?????CRT????? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: PowerPoint Author: squid Last modified by: user Created Date: 12/8/2002 2:33:16 PM Document presentation format: Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: crt | electron


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ?????CRT?????

??2 ?????????????? (????15/16)
?? ???????(cathode ray tube, CRT)????????(E)???(B
)????????,?????????(e/m?) ?? Lorentz force F
q(E v x B) SI unit N C(V/m)
  • ?????CRT?????
  • ????G
  • ????F
  • ????A (???V1)
  • ????(??)?????
  • ????(??)?????
  • Z?????????
  • ???
  • ?????(CRT)??????
  • ?????(CRT)????C

??????????Operation Principle of CRT
  • I. ?????????????(4,5)????????
  • ???????????(8)???C(9)???????
  • ?????G(1), ????F(2)?????A(3)(???V1)?
  • ???Z??(6)?????,mvz2/2 eV1 ? vz (2eV1/m)1/2
  • ???????(XY?)(7)??????,??????

???? m 9.11 x 10-31 kg ?? q -e -1.60 x
10-19 C
As V4 0 V5 0
Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)
  • The electrons are deflected in various directions
    by two sets of plates.
  • The placing of charge on the plates creates the
    electric field between the plates and allows the
    beam to be steered.
  • Commonly used to obtain a visual display of
    electronic information in oscilloscopes, radar
    systems, televisions, etc..
  • Be a vacuum tube in which a beam of electrons is
    accelerated and deflected under the influence of
    electric or magnetic fields.

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) - is one of the main
elements of an oscilloscope.
  • A CRT is commonly used to obtain a visual display
    of electronic information in oscilloscopes, radar
    systems, televisions, etc.
  • The CRT is a vacuum tube in which a beam of
    electrons is accelerated and deflected under the
    influence of electric or magnetic fields.
  • The tubes are produced with electrostatic and
    electromagnetic control, where electrostatic or
    magnetic fields deviate the electron beam
  • The principle scheme of CRT has electrostatic
    control as well as the motion of the electrons in
    the beam drawing a sinusoid on the screen of

Configuration of CRT
  • CRT consists of 6 sections
  • Glass bulb evacuated to a high vacuum (???)
  • Cathode (a source of electrons,?????)
  • Cathode heater (?????)
  • Electrodes for brightness and focus control,
    several accelerating anodes (????????????)
  • Pairs of horizontal and vertical capacitor plates
    deviating the electron beam
  • Fluorescing screen (???)

Discharge Tube
  • It was observed that whenever the glass tube
    filled with air at low pressure and
  • sealed with electrodes at both the ends was
    subjected to about 10,000 volts of electricity,
  • a strange glow was produced around the edges of
    the wide end of the glass tube, irrespective of
    the type of gases present in it.
  • The glass tube with sealed electrodes is called
    discharge tube.

Discharge Tube
Electron Gun
Cutaway rendering of a color CRT
  1. Electron guns
  2. Electron beams
  3. Focusing coils
  4. Deflection coils
  5. Anode connection
  6. Mask for separating beams for red, green, and
    blue part of displayed image
  7. Phosphor layer with red, green, and blue zones
  8. Close-up of the phosphor-coated inner side of the

CATHODE-RAY TUBE (CRT)- is one of the main
elements of an oscilloscope.
  • One of anodes, which accelerate the electrons, is
    placed close to the screen.
  • The high positive voltage is applied to this
  • Under the action of the applied voltage the
    electrons are moved with acceleration from
    cathode to anode.
  • In the absence of the voltage applied to
    deviating plates of the capacitor the electron
    beam will be incident on the screen in the center
    brightening a point in the fluorescing layer.
  • In oscilloscope the analyzed signal after
    amplification is applied to vertical deviating
    plates, while the periodic sawtooth signal is
    applied to horizontal plates.

  • As a result the electron beam "draws"  the
    dependence of the investigated signal on time on
    the screen of the tube.
  • Reaching the right side of the screen the beam
    has to be returned to an initial point at the
    left side.
  • Thus, if CRT is not blanked during this retrace,
    then the beam will leave a track crossing the
    image of investigated signal.
  • For this reason, during retrace a negative
    voltage is applied to control electrode situated
    near to cathode and electrons are locked by such
    a way at the electron gun.
  • As a result, the electron beam will be
    discontinuous, as shown in animation.

