Title: Your%20Money%20or%20Your%20Life
1Your Money or Your Life
- David M. Cutler
- Harvard University
2One of the following is true
- Money spent on new medical innovations is a major
drain on the economy - More RD will lower health spending.
- Elvis is alive and haunting the Boston Red Sox
3Two types of innovation
- Treatment innovation
- Extremely rapid, very expensive
- Key question is it worth it?
- Process innovation
- Much slower
4Consequences of treatment innovation
- As a whole, what we do is worth it.
Source Cutler et al., NEJM, 2006.
5Consequences of treatment innovation
- But we significantly overdo it.
Source Baicker and Chandra, Health Affairs
6If you believe
- The high value as a whole
- Spend more on medical innovation, and convince
people its good - We overdo it
- Think about health care cost containment.
7Conceptualizing Medical Advance
- Should Be Done
- Yes No
- Yes
- No
Is Done
8Conceptualizing Medical Advance
- Should Be Done
- Yes No
- Yes ?
- No ?
Is Done
9The matching of needs to services is haphazard
- Should Be Done
- Yes No
- Yes ?
- No ?
Acute interventions
Is Done
Chronic disease management
10Coordination is very important
Source Baicker and Chandra, Health Affairs
11It is possible to
- Cut spending by 20-30 percent (in addition to
admin) - Wennberg and colleagues
- Get people better care
- See HEDIS measurement
12How To Do This?
- Demand side Make health care more of a market,
like other things - Supply-side Orient payment to quality
- Information technology
- Quality-based rewards
13Examples of Underdeveloped Industries
- The personal health planning industry
- The cousin of financial planning
- The care coordination industry
- Shouldnt we all get concierge medicine?
- The post-trial evaluation industry
- What really works, and how?
14In Summary
- Elvis may be haunting the Red Sox, but with the
right medical team, maybe he could beat the