Some Lessons for Evaluators of DARPA Programs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Some Lessons for Evaluators of DARPA Programs


Some Lessons for Evaluators of DARPA Programs Paul Cohen Computer Science School of Information: Science, Technology and Arts University of Arizona – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Some Lessons for Evaluators of DARPA Programs

Some Lessons for Evaluators of DARPA Programs
  • Paul Cohen
  • Computer Science
  • School of Information Science, Technology and
  • University of Arizona

Shameless plug
Textbook, MIT Press, 1995
Other material Empical Methods Tutorial at the
Pacific Rim AI Conference, 2008 Assessing the
Intelligence of Cognitive Decathletes. Paul
Cohen. Presented at the NIST Workshop on
Cognitive Decathlon. Washington DC. January
2006. If Not the Turing Test, Then What? Paul
Cohen. Invited Talk at the National Conference
on Artificial Intelligence. July, 2004. Various
papers on empirical methods.
  • Some general lessons about how to conduct
    evaluations of DARPA programs
  • Some specific methodological lessons that every
    DARPA program manager should know illustrated
    with a case study of a large IPTO program
  • A checklist for evaluation designs

General lessons from DARPA program evaluations
  • All DARPA program evaluations serve three
    masters The director, the program manager, and
    the research(ers).
  • A well-designed evaluation gives these
    stakeholders what they need, but compromise is
    necessary and the evaluator should broker it
  • The evaluator is not there to trip up the
    performer, but to design a test that can be
    passed. Whether it is passed is up to the
  • Start early. Ideally, the program claims,
    protocols and metrics are ready before the
    BAA/solicitation is even released.
  • Keep the claims simple, but make sure there are
  • Write (no Powerpoint!) the protocol, including
    claims, materials and subjects, method, planned
    analyses and expected results
  • Run pilot experiments. Really. It's too
    expensive not to. Really. I mean it.
  • Provide adequate infrastructure for the
    experiments. Dont be cheap.

General lessons from DARPA program evaluations
  • You are spending tens of millions on the program,
    so require the evaluation to provide more than
    one bit (pass/fail) of information (Lesson 5,
    below demos are good, explanations better or as
    Tony Tether said, passing the test is necessary
    but not sufficient for continued funding.)
  • Stay flexible Multi-year programs that test the
    same thing each year quickly become ossified.
    Review and refine claims (metrics, protocol...)
  • Stay flexible II Let some parameters of the
    evaluation (e.g., number of subjects or test
    items) be set pragmatically and dont freak if
    they change.
  • Stay flexible III Avoid methodological purists.
    Any fool can tell you why something is not
    allowed or your sample size is wrong, etc. A
    good evaluator finds workarounds and quantifies

Some methodological lessons that every DARPA
program manager should know
  1. Evaluation begins with claims metrics without
    claims are meaningless
  2. The task of empirical science is to explain
  3. Humans are great sources of variability
  4. Of sample variance, effect size, and sample size,
    control the first before touching the last
  5. Demonstrations are good, explanations are better
  6. Most explanations involve additional factors
    most interesting science is about interaction
    effects, not main effects
  7. Exploratory Data Analysis use your eyes to look
    for explanations in data
  8. Not all studies are experiments, not all analysis
    hypothesis testing
  9. Significant and meaningful are not synonyms

Lesson 1 Evaluation begins with claims
  • The most important, most immediate and most
    neglected part of evaluation plans.
  • What you measure depends on what you want to
    know, on what you claim.
  • Claims
  • X is bigger/faster/stronger than Y
  • X varies linearly with Y in the range we care
  • X and Y agree on most test items
  • It doesn't matter who uses the system (no effects
    of subjects)
  • My algorithm scales better than yours (e.g., a
    relationship between size and runtime depends on
    the algorithm)
  • Non-claim I built it and it runs fine on some
    test data