Related Web Sites for CRT Animation
  • http//highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072512644/s
  • http//physics-animations.com/Physics/English/osc_
  • http//www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/on-line/electron/
  • The Cathode Ray Tube site http//members.chello.n
  • How Television Works http//www.howstuffworks.co

2. ??????????? ??????X(4)?????Y(5)??????,???
???(E),??????,???Y?L, ????d, ?????V2 (E
V2/d),???????????D,????Y????SE,????(XY?)?Y? SE
X?????? Y?????
X, Y??????
3. ??????????? ????Y?????? f ?/2? 1/T
???,??????????l??? Note???? Vrms 110 V, f
60 Hz
4. ????????? ???????????????(B)??????
????x?? (?L),??????????? D ????Y???? SB (?
Sm) ???(XY?)Y??SB???? 5. ????????????
??????? SE SB 0 eE evzB
vz E/B ?? SE ? SB
???????? (e/m) ?
???? I. ??????? 1. ?????(X 60 mm, Y 54 mm,
D 115 mm, L 11 mm, d 1.65 mm)
??CRT??(Unilab 031.502) X?X?????
Y?Y????? A1??????? Z??? 2.
CRT???CTR????(032.332) ???CRT??(tube supply)
??????! ????, ???????
????(off)(??) 3. ??CRT??? ??(brill)(????)
II????? 1. ???(amplifier)(2)(032.842)?CRT?????(1)
(032.332)?aux unit????(6 V) 2. ??????
?????(1)?????(6 Vrms)?????? ????A
(alternating coupling)??? ???C (common) AC
??ac????(?????) DC ????D (direct
coupling) ac/dc?????? 3.
????X/Y????CRT??(3) (031.502)???Y???? 4.
????????(gain)? ?? (shift) ?,?????Y??
????????/????? l 2Vm (???)
Y???(sensitivity) 23 V/1 cm (Q)?????T?
III.????????? 1. ?????(2)??????? (??????) 2.
?????(2)??????? (??????)?????
???(3)??DC?(??) 3. ?????(3)?????
CRT?????????(5) (???????t)(???)
3. (5)??Y?????? ??????(4)???DC?
(???????V) 4. ?????A???? ?????(2)(032.892)
(time base generator) ?????(sync) 5.
??CRT???Y(X) V(t), ???(Vm)???(T)
  • IV. ????
  • ???????????(5) ??????????(2) (031.402),????N
    3000? 3000??
  • ??????(4)????(3) ???????(I)??,???B ?
  • 3.??????????CRT ??(1)?CRT??
  • 4.???????????e/m???

??3 ????? (????17)
?? ?????(oscilloscope)???????? ??
????????????????? (?) ??? TRIO CS-1022
(??B) 1. ?????(CRT)?? (Z???) (????)
??????(power) (13,14) (????,????) ??(ground,
GND) (15) ????,?????? (????,????) ??(probe
adjust) (16) ??, f 1 kHz, Vp-p 2Vm
0.5 V ????(trace rotation) (17) ??????/????
??(focus) (18) ???? ??(intensity) (19)
???? (3-1)

????? (?) TRIO CS-1022 Y -- X
Z l T (3-2)
2. ??(vertical)(Y?)???(horrizontal)(X?)??
(?Y??) ????(position) (1) ???? (???????)
??/????(variable/cal) (2) ????(cal)??,
????? 1 mV/? 5 V/? ???(sensitivity/volts)
(3) ??????? ????(ac-GND-dc) (4) ac
alternating coupling (??) GND no signal
(????) dc direct coupling (????)
??(input) (5) BNC??? ???? (mode) (12)
ch 1 Y signal only ch 2 X signal
only add XY alt, chop (????)

3. ??(T)?? (X???) ????/??(trig level/slope)
(22) ???? (/0) ????(trig coupling)
(23) ac ???(trig source) (24) ch
1 Y ?? (???????) ch 2 X line
(????) ext (????) (?21) ????(trig
mode) (25) auto (????) norm (??)
X Y ??/????(variable/cal) (26)
????(cal)??, ????? 0.2 ms/? 0.5 s/?
????(sweep time) (27) ??????? ????(position)
(28) ???? (???????) (3-4)

??????(block diagram) (?) National
VP-5107T Y X/ T
calibrator power/Z (3-5)
???????(signal generator) (?) TRIO
AG-203 ??(power) (1,2) (????) ????(attenuation)
0 - -50 dB 6????? (3) I(dB)
10.log10(I/I0) 0 dB 1, -10 dB 10-1 -20 dB
10-2, -30 dB 10-3 -40 dB 10-4, -50 dB
10-5 ????(output) (4) ??(wave form) ???,??
(5) ??(frequency) 10 Hz 1 MHz 5?????(range)
(6,8,9,10) x1 (10-100 Hz), x10, x100 x1k,
x10k (100 kHz 1 MHz) ??(amplitude) ????
(7) (3-6)
?? 1. ?????? 2. ??????????? 3. ?????????? 4.
X-Y?? X,Y?????? ???????? Vx Vy 5.
??(f)?? Y?????? Vy(t)
Vmsin(2pf.t) (3-7)
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