memory dual-process models
- Evidence for dual process models (behavioral)
- Speeded recognition tests have shown that item
recognition tests (was this item studied) are
made more quickly than associative recognition
tests (when or where was this item studied) - Analysis of confidence intervals has shown that
when hit rate is plotted against false alarm
rate, curves are different for associative
recognition (linear) versus item recognition
(curvilinear) - also two different parameters are required to
account for shape of curve suggesting that two
distinctly different cognitive processes are
52Recognition memory dual-process models
- Evidence for dual process models (behavioral)
- Yonelinas has proposed that familiarity reflects
the strength of the memory trace (an is
quantitative) - Recollection reflects retrieval of qualitative,
contextual information
53Recognition memory dual-process models
- Evidence for dual process models (lesion)
- Amnesics are much more impaired on associative
recognition tests than on item recognition tests - Analysis of confidence intervals has shown that
only 1 type of process (curvilinear) is required
to account for recognition performance - See Yonelinas (2002) for further details
54Imagining new experiences amnesic performance
- Imagining new experiences (Schacter, Maguire,
Addis) - Amnesic individuals are impaired in ability to
imagine new experiences - E.g., when asked to describe what they imagine
when lying on a sandy beach, amnesic
participants were only able to describe general
aspects of this scenario (gist) - Normal controls could describe in specific detail
what they had imagined
55Neuropsychology of Memory
- Functional characteristics of amnesia
- working memory is intact
- semantic memory is spared (controversial)
- episodic memory is impaired
- procedural memory is intact
56Neuropsychology of Memory
- Theoretical implications of amnesia
- provides evidence for STM versus LTM distinction
- supports the notion that there are different
systems mediating explicit (episodic) and
implicit (procedural memory) - may indicate that semantic and episodic memory
can be fractionated - may provide insight into nature of consciousness
57Neuropsychology of Memory
- Memory and Consciousness
- Tulving has proposed that different memory
systems have associated with them different
levels of consciousness - noetic -- awareness
- episodic memory -- autonoetic, self awareness
- semantic memory -- noetic, aware of the
information, but not aware of event - procedural memory -- anoetic no conscious
58Neuropsychology of Memory
59Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Brain regions mediating declarative memory
- what is common appears to be the circuit linking
regions in the temporal lobes, the hippocampus,
the mammiliary bodies and regions of the thalamus
(note review Korsakoffs) - Next slides will review this in more detail
- See Eichenbaum (2002). The cognitive neuroscience
of memory and Moscovitch et al. (2005). 207,
35-66. Journal of Anatomy
60(No Transcript)
61Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Medial temporal lobe structures viewed from the
side (saggital section) - Moscovitch et al. (2005)
62Recollective and familiarity memory systems
63Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Brain regions mediating declarative memory
- 3 major component brain regions involved in
declarative memory - Cerebral cortex, parahippocampal region
- Hippocampus
- Parahippocampal region consists of perirhinal
cortex, parahippocampal cortex, and entorhinal
64Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Brain regions mediating declarative memory flow
of information - Bidirectional connections between cortex and
parahippocampal region - Bidirectional connections between parahippocampal
region and hippocampus - Highly processed information comes from
association areas of the cortex - Info further processed by the parahippocampal
region and hippocampus before being projected
back to regions that provided the information
65Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Brain regions mediating declarative memory flow
of information - Aside Background info about how sensory and
motor processing makes its way to association
areas - Sensory info -gtprimary cortical areas (e.g.,
visual cortex) -gt secondary and tertiary unimodal
sensory regions -gt multimodal association areas
located in temporal, parietal, and frontal lobes
as well as in cingulate area
66Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Brain regions mediating declarative memory flow
of information - Aside Background info about how sensory and
motor processing makes its way to association
areas - Motor -gtprimary cortical area (e.g., motor
cortex) ultimately projects to prefrontal and
cingulate areas
67Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Brain regions mediating declarative memory flow
of information - Association areas of the temporal -- object
identification using info from multiple sensory
modalities - Association areas parietal lobes process
spatial info about visual and other sensory
inputs - Prefrontal and cingulate areas process info
about the significance of stimuli, rules of
tasks, and plans for tasks - Each of these association areas provides input to
the parahippocampal region
68Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Parahippocampal region
- Consists of 3 distinct areas
- Perirhinal cortex
- Parahippocampal cortex
- Entorhinal cortex
- Inputs to parahippocampal region come from
virtually every higher-order association area - Perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices project
to the parts of the entorhinal cortex
69Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Parahippocampal region
- Anterior cortical inputs from prefrontal cortex
and anterior cingulate project to the perirhinal
cortex and entorhinal cortex - Posterior cortical inputs (temporal and parietal
regions) project to the perirhinal and
parahippocampal cortices
70Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Hippocampus
- Consists of several subfields including the
- CA1, CA3
- Dentate gyrus
- Subiculum
- Connected bidirectionally to the fornix, the
prefrontal cortex and the parahippocampal region - Also connected to regions of the thalamus
71Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Linking brain and memory
- Distinct memory systems reviewed in this lecture
include - Recollective memory conscious recollection of
experiences (autonoetic) - Familiarity memory memory for stimuli rather
than for events stimuli are recognized as
familiar wthout being placed in spatial/temporal
context (noetic) - Semantic memory memory for noncontextual
content of experience or knowledge about the
world (facts, concepts, word meanings, objects,
tools etc.) - It includes knowledge about ourselves (DOB, where
we lived, our jobs, facts about family etc.
72Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Linking brain and memory
- Recollective memory
- Relies on hippocampus, mamiliary bodies, and
anterior thalamic nuclei via the fornix (see
solid lines in Figure) - Familiarity memory
- Relies on circuit involving perirhinal cortex and
medial dorsal thalamus - Damage to this circuit will impair recognition of
even single items (see dotted lines in Figure) - Parahippocampal cortex may mediate place memory
73Recollective and familiarity memory systems
74Neuropsychology of Declarative Memory
- Linking brain and memory
- Semantic memory
- Does not depend on medial temporal lobe and
diencephalic structures - Semantic memory relies on a network of anterior
and posterior neocortical structures - Precise structures depend upon attributes of
memory (see next slidedifferent colors represent
site of different memory attributes (e.g.,
form, motion) - Brain regions include lateral and anterior
temporal lobe regions and the lateral inferior
prefrontal cortex particularly in the left
hemisphere (see next slide)
75Martin Chao (2001). Current Opinion in
- (a) Ventral brain regions from occipital to
temporal lobesrepresent color and shape
properties (fusiform gyrus) - (b) Left lateral areas motor areas in
prefrontal cortex and parietal areas represent
manipulation of objects posterior temporal lobes
represent motion properties of objects
76Semantic Memory