Title: ENG II Teacher Collaboration meeting
1ENG II Teacher Collaboration meeting
2- Meeting Agenda
- Introductions
- Curriculum Guidebooks
- Nature of Collaboration
3What is a network?
Not Evaluative
4Who is your network team
- Anna Collura ELA School Support Specialist (S3)
- Build school site capacity
- Mark Bailey Network Executive Director
- Sandy Newsham Algebra I, U.S. History S3
- Cathie Brister Geometry, Biology S3
- Jennifer Pell-Lingle SpEd and Special Projects
5Group introductionsname, school, course(s)
6End of Course testenglish ii
7ENGLISH II - end of Course13-14 Structure
Test Section Number of Points Suggested Testing Time
Section1 Writing 12 75 min
Section 2 Reading and Research 24 40 min
Section 3 Reading and Proofreading 22 40 min
Totals 58 155 min
Note Only 50 points count towards a students
final score. Any additional points come from
embedded field test items and do not count
towards a students final score. Points are not
detracted from writing.
8ENGLISH II - end of Course13-14 Structure
Test Section Number of Points Weight Suggested Testing Time
Section1 Writing 12 24 75 min
Section 2 Reading and Research 24 32 - 48 40 min
Section 3 Reading and Proofreading 22 28 - 44 40 min
Totals 58 155 min
Note Only 50 points count towards a students
final score. Any additional points come from
embedded field test items and do not count
towards a students final score. Points are not
detracted from writing.
9ENGLISH II - end of Course13-14 Structure
Test Part Number of Points Weight
Writing 12 24
Language 6 12
Reading 24 48
Research 8 16
Total 50
Note Determined through comparison of December
2013 and May 2014 English II EOC Student Item
Analysis Reports.
10ENGLISH II - end of Course13-14 Structure
CCSS Domain Section(s) Points
Reading Literature (RL) Reading 15-16
Reading Informational (RI) Reading 7-8
Writing (W) Writing and Research 16
Language (L) Writing, Language, Reading 10-12
11Section 1 Writing
- Read 1 passage (fiction or nonfiction)
- Write expository essay that uses evidence from
the passage - Scored Content, Style, Conventions
- Standards Covered
- Writing W.9-10.2, W.9-10.4, W.9-10.9
- Language L.9-10.1, L.9-10.2, L.9-10.3
12Sections 2-3 Reading
- 4 passages (short story, novel, drama, paired
poems, or nonfiction excerpts) - Answer passage-based multiple-choice questions
- Standards Covered
- Reading Literature RL.9-10.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10
- Reading Informational RI.9-10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 8, 10 - Language L.9-10.4, L.9-10.5 (Vocabulary)
13Section 2 Research
- Multiple choice questions
- Researching to answer a question or solve a
problem - The narrowing or broadening of a topic of inquiry
- The synthesis of multiple sources on a subject
- Gathering relevant information
- Assessing the usefulness of a source
- Integrating information from sources
- Following a standard citation format
- Standards Covered
- Writing W.9-10.7, W.9-10.8
14Section 3 Language
- Read sentences to recognize or correct different
kinds of errors - Multiple choice questions
- Standards Covered
- Language L.9-10.1, L.9-10.2
- Writing W.9-10.5 (editing and revising)
- Grade 9-10 Progressive Skills
15Where do we stand?data
16District Overall EOC Growth
- Percent of Students Proficient on EOC
- Currently ranked 37th in the state
09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14
38 46 51 55 60
17District ENG II Growth
Academic Year JPPSS Students Proficient State Students Proficient Difference
08-09 43 50 -7
09-10 46 54 -8
10-11 55 61 -6
11-12 63 66 -3
12-13 73 75 -2
13-14 71 72 -1
Note JPPSS ENG II is currently ranked 39th in
the state.
18ENG II Growth by schoolPercentage of students
proficient (Academies Excellent)
School 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 Difference
A 46 63 69 72 26
B 39 47 64 44 5
C 65 66 75 73 8
D 45 58 70 63 18
E 74 69 86 73 -1
F 75 73 81 80 5
G 49 48 65 62 13
H 50 72 77 75 25
I 73 77 78 87 14
J 38 54 58 61 23
K 80 88 76 91 11
L 73 69 74 58 -15
19School Performance By strand 13-14
School Writing / Language Conventions correct Reading correct Research correct
A 65 60 58
B 53 50 61
C 62 56 69
D 61 55 61
E 59 58 56
F 84 81 84
G 57 54 60
H 63 61 58
I 67 67 62
J 55 54 59
K 89 85 88
L 77 74 80
DISTRICT 66.0 62.9 66.3
20Louisiana department of education 9-12 Curriculum
21Guidebook structure
- ELA Overview (page 8)
- Step-by-step how to guide for selecting texts,
organizing text sets, and designing targeted
instruction. - Tools for Teaching (page 19)
- Sample year long plans, unit plans, lesson plans,
and assessments. - Appendix (page 301)
- CCSS ELA standards
22Using guidebooks (page 25)
- 1. Read the text and unit focus
- 2. Identify what mastery of the content and
standards look like for students - 3. Adapt and create daily instructional tasks
that prepare students for end of unit
23Whats there and whats not?
- Adjustments for incoming student needs, schedule,
and resources - Student mastery exemplars
- Formative assessments aligned to daily objectives
- Language and
- Research
- Units for grade-level text based instruction
- Culminating, Cold-Read, Extension tasks
- Lessons that address reading, understanding, and
expressing the text
24Guidebook units
- HIGHLY recommended
- Division of labor
- Context for evaluating student performance
25Student Anthology
26Interval proposal
- Cold Read texts reading and writing
- Team created language and research questions
27Anchor text selection
- Review Guidebooks with your school team
- Decide on first anchor texts
- Place sticky with school name in the appropriate
box (if you choose other, please include the
anchor text your plan to use)
School X What is Rhetoric?
29Nature of collaboration
30What would be the best use of this time?
- Sharing broader effective practices
- Trouble shooting at unit level
- Co-evaluating student work
- Upcoming Interval/Anthology committee?
- Document sharing platform?
- Etc.
31Exit slip
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