The team claims that its system performance is
due to learned knowledge
Learning that chooses its own features
Hybrid learning methods
Learning over diverse features
Learning by example
Learning by advice
New methods
Perceptual learning
Learning relations
Common experimental environment
System that supports Integrated Learning
Knowledge Base
Learning to put email in the right folders
Subjects' mail
Subjects' mail folders
Three learning methods
Compare to get classification accuracy
Lesson 2 The task of empirical science is to
explain variabilityLesson 3 Humans are a great
source of variability
Lesson 2 The task of empirical science is to
explain variabilityLesson 3 Humans are a great
source of variability
Why do you need statistics? When something
obviously works, you don't need statistics When
something obviously fails, you don't need
statistics Statistics is about the ambiguous
cases, where things don't obviously work or
fail. Ambiguity is generally caused by variance,
some variance is caused by lack of control If you
don't get control in your experiment design, you
try to supply it post hoc with statistics
Accuracy vs. Training Set SizeAveraged over
No differences are significant
Accuracy vs. Training Set Size(100 Coverage,
No differences are significant
Why are things not significantly
different?Lesson 6 Most explanations involve
additional factors
Means are close together and variance is high
Means are far apart but variance is high
Why is variance high? Your experiment looks at
X1, the algorithm, and Y, the score, but there is
usually an X2 lurking which contributes to
variance Lesson 2 The task of empirical science
is to explain variability. Find and control X2!
Lesson 7 Exploratory Data Analysis means your
eyes to look for explanations in data
Which contributes more to variance in accuracy
scores Subject or Algorithm?
7) EDA use your eyes to look for explanations
in data
  • Three categories of errors identified
  • Mis-foldered (drag-and-drop error)
  • Non-stationary (wouldnt have put it there now)
  • Ambiguous (could have been in other folders)
  • Users found that 40 55 of their messages fell
    into one of these categories

EDA tells us the problem We're trying to find
differences between algorithms when the gold
standards are themselves errorful but in
different ways, increasing variance!
Lesson 4 Of sample variance, effect size, and
sample size, control the first before touching
the last
Lesson 4 Of sample variance, effect size, and
sample size, control the first before touching
the last
Subtract Alg1 from Alg2 for each subject, i.e.,
look at difference scores, correcting for
variability of subjects "matched pair" test
Significant difference having controlled
variance due to subjects
Lesson 5 Demonstrations are good explanations
Having demonstrated that one algorithm is better
than another we still can't explain Why is it
better? Is it something to do with the task or a
general result? Why is it not better at all
levels of training? Is it an artefact of the
analysis or a repeatable phenomenon? Why does
the REL curve look straight, unlike conventional
learning curves? These and other questions tell
us we have demonstrated but not explained an
effect we don't know much about it.
Lesson 8 Not all studies are experiments, not
all analyses are hypothesis testing
The purpose of the study might have been to model
the rate of learning Modeling also involves
statistics, but a different kind Degree of fit,
percentage of variance accounted for, linear and
nonlinear models
Lesson 9 Significant and meaningful are not
Reduction in uncertainty due to knowing Algorithm
Estimate of reduction in variance
For "fully trained" algorithms ( 500 training
Lesson 6 Most interesting science is about
interaction effects, not main effects
Systems performance improves at a greater rate
when learned knowledge is included than when only
engineered knowledge is included. Learned
knowledge begets learned knowlege The lines
arent parallel The effect of development
effort (horizontal axis) is different for the
learning system than for the nonlearning system.
Interaction effect!
Review of lessons every DARPA program manager
needs to know
  1. Evaluation begins with claims metrics without
    claims are meaningless
  2. The task of empirical science is to explain
  3. Humans are great sources of variability
  4. Of sample variance, effect size, and sample size,
    control the first before touching the last
  5. Demonstrations are good, explanations are better
  6. Most explanations involve additional factors
    most interesting science is about interaction
    effects, not main effects
  7. Exploratory Data Analysis use your eyes to look
    for explanations in data
  8. Not all studies are experiments, not all analysis
    hypothesis testing
  9. Significant and meaningful are not synonyms

Checklist for evaluation design
  • What are the claims? What are you testing, and
  • What is the experiment protocol or procedure?
    What are the factors (independent variables),
    what are the metrics (dependent variables)? What
    are the conditions, which is the control
  • Sketch a sample data table. Does the protocol
    provide the data you need to test your claim?
    Does it provide data you don't need? Are the
    data the right kind (e.g., real-valued
    quantities, frequencies, counts, ranks, etc.) for
    the analysis you have in mind?
  • Sketch the data analysis and representative
    results. What will the data look like if they
    support / don't support your conjecture?

Checklist for evaluation design, cont.
  • Consider possible results and their
    interpretation. For each way the analysis might
    turn out, construct an interpretation. A good
    experiment design provides useful data in "all
    directions" pro or con your claims
  • Ask yourself again, what was the question? It's
    easy to get carried away designing an experiment
    and lose the big picture
  • Is everyone satisfied? Are all the stakeholders
    in the evaluation going to get what they need?
  • Run a pilot experiment to calibrate parameters
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